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50 Cards in this Set

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alkanes: longer chain =
more dense, higher MP, higher BP
alkanes are less reactive than even
stronger intermolclr forces =
higher BP
most stable chair conformation occurs when the substituents are in
the *equatorial* position
concentrated, hot acid provides
lower heat of hydration =
more stable
**only the concentration of the ______ determines the rate of SN1
diol + ketone =
*only tertiary species react via SN1
primary and secondary are via SN2
closer to the EN atom =
shifted more downfield
vinyl =
CH2 = CH -
nucleophiles attack alpha, beta unsaturated carbonyls at
the Beta carbon
alkanes don't undergo substitution

like dissolves like!
"homolytic cleavage" ~
formation of two radicals from a single bond
Z configuration means
highest priorities are on the SAME side
hydration =
add OH, H to a double bond
remember, more-substituted =
more stable
the oxygen in ethers
CAN H-bond
the shorter the chain of the alcohol, the more soluble/miscible
it is in water
miscible =
forms a homogenous soln in any amount w/ another solvent
Gringard reagent -
polar, but no acidic H
phenyl rings =>
HBr is used to replace
shorter chain =
greater solubility
** aldol condensation always ends in
=O and -OH
the cpmd with NO alpha-hydrogen
is the electrophile
1,2 conjugate addition refers to addition at both carbons of the double bond
1, 4 addition means the two sites of addition are separated by two carbons
CA's form stronger H-bonds than
**B-carbonyls =>
anhydrides are more reactive than
Gringard is a STRONG
amides are more stable than
trans is more stable than
if a cmpd possesses a lone pair of electrons,
it's optically inactive
amines are basic
the addition of EDG onto a nitrogen make it more basic,

b/c now it has greater electron density to dispense

conversely, adding an EWG makes it less basic
the only EWG that direct ortho, para is
the halogen group
**when pH = pI,
the zwitterion form predominates
adding double bonds =>
lower MP
trans fatty acids have less kinks, pack better
cis ~ kinks
pI is greater than 7 if
the AA is basic
**ALL AA's in the body are
pH = pI at the first
equivalence point
at pI, ALL species are in
zwitterion form
at the half-eq point, the AA's are in
half neutral, half positive forms
**the body contains ONLY
L - AA's
amines are more basic than
D, L designations
refer to which way the hydroxy group of the highest chiral carbon is facing
a new C=O raises
the BP
when you see "orientation", immediately see which one is the
chiral center
KH, THF is the strongest base
that one can use as a reagent