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69 Cards in this Set

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how do you get from g/cm^3 to kg/m^3
mutliply by 1000
what is avogadro's number
6.02 x 10^23
how do you find empirical formula
use a sample of 100g
what is the oxidation state of F
what is the order of electronegs
t or f. oxidation states are always whole numbers
false they may be fractions
what is Z
the atomic number = number of protons
what is A
mass number = number of Z + neutrons
what does shell number n tell you
size and energy of the orbital
what does subshell number l tell you
shape and energy of the orbital
waht does orbital number ml tell you
orientation of the orbital
what does spin number tell you ms
spin of the electron orbital
what does aufbau's principle tell you
electrons occupy the lowest energy orbitals avail
waht is hunds rule
electrons in the same subshell occupy available orbitals singly before piaring up
what does the pauli exlusion principle tell you
no two electrons in teh same atom can ahve the same set of four quantum numbers
can the second quatum number be negative
no it is n-1 and then whole numbers 0 through n -1
can the third quantum number be negative
yes, it is -L through +l
what does diamagnetic mean
atom that has all fo its electrons psin paired
would a diamagnetic atom be attracted or repelled by an externally produced magnetic field
E photon =
hf = hc/wavelength
what is planck's constant
6/63 x 10^-34 Js
Ephoton =
hf = hc/lambda
what makes up an alpha particle
2p+ 2no
the protons and neutrons are held together by the _____ nuclear force
what are three types of beta decay
- + and electron capture
what does the beta particle look like
0 e
when would negative beta decay occur
when an unstable nculeus contains too many neutrons it may convert a neutron into a protona nd an electron
what happens in alpha decay
decreases number of neutrons and protons in larg nucleus.
subtract 4 from mass number
subtract 2 from atomic number
what happens in beta- decary
decreases number of neutrons
increases number of protons
add one to the atomic number
what happens in beta+ decay
increases the number of neutrons
decreases the number of protons
subtract 1 from the atomic number
what happens in electron capture
increases number of neutrons
decreases number of protons
subtract one from atomic number
when does mass number A stay the same?
everything except for alpha
what happens in gamma decay
no numbers change just a star showing an excited nucleus to a lower energy state and emitting a gamma
what is the equation for the decay curve
N = No(1/2)^t/t.5
where are the metalloids on the periodic table
B to Po
what is the periodic trend for atomic radius
down left
what is the periodic trend for ionization energy
up right
what is the periodic trend for electron affinity
up right for more negative
what is the periodic trend for electornegativity
up right
what is the periodic trend for acidity
down right
resonance structure is where only what can move around
nonbonding electons double and single bonds
what is a lewis base
accepts electrons
hydrogen bonds occur between H and __ ___ ___
what is sublimation
solid to gas
waht is deposition
gas to solid
what is another word for fusion
in moving from a solid to a gas is heat absorbed or given off
q =
n x change in H
what is the definition of a calorie
the amount of heat required to raise the temp of 1 gram of water by one degree C
when a substance absorbs or releases heat there are two things that can happen: temp change or phase change. do these occur simultaneously?
what is another equation for q= in terms of change in T
q= mcAT
A= change in
how many joules in a calorie
4.2 J
what is unique about the phase diagram for water
it has a slightly negative slope
is water denser as a solid or liquid
liquid hence ice floats
what are the axes of a phase diagram
Y = pressure
T = temperature
what are the labels on the phase diagram
the average kinetic energy of the moelcules is directly proportional to the ....
change in T
1 m^3 =
1000 L
R = _____ Latm/Kmol
if pressure is constant, then
volume is proportional to the temperature
what is the combined gas law
if two equal volume containers hold gas at the same pressur eand temperature then the contain the ___ number of particles regardless of the identity of the gas
partial pressure of a gas =
mole fraction times the total pressure
mole fraction =
nwhat you want/ nwhatyouwant + nwhateverelse
what is graham's law of effusion
rate of effusion/rate of effusion of gas B = sqrt (molar mass of Gas B/molar mass of Gas A)
since KE is proportional to T the root square mean is proportion to
square root T
a balloon holds a mixture of F2 and He. If the rms speed of helium is 540 what is the rms speed of F2?
vF2/vHe = sqrt(mHe/mF2)
vF = 1/3
1/3(540) = 180
what causes gases to deviate from ideal gas behavior
high pressure
low temperature
what is desirable for ideal gas in terms of pressure? temperature?
low pressure
high temp