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86 Cards in this Set

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All mass consists of ____
Atoms consist of ____
protons, neutrons and electrons.
Protons and neutrons collectively are ____ and held together by ____.
strong nuclear force
Neutron is ____.
Charge on proton is ____.
Charge on electron is ____.
Charge on electron is ____.
1 electron unit =
1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs.
Most of an atom is ____.
Atom has same number of protons and electrons unless it is an ___, in which case it has a different number of protons and electrons and thus carries a ____.
net charge
Any single atom must be one of many ____.
Element cannot be separated into smaller parts by ____ means
We represent an element by its ____
chemical symbol.
The ____ is the number of protons.
atomic number
The ____ is the identity of the element.
atomic number
The ____ is how many protons plus neutrons the atom has.
mass number
Isotopes have same number of ____ but different numbers of ____.
Carbons isotopes are particularly important because ____ is based on carbon 12.
Avogadro's number
The number of atoms in a 12g sample of carbon is Avogadro's number = ____
6.02 x 10^23
1 mole = ____
6.022 x 10^23
____/____ = amu
____ is weighted weight of all naturally occurring isotopes.
atomic weight
An ____ is about the mass of a proton or a neutron.
The ____ is also defined by carbon 12, 1 atom of carbon 12 has a mass of ____ (si abbreviation of ____ is ____)
12 amu
Periodic table
row =
column =
group or family
Elements w/in a family are ____
chemically similar
First 2 families are the ____.
alkali metals
alkaline earth metals
The last 2 families are the ____.
noble gases
Periodic trends:
Electro negativity
Electron affinity
Energy of ionization
Atomic radius
Metallic character
If a trend starts with an e it increases to the ____.
right and up a periodic table.
The ____ is largest in the lower left hand corner.
atomic radius
The ____ increases as we move down and to the left on the periodic table.
metallic character
Metallic characteristics:
electrical conductivity
____ energy required to detach an electron from an atom
Ionization energy
Also becomes greater as you move more electrons, so the second is greater than the first, that is more energy is required to move the second electron than the first.
Ionization energy
____ - is the tendency of an atom to attract an electron that is in a bond shared by another atom
Electro negativity
____ - tells us how much an atom attracts electrons in a bond.
Electron Negativity
____ - is the energy released when an electron is added to a gaseous atom.
Electron Affinity
____ - tells us how much a lone atom attracts an electron.
Electron Affinity
____ is the sharing of a pair of electrons
Covalent bond
____ are distinct and separate repeating groups of 2 or more atoms held together by a covalent bond
Nuclei ____ each other,
The ____ is where the energy is the lowest.
bond length
Nature like the ____ possible, so will move the nuclei where the _____ is the ____.
lowest energy
overall energy
____ is energy from the reverse point of view, high ____ indicates a low energy molecule.
Bond energy
bond energy
To move the nuclei closer or farther apart requires ____, always require ____ to break a bond.
By bond energy we really mean bond ____, the bond energy is the amount of energy to ____ a bond.
dissociation energy
Energy is never ____ by breaking a bond, energy is released by bonds ____ in transition states.
A collection of atoms held together by bonds is a ____.
A ____ is one of a group of distinct and separate repeating units, salt is a compound but not a ____ because the elements are not distinctly grouped.
The atomic composition of a compound can be described with an ____ that gives the ratio of the atoms.
empirical formula
CH2O is the _____ for glucose, also has a _____ C6H12O6, which gives the exact amount of atoms in the molecule.
empirical formula
molecular formula
Only ____ can have molecular formulas.
molecular compounds
Atomic weight of all the atoms of one element and divide it by all the atoms in the empirical formula =
specific atom percent mass
____ does not create new compounds like melting.
Physical reaction
____ does create new compounds, like combustion.
Chemical reaction
____ is the one that limits the reaction. The one that is used up first.
Limiting reagent
Reactions don’t always run to ____, it may reach ____ or may have ____ reactions.
____ = amount of product one would get if it ran to completion with no competing reactions.
Theoretical Yield
____ = Actual Yield / Theoretical Yield.
Percent Yield
Solids can by ____ or ____
_____ have a sharp melting point and a well ordered structure of repeating units.
Crystalline solids
Table salt and ice are ____ one with ions one with molecules.
crystalline solids
Crystalline solids are ____
network covalent.
____ - network covalent of carbon bonds.
____ melts over a range and has no characteristic shape - glass.
Amorphous solid
____ - a special type of solid with repeating units, can be crystalline or amorphous, rapid cooling generally results in an amorphous solid and slow crystalline.
DNA, glycogen and protein are all ____.
____ are like the address of the electron in a given atom.
Quantum numbers
Each electron has a set of ____, that tell us about the position and energy level of the electron.
unique 4 quantum numbers
The ____ tells us which shell the electron is in.
principal quantum number
The ____ are like energy levels, the further from the nucleus the ____.
more energy
Each ____ represents a new principal quantum number .
____ = subshell, the possible values are from 0 to one less than the principal quantum number. They are described by S, P, D, F. S=0, P = 1 etc.
Azimuthal quantum number
____ = orbital in the subshell, the possible values are all integers from the negative value to the positive value of the azimuthal quantum number.

So from P subshell, could have 3 possible values -1, 0 and 1.
Magnetic quantum number
____ = distinguish between the two electrons in each orbital either positive 1/2 or negative 1/2.
Spin number
Pauli exclusion principal - ____
no two electrons can have the same 4 quantum numbers.
Heisenberg uncertainty principle - ____
the more you know about position the less you know about momentum and vice versa
____ - the orbital with the lowest energy will be contained in the subshell with the lowest energy, electrons will fill the orbital's with the lowest energy first
Aufbau principle
____ - some transition metals 4s and 3d, they are at the same energy level so certain cases electrons will add to empty 3d before 4s (just be aware it happens)
Degenerate orbital's
____ - electrons will add to empty orbital's at the same energy level before they fill any orbital at that level
Hunds rule
____ - electromagnetic energy is quantized, changes in discrete amounts, each discrete packet is a photon
Planck's Quantum theory
E is energy, H is Planck's constant, F is the frequency of the light
____ - light is made of particles called photons, elec
Photoelectric effect
Photons are released when an electron drops from a ____ energy level to a ____ energy level and a ____ can bump an electron to a higher energy level (farther from the nucleus).
The ____ must have a minimum amount of ____ to bump it up, if not it will just deflect.
Light is made of individual pieces.
photoelectric effect
The photoelectric effect is seen by light is shown on a substance ant knocks off electrons, if the lights ____ is too low no photoelectric occurs, no matter how great the ____ of the light.

Turning up the ____ does not help because of the ____ characteristic of light. That is adding more ____ does not help.
Ions like to form a ____ configuration, cations always form from losing electrons from the ____.
noble gas
highest energy subshell
____ - electrons of the atom, count the electrons and list them in the order of their subshells from lowest to highest.
Electron configuration
Electron Config chart
s p d f
1 s
2 s p
3 s p d
4 s p d f
5 s p d f