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364 Cards in this Set

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Robert Hooke

with crude compound microscope studying cork. named cells

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

first to view living cell under microscope

Rudolph Virchow

demonstrated that diseased cells could arise from normal cells in normal tissues

4 tenets of cell theory

1. all living things composed of cells

2. the cell is basic functional unit of life

3. cells arise only from preexisting cells

4. cells carry genetic info in form of DNA, passed on from parent to daughter cell

what makes cell eukaryotic

contain true nucleus enclosed in membrane


allows for diffusion of molecules throughout the cell, semifluid, where organelles are suspended


contain all genetic material necessary for replication. surrounded by nuclear membrane/envelope (double membrane), has nuclear pores within it that allow for two way exchange between cytoplasm and nucleus


subsection of nucleus where ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is synthesized, darker spot in nucleus

mitochondrial membranes

outer membrane - barrier b/w cytosol and inner environment

inner membrane- has infoldings called cristae that increase surface area available for ETC enzymes.

intermembrane space

space between inner and outer membranes

mitochondrial matrix

space inside inner membrane. pumping of protons from matrix to intermembrane space create a proton-motive force. when flow through ATP synthase back into matrix, generate ATP via oxidative phosphorylation


semi-autonomous. own genes, replicate independently of nucleus via binary fission (cytoplasmic/extranuclear inheritance). thought to have evolved from anaerobic prokaryote engulfing an aerobic prokaryote, creating symbiotic relationship. capable of killing cell (apoptosis) by release enzymes from ETC


membrane-bound, contain hydrolytic enzymes capable of breaking down substrates, including those ingested by endocytosis and cellular waste products.


enzymes of lysosome that are normally sequestered, released and results in apoptosis

endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

series of interconnected membranes touching nuclear envelope. numerous invaginations which create complex structures in central lumen

rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)

studded with ribosomes that perform translation of proteins destined for secretion directly into its lumen

smooth ER (SER)

primarily for lipid synthesis and detoxification of certain drugs/poisons. transports proteins from RER to golgi apparatus

Golgi apparatus

stacked membrane-bound sacs (cisternae). where cellular products are modified by addition of carbs/phosphates/sulfates or addition of signal sequence to direct delivery to particular cellular location. products packaged in vesicles. those destined for secretion, vesicle merge with cell membrane and release contents via exocytosis


contain hydrogen peroxide, breaks down very long chain fatty acids via B-oxidation. participate in synthesis of phospholipids and contain some of the pentose phosphate pathway enzymes


provide structure to cell and conduit for transport of materials. 3 types = microfilaments, microtubules, intermediate filaments

microfilaments (3 functions)

solid polymerized rods of actin in bundles that 1. resist compression/fracture (protecting the cell). also 2. used to generate force for movement by interacting with myosin (muscle contraction). 3. form the cleavage furrow ring that divide daughter cells in cytokinesis

microtubules and their three functions

hollow polymers of tubulin. 1. primary pathways along which motor proteins kinesin and dynein carry vesicles. compose cilia and flagella. Mitotic spindle


eukaryotic motor proteins that travel plus end of the microtubule that they are on (i.e., away from the center of the cell). gain energy by hydrolysis of ATP


motor proteins that travel negative end of microtubule (toward center of cell) gain energy by hydrolysis of ATP


projections from cell made of microtubules. involved in movement of materials along surface of cell


made of microtubules. move the cell itself.

9 + 2 structure

shared structure of cilia and flagella. nine pairs of microtubules form outer ring with two microtubules in center. only in eukaryotic organelles of motility (bacterial different structure)


found in centrosome region of cell. organizing centers for microtubules, structures as nine triplets of microtubules with a hollow center. from opposite poles of cell, organize mitotic spindle. microtubules emanate from centrioles and attach to chromosomes via complexes called kinetochores, then able exert force to pull sister chromatids apart

intermediate filaments

diverse group of filamentous proteins. many involved in cell-cell adhesion or maintenance of cytoskeleton integrity. withstand great tension, keeping cell structure more rigid. anchor organelles. specific to cell and tissue type

4 important intermediate filaments

keratin, desmin, vimentin, lamina

what are the four tissues types

1. epithelial

2. connective

3. muscle

4. nervous tissue

epithelial tissues

cover body and line cavities, protecting against desiccation and pathogen invasion. in particular organs, also involved in absorption, secretion, sensation. often polarized, one side faces lumen/outside world and other side interacts with underlying blood vessels/structural cells

basement membrane

underlying layer of connective tissue that tightly joins epithelial cells


functional parts of organ, generally made up of epithelial cells.

3 examples of perenchyma

1. nephrons in kidney

2. hepatocytes in liver

3. acid-producing cells of stomach

simple epithelia

one layer of cells

stratified epithelia

multiple layers

pseudostratified epithelia

appear to have multiple layers because of differences of cell height but are actually just one layer

cuboidal epithelial cells

cube shaped

columnar epithelial cells

long and thin

squamous epithelial cells

flat and scale like


made up of all the parts without specific functions of the organ - for example, connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves, ducts, etc. The other part, the parenchyma, consists of the cells that perform the function of the tissue or organ.

Connective tissue

cells within produce and secrete materials such as collagen and elastin to form extracellular matrix

6 examples of connective tissue

1. bone

2. cartilage

3. tendons

4. ligaments

5. adipose tissue

6. blood

defining features of prokaryotes

include all bacteria and some archaea. no membrane-bound organelles. genetic material is single circular molecule of DNA in "nucleoid region". no membrane bound organelles. single-celled organisms but may live in colonies that share signals about environment


initial categorization heading for archaea and bacteria together


archaea that lives in conditions of extreme temperature, acidity, alkalinity, or chemical concentration.

archaea unique feature

use of alternative energy sources. while some photosynthetic, others chemosynthetic (able to generate energy from inorganic compounds including sulfur and nitrogen based compounds like ammonia)

similarities b/w archaea and eukaryotes

1. start translation with methionine

2. contain similar RNA polymerases

3. DNA associated with histones

similarities of archaea and bacteria

1. single circular chromosome that divides by binary fission or budding

2. overall similar structure

3. archaea can be resistant to antibiotics

defining characteristics of bacteria

have cell membranes and cytoplasm. some have flagella or fimbriae (similar to cilia). antibiotics take advantage of flagella and ribosomal specificity to kill bacteria and spare other cells. outnumber all plants and animals combines

mutualistic symbiotes

both humans and bacteria benefit from relationship (ex. gut bacteria that produce vitamin K and biotin (vitamin b7). prevent overgrowth of harmful bacteria)


provide no advantage to host but rather cause disease. pathogenic bacteria can live intra or extracellularly


spherical bacteria (ex. strep)


rod shaped bacteria (ex. e coli)


spiral shaped (ex. syphilis)

obligate aerobes

bacteria that require oxygen for metabolism


bacteria that use fermentation or some other form of cellular metabolism that does not require oxygen

obligate anaerobes

bacteria that can't survive in oxygenated environments because produces reactive oxygen-containing radicals that lead to cell death

facultative anaerobes

bacteria using oxygen for aerobic metabolism if present, switch to anaerobic metabolism if not.

aerotolerant anaerobes

bacteria unable to use oxygen for metabolism but not harmed by its presence

prokaryotic envelope

combination of cell wall (outer barrier that provides structure and control movement of solutes via concentration gradients) and cell membrane/plasma membrane (composed of phospholipids similar to eukaryotes)

two types of prokaryotic cell wall

determine by Gram staining (crystal violet stain followed by counterstain with safranin)

gram positive: envelope absorbs crystal violet stain (appear deep purple). can harbor pathogen from organism's immune system

gram negative: envelope absorbs safranin and appears pink-red

structure of gram-positive cell walls

thick layer of peptidoglycan (polymeric made of amino acids and sugars). contains lipoteichoic acid with unknown purpose (supposed that activates human immune system )

structure of gram-negative cell wall

very thing, less peptidoglycan. in addition to cell wall and membrane, also have outer membranes (contain phospholipids and lipopolysaccharides [trigger immune response in human beings])

prokaryotic flagella structure

propel toward food or away from toxins/immune cells. bacteria can have 1+. has filament (hollow helical structure composed of flagellin [globular protein]). has basal body (anchors flagellum to cytoplasmic membrane, motor of flagellum, rotating at rates up to 300 Hz). has hook (connects filament and basal body so that when basal rotates, it exerts torque on filament)

prokaryotic dna

singular circular chromosome. not coiled around histones (though histones present in archaea). dna can be acquired from external sources via small circular structures called plasmids (may confer advantage such as antibiotic resistance).

notable differences in prokaryotes of cytoskeleton, mitochondria, and ribosomes

1. no mitochondria, cell membrane instead used for ETC/ATP generation

2. cytoskeleton much more primitive than eukaryote

3. ribosomes are different sizes (30S and 50S subunits, not 40S and 60S like euks)

binary fission in prokaryotes

simple asexual reproduction. circular chromosome attaches to cell wall and replicates while cell continues to grow in size. plasma membrane and cell wall grow inward along midline and produce two identical daughter cells. fewer events than mitosis so occur more rapidly

virulence fctors

traits that increase how pathogenic a bacterium is (toxin production, projections that allow it to attach to certain kinds cells, evasion of host immune system) introduced by plasmids.


subset of plasmids capable of integrating into genome of bacterium

transformation (bacterial genetic recombination)

integration of foreign genetic material into host genome. material most frequently comes from other bacteria (not viral vectors) that upon lysing spill their contents to neighbors. carried out by gram-negative rods

conjugation (bacterial genetic recombo)

sexual reproduction. two cells form conjugation bridge that allow gene transfer, made from sex pili (appendages on donor male). unidirection from donor male (+) to recipient female (-). allow rapid acquisition of antibiotic resistance or virulence factors thru colony.

sex factors

plasmids that contain genes necessary for bacterial conjugation. can become integrated into host genome and once that happens the entire genome replicates (Hfr/high frequency of recombination). donor attempt to transfer that entire copy but bridge usually break before who sequence moved.

F (fertility) factor

Sex factor in E coli. bacteria that possess it are F+ cells and without are F- cells. F+ cell replicates factor and donates to convert recipient into F+ as well.

transduction (bacteria genetic recombo)

host bacteria genes incorporated into bacterial virus (bacteriophage/vector) and then carried into different bacterial host, who will then incorporate those genes


virus that carries genetic material from one bacterium to another. bacteriophage accidentally trap segment of host DNA during assembly of daughter bacteriophages. then transferred and integrated into genome of next host.

transposons (bacteria genetic recombination)

genetic elements capable of inserting and removing themselves from genome. not limited to prokaryotes. if inserted within coding region, gene may be disrupted.

lag phase

bacterias initial adaptation to new local conditions

exponential phase/ log phase

exponential increase in number of bacteria in a colony after they have adapted

stationary phase

slowing of bacterial reproduction as reduction of resources

death phase

when bacteria have exceeded ability of environment/depleted resources necessary for supporting numbers

3 structures of virus

1. genetic material (circular or linear, single or double strand, dna or rna)

2. protein coat (capsid. sometimes surrounded by envelope

3. sometimes envelope containing lipid (made of phospholipids and virus-specific proteins. sensitive to heat, detergents, desiccation, thus easier to kill)

role of host cell to virus

cell that virus must utilize to express and replicate genetic info. need hosts ribosomes to carry out protein synthesis. host's machinery will produce viral progeny (virions) that can be released to infect additional cells

bacteriophages and how they infect host

do not actually enter bacteria. simply inject their genetic material, leaving remaining structures outside infected cell. use tail sheath (body of virus) as syringe to inject genes. tail fibers (legs of virus) help bacteriophage to recognize and connect to correct host.

positive sense (single-stranded rna viruses)

genome may be directly translated into functional proteins by ribosomes of host cell, just like mRNA

negative sense (single-stranded rna virus)

requires synthesis of an rna strand complementary to the negative-sense rna strand, which then used as template for protein synthesis. must have rna replicase in virion.


enveloped, single-stranded rna viruses whose virion contain two identical rna molecules and enzyme reverse transcriptase (synthesizes dna from single-stranded rna). dna then integrates into host cell genome. infect host indefinitely, only cure is to kill host.

viral infection via enveloped virus

only specific cell set. virus bind to specific receptor and then brought into proximity to permit interaction, sometimes b/c cell mistake virus for nutrient/useful molecule and endocytose virus.. enveloped virus fuse with plasma membrane of host, allow entry of virion.

viral infection via non-enveloped virus

use of tail fibers and their enzymatic activity to allow for both penetration of the cell wall and formation of pores in cell membrane.

translation for DNA viruses

must go to nucleus in order to be transcribed to mRNA. mRNA then go to cytoplasm where translated to proteins

translation of positive-sense RNA viruses

genetic material stay in cytoplasm where translated to proteins

translation of negative-sense RNA viruses

require synthesis of complementary rna strand via rna replicase which then translated to form proteins (in cytoplasm)

translation of retroviruses

reverse transcriptase converts the retroviral RNA genome into double-stranded DNA. This viral DNA then migrates to the nucleus and becomes integrated into the host genome. Viral genes are transcribed and translated

progeny assembly of viral RNA translation

many of proteins translated are structural capsid proteins and allow for creation of new virions in cytoplasm. viral genome replicated and packaged within capsid.

progeny assembly of retroviruses

added detail: viral genome must be returned to original form so new copies of single-stranded RNA must be transcribed from the DNA that entered the host genome.

3 forms of viral progeny release

1. cell death caused by budding that eventually uses up cell membrane

2. lyse from being too full of virions. disadvantageous because virus can no longer use cell for life cycle

3. Exocytosis

productive cycle

virus that has produced virions but maintained the life of the host cell for future use

lytic cycle

when bacteriophages use host cell's machinery with no regard for its survival. cell eventually lyses and other bacteria can be infected


if virus does not lyse bacterium, it integrate into host genome and begin the lysogenic cycle(instead of lytic cycle which destroys cell host). Lay low in host’s dna, being passed on to daughter cells. Later event can eject it and begin lytic cycle

lysogenic cycle

virus replicate as bacterium reproduces because it continues on in bacteria's replicated genome.

what happen to provirus/prophage as it leaves bacterium's genome?

though can remain in genome indefinitely, envrionmental factors (radiation, light, chemicals) cause it to leave genome and revert to lytic cycle. on the way out, can capture parts of the bacteria's genome and transduce these genes to another bacteria


simultaneous infection by multiple phages. infection with one strain generally makes a bacterium less susceptible to this


subviral, infectious proteins. cause disease by triggering misfolding of other proteins, often turning a-helical to b-pleated sheet (drastically reducing solubility of protein and its ability to degrade misfolded proteins). protein aggregates form


an infectious entity affecting plants, smaller than a virus and consisting only of nucleic acid (short circular single-stranded RNA) without a protein coat. bind to RNA sequences and silence genes.


autosomal cells (2n). two copies of each chromosome. 46 total chrom. in humans


(n) germ cells. only one copy of each chromosome. 23 total chrom. in humans

cell cycle

series of phases during which eukaryotic cell grows, synthesizes DNA, and divides. derangements of cell cycle can lead to unchecked cell division and possibly cancer

4 stages of cell cycle





interphase and state of chromatin during this time

G1, S, and G2. where actively dividing cell spends 90% of time. chromosomes in less condensed form (chromatin)

Go stage

offshoot of G1 where cells simiply live without any prep for division

G1 stage: presynthetic gap

cells create organelles while also increasing size.

restriction point

G1/S: containing proper complement of DNA. if damage has been done to DNA, cell is arrested by protein p53

S (synthesis) stage

cell replicates its genetic material. then bind these two identical chromatids together at region called centromere. ploidy of cell not changed though 92 chromatids present (still considered 46 chromosomes)

S/G2 stage checkpoint

another quality control checkpoint. cell checks that there are enough organelles and cytoplasm to divide, and that there were no errors made in dna replication

M stage: mitosis

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and then cytokinesis

G2/M checkpoint

mainly ensuring adequate size and organelles, also controlled by p53


proteins whose concentrations vary during different stages of cell cycle

cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK)

family of proteins that bind to cyclins and create activated CDK-cyclin complex. complex can then phosphorylate transcription factors needed to carry out cell cycle

transcription factors

proteins that promote transcription of genes


when cell cycle control becomes damaged/deranged but cells are allowed to undergo mitosis.


gene that produced p53. mutation can lead to cancer as cell cycle not stopped to repair damaged dna.


masses that result from cancer cells undergoing rapid cell division. eventually cells produce factors like proteases to destroy basement membranes allowing cells to pass into other tissues/vessels


distant spread of cancer cells through bloodstream or lymphatic system

somatic cells

cells not involved in sexual reproduction

prophase (3 steps)

1. condensation of chromatin into chromosomes

2. centriole pairs separate and move toward opposite poles of cell to form spindle fibers (of microtubules)

4. nuclear membrane dissolve, allowing spindle fibers to attach to kinetochores


paired cylindrical organelles located outside nucleus in region known as centrosome. responsible for correct division of DNA

microtubules organizing centers

1. centrosome

2. basal body of flagellum or cilia


These star-shaped structures sometimes form around each pair of centrioles during mitosis. Asters help to manipulate chromosomes during cell division to ensure that each daughter cell has the appropriate complement of chromosomes


protein structures located at the centromeres that serve as attachment points for "kinetochore fibers" of the spindle apparatus


the region of a chromosome to which the microtubules of the spindle attach, via the kinetochore, during cell division.


kinetochore fibers interact with fibers of spindle apparatus to align the chromosomes at the metaphase plate (equatorial plate)


centromeres split so that each chromatid has its own distinct centromere, allowing sister chromatids to separate. they are pulled toward opposite poles by shortening of kinetochore fibers


spindle apparatus disappears, nuclear membrane reforms around each set of chromosomes, nucleoli reappear, chromosomes uncoil


largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. It is best known as the site of ribosome biogenesis. Nucleoli also participate in the formation of signal recognition particles and play a role in the cell's response to stress


separation of cytoplasm and organelles, so each daughter cell survive independently. can only happen 20-50 times in life of cell.


germ cells. diploid


haploid sex cells

meiosis I

homologous chromosomes separate generating haploid daughter cells via reductional division

meiosis II

separation of sister chromatids via equational division. haploid to haploid


paired chromosomes, one from each parent (maternal #15 and paternal #15)

prophase I (4 steps, 1 different than mitosis)

1. chromatin condenses into chromosome

2. spindle apparatus forms

3. nucleoli and nuclear membrane disappear

4. chromosomes crossing over (genetic recombination, create unique pool of alleles)


in prophase I. when homologous chromosomes (at this point consist of two sister chromatids) meet and intertwine


the four chromatids (two pairs of sisters) that exist on one plane during prophase I of meiosis

synaptonemal complex

group of proteins that hold together homologous chromosomes as they are in synapsis


breaking points of chromatids of homologous chromosomes so they can exchange equivalent pieces of dna via crossing over (single, double, more)

Mendel's second law (of independent assortment)

inheritance of one allele has no effect on the likelihood of inheriting certain alleles for other genes

metaphase I

tetrads align on metaphasal plate, each chromosome attached to separate spindle fiber by kinetochore

anaphase I

1. homologous pairs separated to opposite ends of cell


the separation of paternal chromosome from maternal homologue in anaphase 1

Mendel's first law (of segregation)

distribution of maternal/paternal homologues to daughter cells is random


separating of two homologous chromosomes in mitosis and meiosis

telophase I

1. nuclear membrane forms around each new nucleus (each chromosome still consist of two sister chromatids)

2. cytokinesis


between meiosis 1 and 2, short period of rest when chromosomes partially uncoil

prophase II

1. nuclear envelope dissolves

2. nucleoli disappear

3. centrioles migrate to opposite poles

4. spindle apparatus begins to appear

metaphase II

chromosomes line up on metaphasal plate

anaphase II

1. centromeres divide, separating chromosomes into sister chromatids

2. chromatids pulled to opposite poles by spindle fibers

telophase II

1. nuclear membrane forms around each new nucleus

2. cytokinesis

= 4 haploid daughter cells produced from one gametocyte

x chromosome

carries sizeable amount of genetics, mutations here can cause sex-linked (x-linked) disorders. females have options to be either homozygous/heterozygous. males hemi.


males with respect to the genes on their x chromosome, since they only have one. x-linked disorder expressed with only one allele.


females carrying a diseased allele on x-chromosome but not exhibiting disease

y chromosome

carries very little genetic info.

SRY (sex-determining region Y)

codes for transcription factor that initiates testis differentiation and thus formation of male gonads


what primitive gonads develop into

seminiferous tubules

where sperm are produced, here they are nourished by sertoli cells.

interstitial cells of Leydig

in testes, secrete testosterone and other male sex hormones (androgens)


external pouch that houses testes below penis. maintain temp of 2-4* lower than body. raised and lowered by layer of muscle around vas deferens (ductus deferens) to maintain proper temp for sperm develop


on top of testes. where sperm flagella gain motility and where sperm stored until ejaculation

path of ejaculation

from epididymis through vas deferens to ejaculatory duct (at posterior edge of prostate), then through urethra and then exit body

seminal fluid and three places its components are made

produced by seminal vesicles, prostate gland and bulbourethral gland, mixes with sperm as they pass through reproductive tract

seminal vesicles

contribute fructose to nourish sperm and give mild alkalinity to seminal fluid so sperm can survive relative acidity of female reproductive tract

prostate gland

give fluid mild alkalinity to survive female reproduc. tract

bulbourethral (cowper's) glands

produce clear viscous fluid that cleans out remnants of urine and lubricates urethra during sexual arousal


combo of sperm and seminal fluid


formation of haploid sperm through meiosis occurring in seminiferous tubules. result in four functional sperm per spermatogonia


diploid stem cells in men. Not yet gametocytes

primary spermatocytes

spermatogonia after replicated genetic material (s stage). diploid

secondary spermatocytes

haploid cells that result after first meiotic division.


haploid cells that result after meiosis II


matured spermatids

structure of sperm

1. head (contain genetic material, covered by cap called acrosome, derived from golgi apparatus, necessary to penetrate ovum)

2. midpiece (generate ATP from fructose, contain mitochondria)

3. flagellum (for motility)


female gonads that produce estrogen and progesterone, located in pelvic cavity, consist of thousands of follicles


multilayered sacs that contain, nourish, protect immature ova (eggs)

steps of ovulation

egg released/ovulated into peritoneal sac (line abdominal cavity), drawn into fallopian tube/oviduct (lined with cilia to propel egg forward), travel toward uterus


muscular site for fetal development


lower end of uterus that connects to vaginal canal

vaginal canal

where sperm deposited during intercourse


external female anatomy


production of female gametes. meiosis I characterized by unequal cytokinesis (one secondary oocyte and one polar body). secondary oocyte then remains arrested in metaphase II unless fertilized and polar body generally doesn't divide further

primary oocytes

all oogonia (diploid stem cells) present at birth that have already undergone DNA replication (46 chromosomes, 92 chromatids), arrested in prophase I

menarche/menstrual cycle

one primary oocyte per month will complete meiosis I, producing a secondary oocyte and a polar body. cyclic rise and fall of estrogen and progesterone levels

zona pellucida

layer surrounding oocyte itself (directly outside cell membrane). acellular mixture of glycoproteins that protect oocyte and contain compounds necessary for sperm binding

corona radiata

outside zona pellucida. layer of cells that adhere to oocyte during ovulation. when both this layer and zona pellucida are penetrated by acrosomal enzymes of sperm cell, meiosis II triggered.


egg cell with large quantities of cytoplasm and organelles (including mitochondria), donating everything to zygote except other half of dna.


diploid unit created upon completion of meiosis II after fusing of haploid pronuclei of sperm and ovum

gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

hormone released from hypothalamus at puberty. it then triggers anterior pituitary gland to make/release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). these hormones then stimulate production of sex hormones in other places in the body

stages of androgen production (throughout male's life)

1. production triggered by Y chromosome during fetal period (9 weeks after fertilization until birth) permits male sexual differentiation

2. production low in infancy/childhood

3. testosterone spike at puberty (start sperm production, negative feedback with hypothalamus and anterior pituitary)

4. testosterone decline with age

roles of FSH and LH in male puberty

FSH: stimulates sertoli cells and triggers sperm maturation

LH: cause interstitial cells (leydig) to produce testosterone

estrogen's 3 purposes in lifetime

1. stimulate development of reproductive tract in utero

2. at puberty, secreted in response to FSH. maintain female reproductive system and cause secondary sexual characteristics.

3. thicken lining of uterus (endometrium) each month in prep for zygote implantation

progesterone role when preggo and not preggo

non-preggo: secreted by corpus luteum. involved in development and maintain of endometrium but not its original thickening (Due to estrogen).

preggo: supplied by placenta at end of first trimester as corpeus luteum shriveled

corpus luteum

remnant follicle that remains after ovulation. secretes progesterone in response to LH.

4 phases of menstruation

1. follicular phase

2. ovulation

3. luteal phase

4. menstruation

follicular phase

YouTube “female reproductive cycle” by Armando hasudungan

begin when menstrual flow (shedding of uterine lining of previous cycle) begins. Spike of gnrh increase FSH and LH; LH kept at low level by estrogen (produced by maturing follicles) and FSH’s initial spike at begin of phase eventually trails off thru phase due to increase of estrogen. Primary oocyte (meiosis 1 prophase) to secondary (meiosis 2 metaphase) which upon release from ovary =ovum


thick layer of mucus membrane (modified endometrium) which lines uterus during pregnancy, shed after birth. estrogen works to not only grow this but also vascularize and glandularize


levels of estrogen from late follicular phase has risen to a threshold that sudden converts it from negative feedback system to positive, increasing release of GnRH, LH, and FSH. The LH induces ovulation, release ovum from ovary into peritoneal cavity

luteal phase

LH cause ruptured follicle to form corpus luteum that secrete progesterone. this progesterone will maintain uterine lining (after estrogen has thickened it). its high levels create negative feedback with GnRH, FSH, and LH, preventing ovulation of multiple eggs


when implantation does not occur, corpus luteum loses LH stimulation and progesterone levels decline. uterine lining sloughed off. loss of estrogen/progesterone remove block on GnRH so that cycle can restart

human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

secreted by blastocyst that implants in uterine lining. maintains corpus luteum (which will secrete estrogen and progesterone necessary for maintain uterine lining) HCG levels decline in second trimester as placenta able to secrete progesterone and estrogen (negative feedback to GnRH)


ovaries become less sensitive to FSH and LH, lead to ovarian and endometrium atrophy. cease menstruation, negative feedback on FSH and LH removed, so two hormones levels in blood rise.


widest part of fallopian tube where fertilization of egg can occur 24 hours after ovulation (which happens about day 14 of menstrual cycle).

acrosomal apparatus

tubelike structure from sperm that makes direct contact with secondary oocyte's cell membrane. pronucleus then freely enter oocyte after meiosis II completes.

cortical reaction

release of calcium ions after penetration of cell membrane by sperm. depolarizes membrane of ovum which prevent fertilization by multiple sperm and increases metabolic rate of newly formed diploid zygote

fertilization membrane

depolarized and impenetrable membrane of newly formed diploid zygote

dizygotic/fraternal twins

form from fertilization of two different eggs released by one ovulation cycle by two different sperms. each have own placenta, chorion, and amnion. if close enough placenta may overgrow onto each other. no closer genetic relation that brother/sis

monozygotic/identical twins

single zygote splits into two. identical genomes

conjoined twins

monozygotic twins where single zygote fails to completely divide

monochorionic/monoamniotic twins

share same amnion and chorion. riskiest of combinations. type of twinning determined on when zygotic separation occurred

monochorionic/diamniotic twins

own amnion but same chorion

stages of prenatal development

1. zygote: when egg and sperm combine

2. morula: approx 60 hours after fertilization after cleavage into 16ish cells

3. blastocyst: group of 200-300 cells entering the uterus

4. embryo: name once it implants in uterine wall

5. fetus: after 8 weeks since fertilization

dichorionic/diamniotic twins

own amnions and chorions


zygotic (stage 1) rapid mitotic cell divisions performed during move to uterus for implantation. first cleavage = transition from monocellular zygote to multicellular embryo. cell group stay same size for first few cleavages.

indeterminate cleavage

result in cells that can still develop into complete organisms. monozygotic twin formation

determinate cleavage

result in committed to differentiating into certain type of cell


transition from embryo to this solid mass of cells after several divisions


after morula formed, this process turns it into blastula (hollow ball of cells with fluid-filled inner cavity known as blastocoel)


mammalian blastula name. zone pellucida disintegrate. have two different cell groups:

1. trophoblast cells: comprise outer wall/blastoderm

2. inner cell mass/embryoblast: protrude from/next to blastocoel (inner cavity) and give rise to organism itself

trophoblast cells

surround blastocoel (fluid filled cavity of blastula) and give rise to chorion and later placenta (two outermost regions holding developing fetus). interface b/w maternal blood supply and embryo. form chorionic villi


extraembryonic membrane that develops into placenta. covered in villi, fingerlike projections that penetrate endometrium, the part that develop into fetal half of placenta

umbilical cord

connect embryo to placenta. consist of two arteries and one vein encased in gelatinous substance

umbilical cord's arteries and vein

vein: carry freshly oxygenated blood rich with nutrients from placenta to embryo.

arteries: carry deoxygenated blood and waste to placenta for exchange


2 roles

involved in early fluid exchange between embryo and yolk sac. remnants from this, along with yolk sac form umbilical cord


involved in early fluid exchange between embryo and yolk sac. remnants from this, along with yolk sac form umbilical force


surround allantois. thin tough membrane filled with amniotic fluid. shock absorption during pregnancy. surrounded by protective chorion


generation of three different cell layers after cell mass implants in uterus. and formation of notochord (primitive streak) within endoderm.


when it is a hollow cup-shaped structure having three layers of cells.


membrane invagination into the blastocoel (during gastrulation) which later develops into the gut.


the opening of the archenteron that either develops into anus (in deuterostomes) or mouth (protostomes)

primary germ layers

cells that migrate into remaining area of blastocoel and develop three layers

ectoderm (and what 4 parts it develop into)

outermost layer of primary germ layers. turn into 1. integument (skin and its appendages), 2. lens of eye, 3. nervous system (including adrenal medulla [part of sympathetic]), and 4. inner ear

I Love No Ectoplasm

mesoderm (and what 7 develop into)

middle layer of primary germ layers. develop into 1. adrenal cortex 2. circulatory, 3. most of excretory systems, 4. gonads, 5. muscular and connective tissues of digestive and 6. respiratory systems, 7. musculoskeletal

A Mesoderm Can Evolve Greatly During Ripening

selective transcription in utero

only genes needed for particular kind of cell are transcribed.

selective transition in utero

only genes needed for particular kind of cell are transcribed.

induction in utero

ability of one group of cells to influence fate of other nearby cells. mediated by chemical substances known as inducers which diffuse from organizing cells to responsive cells


development of nervous system from ectoderm.

1. notochord induces overlying ectodermal cells to slide inward to form neural folds around a neural groove

2. neural tube formed once neural folds meet

3. neural crest cells migrate into mesoderm to form PNS

4. ectoderm migrate over neural tube to make NS


development of nervous system from ectoderm.

1. notochord induces overlying ectodermal cells to slide inward to form neural folds around a neural groove

2. neural tube formed once neural folds meet

3. neural crest cells migrate to form PNS

4. ectoderm migrate over neural tube to make NS

neural crest cells (6 developments)

at tip of each neural fold that migrate outward to form peripheral nervous system:

1. sensory ganglia 2. autonomic ganglia 3. adrenal medulla 4. schwann cells 5. calcitonin-produce cells of thyroid 6. melanocytes in skin

The Mesoderm Must Shift Ground


substances that interfere with development, defects or death of embryo. genetics can influence effects of teratogen. other influences include route of exposure, length of exposure, rate of placental transmission of teratogen, identity of teratogen

deleterious maternal health issues

1. over/underexposure created by her body (diabetic, overexpose to sugar lead to oversized fetus with hypoglycemia [levels insulin to high])

2. lack folic acid lead to prevent closure of neural tube = spina bifida or anencephaly


specific mRNA and protein molecules that result in cell determination. more effective to responsive cells nearby that receive high concentrations. also different kinds can combine to create specific signal


changing of structure, function, biochemistry of cell to match the cell type is determined to be

stem cells

cells that have not yet differentiated or which will give rise to other cells that will differentiate. exist in embryos and adults


determines which tissues a particular a stem cell can differentiate into


cells can give rise to both tissues of embryo or placenta. trophoblasts


after cells have differentiated into 3 germ layer, now pluripotents can turn into anything excluding placental structures


after cells become more specialized, differentiate into different cell types within particular group

responder/responsive cell

cell that receives induction. must be competent (able to respond to inducing signal)


signals act on same cell that secreted the signal


signals act on cells in local area


signals not usually involve diffusion but rather a feature of a cell directly stimulates receptors of adjacent cells


signal secreted hormones that travel through bloodstream to distant tissue

growth factors

common inducers, peptides that promote differentiation and mitosis in certain tissues.

reciprocal development

induction that is two-ways

cell migration

ability to disconnect from adjacent structures and migrate to anatomically correct location


programmed cell death that occurs at various times in development. triggered by apoptotic signals or preprogramming

apoptotic blebs

cell division into many self-contained pieces that can then be digested by other cells. allow for recycling of materials. contained by membranes that prevent release of harmful substances into extracellular environment


cell death as a result of an injury. internal substances leaked

regenerative capacity

ability of an organism to regrow certain parts of body

complete regeneration

lost or damaged tissues replaced with identical tissues (liver close to complete regen)

incomplete regeneration

newly formed tissue is not identical to tissue that was injured/lost (heart has little regen at all, kidneys have moderate but easily overwhelmed)


biological aging characterized by disruption of metabolism and eventually death. due to accumulation of chemical/environmental insults. at cellular level, failure of cells to divide normally after approximately 50 divisions in vitro (outside body). due to shortening telomeres.


end of chromosomes that help reduce loss of genetic info and help prevent DNA from unraveling (due to high concentration of G and C). shorten during each round of DNA synth.


some germ cells, fetal cells, tumor cells express this enzyme (a reverse transcriptase) that synthesizes ends of chromosomes, preventing senescence

fetal hemoglobin (HbF)

fetal blood cells contain different hemoglobin than adults that has greater affinity for oxygen

functions of placenta

1. diffusion of nutrients and waste between mother and fetus via use of gradient

2. immune protection, crossing of antibodies

3. act as endocrine organ, producing progesterone, estrogen, and hCG (all vital for maintain pregnancy)

difference between adult/somatic versus umbilical arteries

mother's arteries go away from heart, carrying O2 rich blood

child arteries go away from heart, carrying deoxygen

mother's veins, toward heart low oxygen

child vein toward heart with oxygen

foramen ovale

one-way valve (shunt) that connects right atrium to left atrium, so blood entering right atrium from inferior vena cava flow straight into left atrium and then pumped through aorta into systemic circulation directly, circumventing right ventricle. functions because fetus (unlike adults) has more pressure in right side of heart

ductus venosus

*bypass liver, which isn't significant in utero* shunt blood returning from placenta via umbilical vein directly to inferior vena cava. Help skip portal vein and hepatic vein, so it can take oxygen rich blood straight to heart

milestones of first trimester

1. heart beat at 22 days, as well as eyes, gonads, limbs, liver around same time

4. eight weeks, bones formed, brain developed-ish (embryo=fetus)

5. end of third month, 9 cm long

milestones of first trimester

1. heart beat at 22 days, as well as eyes, gonads, limbs, liver around same time

2. week 5 10mm, week 6, 15mm

3. cartilaginous skeleton into bone by 7th week

4. eight weeks, bones formed, brain developed-ish (embryo=fetus)

5. end of third month, 9 cm long

milestones of second trimester

1. tremendoush growth

2. movement w/n amniotic fluid

3. face human appearance

4. toes and fingers elongate

5. end of trimester, 30-36cm long

parturition and the two hormones involved

vaginal childbirth via rhythmic contractions of uterine smooth muscle triggered by prostaglandins and oxytocin


vaginal childbirth via rhythmic contractions of uterine smooth muscle triggered by prostaglandins and oxytocin

3 stages of birth

1. cervix thinning and amniotic sac rupture (water breaking)

2. strong uterine contractions that result in birth of fetus

3. afterbirth: placenta and umbilical expelled


specialized cells capable of transmitting electrical impulses and then translating those electrical impulses to chemical signals

cell body (soma) of neuron

contains nucleus. location of endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes


appendages emanating from soma. receive incoming messages from other cells

axon hillock

integrate incoming signals ("sum" excitatory or inhibitory) and if excitatory enough (reach threshold), initiate action potential

action potentials

all-or-nothing messages. electrical impulses down the axon to the synaptic bouton


long appendage that terminates in close proximity to a target structure (muscle, gland, another neuron)


insulation of mammalian nerve fibers. prevent signal loss or crossing of signals.

myelin sheaths

maintain electric signal within one neuron. increase speed of conduction in axon.


in CNS. produce myelin

Schwann cells

produce myelin in peripheral nervous system

nodes of Ranvier

small breaks in myelin at intervals along the axon. expose axon membrane

nerve terminal/synaptic bouton (knob)

end of axon. enlarged and flattened to maximize neurotransmission

synaptic cleft

small space into which the terminal portion of axon releases neurotransmitters which bind to dendrites of postsynaptic neuron


combo of nerve terminal, synaptic cleft, postsynaptic membrane


multiple neurons bundled together in peripheral nervous system. sensory, motor, or mixed (carry both sensory and motor info)


cells bodies of neurons of same type clustered together

nuclei of nervous system

cell bodies of neurons in same tract


cell bodies of neurons in same tract

glial cells/neuroglia

cells that myelinate and support neurons

4 types of glial cells

1. astrocytes

2. ependymal cells

3. microglia

4. oligodendrocytes


nourish neurons and form blood-brain barrier

ependymal cells

Nervous tissue cells (not neurons but instead neuron-supporting cells) that line ventricles of brain and produce cerebrospinal fluid, physically supports brain (shock absorber)

ependymal cells

line ventricles of brain and produce cerebrospinal fluid, physically supports brain (shock absorber)


phagocytic cells that ingest and break down waste products and pathogens in CNS

oligodendrocytes (CNS) & Swann cells (PNS)

product myelin around axons

resting membrane potential

electrical potential difference (voltage) between inside of neuron and extracellular space. approx. -70mV inside (negative because of neg charged proteins within cell and greater permeability of membrane to K+ compared with Na+)

Na+/K+ ATPase

maintains negative internal environment of neuron. transports 3 Na+ out of cell for every two K+ into the cell at expense of one ATP (b/c both moving against their gradient). primary active transport

neuron depolarization

raised membrane potential (Vm) due to excitatory input that makes neuron more likely to fire an action potential

threshold value

usually around -55 to -40 mV. happens when axon hillock receives enough excitatory input to depolarize, triggering action potential. By activating sodium channels

threshold value

usually around -55 to -40 mV. happens when axon hillock receives enough excitatory input to depolarize, triggering action potential.


additive effect of multiple signals (excitatory and inhibitory) which can come from several presynaptic neurons.

temporal summation

multiple signals are integrated during a relatively short period of time

electrochemical gradient of sodium in a firing neuron

promotes migration of sodium into cell via voltage-gated sodium channels opened when cell reached threshold. more negative interior as well as lower concentration of sodium encourages them to flood in

inactivated sodium (Na+) channels

when Vm approaches +35. Inactivation gate block activation gate

deinactivated sodium (Na+) channels

when brought back near resting potential (a more negative value bc repolarization). Prevent reopening to enforce a refractory period

deinactivated sodium (Na+) channels

when brought back near resting potential

closed sodium (Na+) channels

before the cell reaches threshold and after inactivation has been reversed

open sodium (Na+) channels

from approximately +35 mV to the resting potential

voltage-gated potassium (K+)

after voltage-gated sodium channels have allowed enough Na+ to depolarize the cell, potassium channels open, favoring efflux of potassium, restoration of negative membrane potential (repolarization)


efflux of K+ causes overshoot of resting membrane potential. makes neuron refractory to further action potentials

impulse propagation

the movement of action potential traveling down axon to initiate neurotransmitter release. AP continue in wavelike fashion as subsequent segments are depolarized and local sodium channels opened (then momentarily refractor so info can flow in one dirxn. finally reach nerve terminal

impulse propagation

the movement of action potential graveling down axon to initiate neurotransmitter release. AP continue in wavelike fashion as subsequent segments are depolarized and local sodium channels opened (then momentarily refractor so info can flow in one dirxn. finally reach nerve terminal

axon size's effect on action potential speed

increased length: higher resistance and slower conduction

greater crossectional area: faster propagation, reduced resistance (more significant of the two structural factors)

saltatory conduction

membrane only permeable to ion movement at nodes of Ranvier thus signal hops from node to node

increased intensity of neurological stimulus

does not result in increased potential difference of action potential, simply increased frequency of firing

presynaptic vs. neuron

pre: neuron preceding synaptic cleft

post: after SC


postsynaptic cell (gland or muslce)

process of neurotransmitter release

increase of calcium from voltage-gated Ca+ channels triggers fusion of membrane-bound vesicles (holding neurotransm.) to fuse with cell membrane at synapse, exocytose contents

two types of postsynaptic receptors

1. ligand-gated ion channels: will polarize or depolarize postsyn. cell

2. G protein coupled receptor: cause either changes in cAMP levels or influx of Ca+

acetylcholinesterase (AChE)

enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine (ACh) left in synaptic cleft

reuptake carriers

bring neurotransmitters left in synaptic cleft back into presynaptic neuron (used on serotonin (5-HT), dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE))

three ways to deal with neurotransmitters left in synaptic cleft

1. enzymatic breakdown

2. reuptake

3. diffusion out of cleft (ex. nitric oxidie [NO] which is gaseous signaling molecule)

sensory neurons/afferent neurons

transmits sensory info from receptors to spinal cord and brain

motor neurons/efferent neurons

transmit motor info from brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands


between other neurons and are the most numerous. predominantly in brain and spinal cord and are linked to reflexive behavior


reflex that requires input from brain or brainstem

central nervous system

brain and spine

white matter

axons encased in myelin sheaths

grey matter

unmyelinated cell bodies and dendrites

4 divisions of spinal cord

from top to bottom:





structure of spinal cord

white matter outside the cord and grey matter deep within. contains axons of motor and sensory

spinal cord structure dorsal vs ventral

axons (white matter) on outside, motor and interneuron cell bodies (grey matter) within. sensory neurons bring info from periphery from dorsal side of spinal cord. motor neurons exit spinal cord ventrally

spinal cord structure

axons (white matter) on outside, motor and interneuron cell bodies (grey matter) within. sensory neurons bring info from periphery from dorsal side of spinal cord. motor neurons exit spinal cord ventrally

dorsal root ganglia

bunch of cell bodies of sensory neurons. near but outside the spinal cord

peripheral nervous system

nerve tissues and fibers outside the brain and spinal cord. 31 pairs spinal nerves, 10 of the 12 pairs cranial nerves (olfactory and optic considered outgrowths of CNS)

somatic nervous system

sensory and motor neurons of PNS, distributed throughout skin, joints, muscles. motor neuron of this system goes directly from spinal cord to muscle without synapsing

autonomic nervous system

offshoot of PNS, regulate heartbeat, respiration, digestion, glandular secretions (involuntary muscles). two neurons in series required to deliver messages from spinal cord

preganglionic neuron

soma in the CNS and its axon travels to a ganglion in the PNS where synpases on cell body of postganglionic neuron

parasympathetic nervous system

And its main hormone

main role to conserve energy. acetylcholine responsible for its pathways, released by both preganglionic and postganglionic neurons. vagus nerve (cranial nerve X [10]), responsible for much of parasympathetic innervation of thoracic and abdominal cavity

parasympathetic nervous system

main role to conserve energy. acetylcholine responsible for its pathways, released by both preganglionic and postganglionic neurons. vagus nerve (cranial nerve X [10]), responsible for much of parasympathetic innervation of thoracic and abdominal cavity

reflex arc

transmission by sensory neurons up to spinal cord where it connects with interneurons that relay signal back to muscles (where they can react before brain has processed info)

monosynaptic reflex arc

single synapse between the sensory neuron that receives the stimulus and motor neuron that responds to it. (ex knee-jerk reflex)

knee-jerk reflex

stretching of patellar tendon send signal up sensory (afferent, presynaptic) neuron to spinal cord where interfaces with motor (efferent, postsynaptic) neuron that contracts the quadriceps muscles

polysynaptic reflex arc

at least one interneuron between sensory and motor neurons (ex. withdrawal reflex)

withdrawal reflex

leg's extremity that is directly injured will stimulate monosynaptic pulling away by hip/hamstring muscles, however for other foot to remain planted firmly, signal go through several interneurons before directing quad muscles to extend


What you call a virus when it is yet to infect host cell


virion is an entire virus particle consisting of an outer protein shell called a capsid and an inner core of nucleic acid (either ribonucleic or deoxyribonucleic acid—RNA or DNA). The core confers infectivity, and the capsid provides specificity to the virus.


factors produced by tumor cells that can digest basement membranes, encouraging metastasis

Angiogenic stimulators

encourage blood vessel formation in tumor


organ that produces gametes (testis or ovaries)

M checkpoint

occurs near the end of the metaphase stage of mitosis. The M checkpoint is also known as the spindle checkpoint because it determines whether all the sister chromatids are correctly attached to the spindle microtubules.