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65 Cards in this Set

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Granular leukocytes




Function = to fight off microbes




Function = important in the specific immune response




Responsible for antibody production, immune system modulation, targeted killing of infected cells


Serve as nonspecific sanitation wooers that travel the body picking up debris, both foreign and domestic

Innate/nonspecific immune response

The responses cells can cary out without learning

Adaptive/specific immune response

Developed as immune cells learn to recognize and respond to particular antigens

Humoral immunity

Part of specific immunity

Driven by B-cells and antibodies

Cell-mediated immunity

Part of specific immunity

Driven by T-cells

Innate immune system cells

Macrophages - engulfs and consumes pathogen invaders

Mast cells - release histamine and other chemicals that promote inflammation

Granulocytes - Neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils - participate in the inflammatory response

Dendritic cells - present antigens (fragments of protein or other molecules form pathogens or cancer cells) to adaptive immune cells, inducing cells to attack bearers of the displayed antigens

Natural killer cells - Destroy the body's own cells that have become infected with pathogens; also go after cancer cells

Adaptive immune system cells

B-cells: antigens stimulate these cells to divide and produce antibodies that neutralize invaders or tag them for killing

T-cells: destroy infected cells in which they detect the presence of antigens. Other T-cells (helper and regulatory types) coordinate the immune response

Helper T-cels

Coordinate the immune response by secreting lymphokines - chemicals that are capable of recruiting other immune cells and increasing their activity

Killer (cytotoxic) T-cells

Capable of directly killing virally infected cells by secreting toxic chemicals

Suppressor T-cells

Help to tone down the immune response once infection has been adequately contained

Lymphatic system

A type of circulatory system; made up of one-way vessels that become larger as they move toward the heart; parallels the venous system

Collects fluid from the interstitial space and then returns it to the cardiovascular circulation


The smallest lymphatic vessels; collect fats in the form of chlyomicrons form the villi in the small intestine and deliver them into the bloodstream, bypassing the liber

Lymph nodes

Swellings along the lymphatic vessels that contain immune cells (primarily B-cells); provide a place for antigens from microbes to first interact with the adaptive immune system and allow its activation - allows for fluid to be checked for pathogens before being returned to the cardiovascular system

Plasma cells

Daughter cell of B-cell produced in response to exposure to the correct antigen

Component of humoral immunity

Produce large amounts of antibodies

Memory cells

Daughter cell of B-cell produced in response to exposure to a specific antigen

Component of humoral immunity

Stay in the lymph nodes for use upon being re-exposed to the same antigen

Thyroid hormones

Produced by follicular cells of the thyroid



Capable of resetting the basal metabolic rate of the body by making energy production more or less efficient, and altering the utilization of glucose and fatty acids


Thyroid hormones are secreted in insufficient amounts or not at all

Characterized by lethargy, decreased body temperature, slowed respiratory and heart rate, cold intolerance, and weight gain


May result from a tumor or thyroid overstimulation

Produces an excess of thyroid hormones

Heightened activity level, increased body temperature, increased respiratory and heart rate, heat intolerance, and weight loss


Acts to decrease plasma calcium levels in 3 ways:

1) Increase excretion from the kidneys

2) Decrease absorption form the gut

3) Increase storage in the bone

High levels of calcium in the blood stimulate secretion of calcitonin from the C-cells

Parathyroid glands

Produce parathyroid hormone - an antagonistic hormone to calcitonin - functions to increase plasma levels of calcium by:

1) Decreasing excretion of calcium through the kidneys

2) Increasing reabsorption of calcium in the gut

3) Increasing bone resorption

Also converts vitamin D to its active form - required for the absorption of calcium in the gut

Subject to feedback inhibition - as levels f plasma calcium rise, PTH secretion is decreased

Hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex

Glucocorticoids: cortisol and cortisone

Mineralocorticoids: aldosterone - causes increased reabsorption of sodium and thereby water, can also affect levels of potassium and hydrogen ions- enhances secretion into the tubule (excretion)

Cortical sex hormones - androgens (male sex hormones)

Alpha cells of the pancreas

Secrete glucagon

Beta cells of the pancreas

Secrete insulin

Delta cells of the pancreas

Secrete somatostatin

Type I diabetes mellitus

Caused by auto-immune destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas; these individuals produce little to no insulin

Type II diabetes mellitus

A result of the body resisting the effects of insult in at its receptor (insulin insensitivity/resistance)


An inhibitor of both insulin and glucagon

High blood glucose and amino acid concentrations stimulate its secretion


Under the control of FSH and LH

FSH stimulates the Sertoli cells and is necessary for sperm maturation

LH causes interstitial cells to produce testosterone


Under the control of FSH and LH

Produce estrogens and progesterone


Secreted in response to elevated FSH and LH

Lead to thickening of the endometrium each month in preparation for implantation of the zygote

Responsible for the development and maintenance of secondary female sexual characteristics


Secreted in response to LH stimulation

Responsible for the development and maintenance (but not generation) of the endometrium

Menstrual Cycle

Controlled by the relative levels of estrogen and progesterone

Follicular phase

Begins with menstrual flow (shedding of the uterine lining)

GnRH secretion from the hypothalamus increases in response to the lower levels of estrogen and progesterone

Higher levels of GnRH cause increased secretions of both FSH and LH

FSH and LH work to develop several ovarian follicles - produce estrogen which has a negative feedback effect causing the GnRH, FSH, and LH levels to level off

Estrogen works to regrow the endometrial lining


Late in the follicular phase, the developing follicles secrete more and more estrogen

Estrogen concentrations reach a level that results in positive feedback, and GnRH, LH, and FSH levels spike

Surge in LH induces ovulation - the release of the ovum form the ovary into the abdominal cavity

Luteal Phase

LH causes the ruptured follicle to form the corpus luteum

Corpus luteum secretes progesterone

Progesterone maintains the uterine lining for implantation

Progesterone levels now begin to rise, while estrogen levels remain high

High levels of estrogen and progesterone cause negative feedback on GnRH, FSH, and LH

Prevents the development of multiple ova in the same cycle


If implantation does not occur, human chorionic gonatotropin will not be made

Without hCG to stimulate the corpus luteum, progesterone levels decline, and the uterine lining is sloughed off

The loss of high levels of estrogen and progesterone removes the block on GnRH so that the next cycle can begin

Corpus luteum

Release estrogens and progesterone

Ovarian follicles

Release estrogens

Menstrual cycle (Overview)

1) Follicles mature during the follicular phase (FSH, LH)

2) LH surge at midcycle triggers ovulation

3) Ruptured follicle becomes corpus luteum and secretes estrogen and progesterone to build up uterine lining in preparation for implantation; LH and FSH are inhibited

4)If fertilization does not occur, corpus luteum atrophies, progesterone and estrogen levels decrease, menses occurs, and LH and FSH levels begin to rise again


If fertilization has occurred, the corpus luteum will be maintained by the presence of hCG, which is secreted by the blastocyst and the developing placenta


Results from decreased responsiveness of the ovaries to FSH an LH

Fewer follicles will begin to develop each month, and some may fail to rupture

The decreased response to FSH and LH results in decreased levels of estrogen and progesterone

FSH and LH lose their feedback inhibition, so their plasma concentrations are usually increased

Pineal Gland

Secretes melatonin; involved in circadian rhythms

Hormones secreted by the kidneys

Erythropoietin - stimulates bone marrow to increase the production of erythrocytes

Theory: Punctuated Equilibrium

Suggests that changes in some species occur in rapid bursts rather than evenly over time

Homologous structures

Similar in structure and share a common evolutionary origin, even if they don't have a similar appearance, shape, or form (bat wings, human forearm, whale flippers)

Analogous structures

Serve a common purpose but evolved separately in each species (bird wings and insect wings)

Vestigial structures

Remnants of organs that have lost their ancestral function (humans: coccyx - tailbone, appendix)

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium criteria

1) The population is very large

2) There are no mutations that affect the gene pool

3) Mating between individuals in the population is random

4) There is no net migration of individuals into or out of the population

5) The genes in the population are all equally successful at reproducing

Genetic drift

Changes in the composition of the gene pool due to chance; tends to be more pronounced in small populations, where it is sometimes called the founder effect

This can happen when a small population of a species finds itself in reproductive isolation form other populations as a result of natural barriers or catastrophic events

Gene flow

Migration of individuals between populations will result in a loss or gain of genes and, thus, change the composition of a population's gene pool

Stabilizing selection

Works to keep phenotypes within a specific range by eliminating extremes (human birth weight)

Directional selection

Adaptive pressure leads to the emergence and dominance of an initially extreme phenotype (antibiotic resistance in bacteria)

Disruptive selection

Both extreme phenotypes are selected over the norm (dominance of large and small beak sizes, no medium-sized beaks)

Inclusive fitness

The number of alleles that an individual passes on to the next generation, even if only indirectly through altruistic behavior

Hybrid Inviability

Genetic incompatibilities between two species abort hybrid zygote development

Hybrid Sterility

Hybrid offspring are sterile and thus incapable of producing functional gametes

Hybrid Breakdown

First-generation hybrids are viable and fertile, but second-generation hybrid offspring are inviable and/or infertile

Adaptive Radiation

When a single ancestral species gives rise to a number of different species; each species diverges to the point that it is able to occupy a unique ecological niche

Convergent Evolution

The independent development of similar characteristics in two or more lineages not sharing a recent common ancestor

Divergent evolution

The independent development of dissimilar characteristics in two or more lineages sharing common ancestry

Parallel evolution

The process whereby related species evolve in similar ways for a long period of time in response to analogous environmental pressures

Origin of Life

The very early Earth contained high amounts of elemental carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen as well as a small amount of oxygen in what is referred to as the primordial soup

From the primordial soup, the earliest amino acids can be formed and aggregated into protobionts

Genetic material likely evolved first as short, self-replicating strands of RNA