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42 Cards in this Set

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Where does RNA exit the nucleus?
Nuclear Pores
Where are ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and the subunits of the ribosome transcribed?
Where are most of the phospholipids of the cell membrane formed?
At the SER
Where do lysosomes come from?
The Golgi Apparatus
The two major types of filaments in the cytoskeleton are what?
Microtubules and microfilaments
What protein is used to make microtubules?
Flagella, cilia, and the spindle apparatus are all made from what?
Eukaryotic flagella are made from a ____ microtubule configuration.
Cross bridges made from a protein called ____ connect each of the outer pairs of microtubules to their neighbor.
The major microtubule organizing center in animal cells is the ____.
____ epithelium is one layer thick.
____ epithelium is two or more layers thick.
What eukaryotic organelle is frequently seen as one that detoxifies harmful substances?
____ communication tends to be rapid, direct and specific.
____ communication tends to be slower, spread throughout the body, and affects many cells in many different ways.
The functional unit of the nervous system is called the ____.
The neuron is so highly specialized that it has lost the capacity to ____.
The neuron depends almost entirely on ____ for its chemical energy.
Where does an action potential originate?
The axon hillock
Oligodenrocytes wrap many times around axons in the CNS creating electrically insulating sheaths called what?
In the peripheral nervous system, myelin is produced by what?
Schwann Cells
Tiny gaps between myelin are called ____.
Nodes of Ranvier
White matter in the brain and spinal cord appear white because?
There are a large amount of myelinated axons
The jumping of an action potential from one node of Ranvier to the next is known as what?
Saltatory Conduction
____ neurons receive signals from a receptor cell that interacts with its environment.
____ neurons transfer signal from neuron to neuron.
____ neurons carry signals to a muscle gland called the effector
The neurotransmitter used by all preganglionic neurons in the ANS and by postganglionic neurons in the parasympathetic system is?
The postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic nervous system use what neurotransmitter at the post-ganglionic synapse?
Epinephrine or Norepinephrine
Autonomic pathways are controlled by what section of the brain?
The hypothalamus
The medulla, hypothalamus, thalamus, cerebellum are make up what part of the brain?
The lower brain
The cerebrum and cerebral cortex make up what part of the brain?
The higher brain
Where does light first strike the eye?
The cornea
The lens of the eye is flattened due to what?
Ciliary muscles
The ____ contains light sensitive cells called rods and cones.
Between rod cells and cone cells, which distinguishes color?
Cone cells
The colored portion of the eye that creates the opening called the pupil is called the what?
The middle ear begins with what?
The tympanic membrane
The three small bones: malleus, incus, and the stapes are located where?
The middle ear
What part of the ear detects sound?
The cochlea
The ____ ____ of the ear detect orientation and movement of the head.
The semicircular canals
Hair cells of the ____ detect movement of the vestibular membrane and transuce sound into neural signals.
Organ of corti