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37 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
What is anatomy?
a study of the structure of the body
What is physiology?
a study of the functions of the body
Cartilage is what kind of tissue?
connective tissue
What type of massage is especially useful in insomnia?
How many named bones are found in an adult skeleton?
Which is most stimulating to the tissue... petrissage or effleurage?
What type of mm controls the size of the pupil of the eye?
What is mm tone?
when mm fibers are constantly in a state of slight contraction
What structural unit forms all the material in the body?
What is tissue?
a group or collection of cells which act together in the performance of a particular function
What kind of tissue separates the thorax from the abdomen?
What are the most important "tools" of the massage therapist?
their hands
What is another name for the central and peripheral systems?
nervous system
How many spinal nerves are found in the normal human body?
Name the kneading manipulations performed in massage therapy
petrissage and friction
What regulates the beat of the heart?
nervous system
Does lymph travel through the body as fast as blood?
What is meant by the term superficial lymphaticus?
those near the skin
What is the function of lymphatic valves?
to keep the lymph flowing in one direction
How is massage helpful in keeping the lymphatic system functioning properly?
it stimulates the flow if lymph
Are all joints moveable?
What are the functions of intervertebral discs?
to absorb shock and allow limited movement
Where is articular fluid found?
in the synovial cavity
What is the purpose of articular fluid?
to eliminate much of the friction that would otherwise result when bones are brought in contact with each other during movement
What is the main purpose of function of all mm in the arm?
articulation or movement
If you make a fist with your hands what type of mms are active?
Name the longest bone in the body?
What is the longest bone in the human body?
What is the largest artery in the lower extremities?
femoral artery
What are the connecting links between arteries and veins?
What structures join the lung to the trachea?
Why is the blood in the veins darker than in the attires?
in contains more wast matter and carbon dioxide
Is the stomach larger than the liver?
Where is bile stored in the body?
gall bladder
Food passes from the mouth to he stomach through what structure?
Name the outer layer of the skin
What is the name of the layer of cells forming the epidermis of the skin?