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120 Cards in this Set

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Fourth Amendment Rights Require?
A reasonable expectation of privacy with respect to the place searched or the item seized.
Intended 3rd Party Beneficiary Rights invest?
1) When Beneficiary manifests assent to the promise in a manner invited or requested by the parties.

2) When Benificiary brings suit to enforce the promise.

3) When Beneficiary materially changes position in justifiable reliance on the promise.
Pure Notice Statute
Subsequent purchasers for value and without notice of a prior conveyance prevail over prior transferees, whether or not they record.
Shelter Rule
Any person who takes from a bonafide purchaser prevails against any interest that the bonafide purchaser would have prevailed against, EVEN with actual knowledge of the prior unrecorded interest.
Party Admissions
Statements by a party to the action offered by the opponent of the party.
Standing requires?
An injury in fact caused by the government, that can be remedied by a court decision in favor of the party bringing the cause of action.
Conversion damages?
Fair Market Value of the chattel at the time it was converted.
Negligence requires?
1) Duty of care for D to conform to the standard of care of a reasonable person, protecting P against an unreasonable risk of injury.

2) Breach of the Duty

3) Breach was an actual and proximate cause of P's injury.

4) Damage to P's person or property.
Marketability of Title?
Title is free of encumbrances and all possibilities of litigation.
Tax Sales of Property?
Cut off the rights of the remaindermen.
"Knowlingly" MPC standard?
requires knowledge that one's conduct will necessarily or very likely cause a certain result.
Character Evidence at Criminal Trials?
Only admissible once the party has put his/her character into issue.
Prima facie case for False Imprisonment entails:
An intentional act or omission by a defendant that confined or restrained Plaintiff to a bounded area, and causation.
Miranda Warnings are minimum requirements
States are free to provide greater protection regarding the admissibility of a statements made by the accused in a custodial interrogation.
Knowledge requirement for Attempt
Specific Intent
Easement Interest
An easement grants a limited interest in the land that may only be used for the purposes stated in the easement.
Solicitation for a crime is a lesser offense to that crime and will merge into that crime.
Where a person solicited proceeds far enough to be liable for attempt, the solicitor is guilty of that attempt.
Relevant Evidence
Any evidence tending to make the existence of any fact of consequence to the determination of the action more or less probable than it would be without the evidence.
An Accord modifies a contract.
An accord is an agreement in which one party to an existing contract agrees to accept different performance instead of the performance originally agreed upon.
The performance of an accord agreement.
Natural uses trumps artificial uses in riparian water rights.
Natural uses include: household consumption, gardening, limited grazing.

Artificial uses include: irrigation and manufacturing.
Lemon Test
1. law must have a secular purpose
2. primary effects of the law must neither advance nor inhibit religion
3. law cannot produce excessive government entanglement with religion.
Strict Liability for Wild Animals
Includes liability for injuries suffered attempting to flee from the animal.
The procedural due process requirement of affording a hearing before a driver's license is suspended or terminated:
Is satisfied by judicial proceedings regarding the citation(s) that led to the suspension.
The 6th Amendment right to counsel in misdemeanor trials:
Applies only when a sentence of imprisonment is actually imposed (even if its suspended).
When a seller of land fails to tender a marketable title:
The buyer can usually get specific performance with an abatement of the purchase price in an amount reflecting the title defect.
Prima facie case for trespass to land is established when:
1)Defendant physically invades Plaintiff's real property.

2) Defendant intends the invasion.

3) Causation
When undertaking a rescue:
The rescue must be conducted in a reasonably prudent way.
Congress may freely tax and spend:
For the common defense and the general welfare as long as the spending does not violate any other specific constitutional rights.
A prima facie case for negligence requires:
1) A duty of care

2) breach of that duty

3) actual and proximate causation

4) damages
When a non-breaching buyer does not receive contracted for goods, he/she may:
1) Cancel the contract and recover any incidental damages.

2) Cover by purchasing replacement goods and sue for the cost of replacement.
Under the Commerce clause, Congress may regulate:
1) the channels of interstate commerce

2) the instrumentalities, persons and things in interstate commerce

3) activities that have a substantial effect on interstate commerce.
An agency is vicariously liable for acts of its employees' committed outside the scope of employment if:
the agency negligently selected the employee by overlooking previous actions that made the current action resulting in harm likely to occur.
Adverse possession requires:
that possession be
1) Actual
2) Exclusive
3) Open
4) Notorious
5) Hostile
6) Continuous
For Res Ipsa Loquitur to apply:
P must show

1) the accident causing the injury is one that would not normally occur without negligence.

2) the negligence is attributable to D.

3) the injury is not attributable to P.

* Accident must ordinarily happen because of the negligence of someone in D's position.

* More likely if the instrumentality causing the injury was in D's exclusive control.
For Strict Liability to apply to an activity:
The activity must be abnormally dangerous:

1) Must create a foreseeable risk of serious harm even when reasonable care is exercised by all actors.

2) Must not be a matter of common usage in the community.
A Declarant's unavailability to testify is relevant to the admission of hearsay when its:
1) the declarant's former testimony

2) a statement against interest

3) a dying declaration

4) a statement of personal or family history

5) a statement offered against a party procuring the declarant's availability.
A duty to perform under a personal services contract is discharged:
where it becomes impossible to perform through illness or physical incapacity.
Recording Statutes protect BFP's but not:
subsequent judgment creditors because the creditors offer no consideration for their lien(s).
A novation substitutes a new party for an original party to the contract and requires:
Assent from all the parties at which point the original party is completely released from the contract.
A covenant in a lease runs with the land if:
1) the parties so intend

2) the covenant touches and concerns the land
A plaintiff bringing an action in a state trial court is required:
to exhaust its state appellate remedies before seeking review in federal courts, even where federal issues are involved.
A grand jury may decide whether probable cause exist to issue an indictment:
by considering ALL evidence available, even evidence that will not be admissible at trial.
Silence constitutes an adoptive admission of another person's statement when:
circumstances establish that the silent party would naturally have responded to the statement if it were untrue.
Materiality of a contract breach is determined by:
1) amount of benefit the nonbreaching party will receive

2) adequacy of damages remedy

3) extent of performance already completed by the breaching party

4) hardship to the breaching party

5) whether the breaching party's behavior was negligent or willful

6) The likelihood of the breaching party completing performance
An assignment of rights given for no consideration is:
A gratuitous assignment and is generally revocable by the assignor.
Malice Aforethought (the common law mens rea for murder) requires:
1) intent to kill, OR

2) intent to inflict great bodily injury, OR

3) reckless indifference to an unjustifiably high risk to human life, OR

4) intent to commit a felony.
Intentional killing is reduced from murder to voluntary manslaughter if:
it is committed under a provocation that would arouse sudden and intense passion in the mind of an ordinary person such as to cause him/her to lose self-control.
A Police Officer may stop a person without probable cause for arrest:
if he/she has an articulable and reasonable suspicion of criminal activity.
"Plain feel" doctrine allows Police to reach into a suspects clothing and:
seize any item that the officer reasonably believes is a weapon OR contraband based on its plain feel.
A fourth amendment right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure requires:
a person to have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the place searched or the item seized.
If the police reasonably rely on a facially valid warrant:
a later finding that the warrant is invalid and not supported by probable cause will NOT exclude evidence obtained by the warrant.
A year to year tenancy results in a commercial lease:
if the original lease term is for a year or more.
For an Accord and Satisfaction to occur:
1) A bonafide dispute as to amount owed must exist

2) The instrument involved must conspicuously state that it is in full satisfaction of the debt.
An assignment occurs when:
A tenant completely transfers the entire remaining term of his/her leasehold interest.
When an assignee and a landlord are in privity of estate:
they are liable to each other on all the covenants in the lease that run with the land.
As long as a foundation is laid to show familiarity with a voice:
The voice may be identified in court by the opinion of anyone, whether heard firsthand or through a tape recording.
In a UCC contract containing a term assuring an offer will be held open:
the offer must be signed by the offeror, even if the form is supplied by the offeree.
A writing is required for a firm offer under the UCC:
regardless of the value of the goods offered.
Obscenity is unprotected speech under the First Amendment, and is defined as:
1) A description or depiction of sexual conduct that

2) taken as a whole by the average person

3) applying contemporary community standards,

4) appeals to the prurient interest in sex,

5) portrays sex in a patently offensive way,

6) and using a national reasonable person standard- does not have serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
The RAP applies to:
executory interests created in third persons but not to reversionary interests of the grantor.
The duty to avoid negligent infliction of emotional distress is breached when:

1) creates a foreseeable risk of physical injury to the Plaintiff

2) either by causing a threat of physical impact that leads to emotional distress

3) or by directly causing severe emotional distress that by itself is likely to result in physical symptoms.
In product liability, an intermediary's negligent failure to discover a defect is NOT a superseding cause:
the defendant that supplied the defective product will be held liable along with the intermediary.
In a criminal case, a spouse can testify if she wants to but:
she cannot be compelled to testify.
The spousal privilege applies to:
all information the spouse has gained before or during the marriage.
The spousal privilege ends:
When the marriage ends.
In any case, a spouse can:
refuse to disclose, or prevent a spouse from disclosing, confidential communications made between the spouses during the marriage.
Under the common law, a parent:
is not vicariously liable for the tortious conduct of his/her child/
A parent may be held liable:
for his/her own negligence in allowing their child to do something that injures another's person or property.
Absent a contrary agreement, a Tenant may remove chattel that he/she has attached to the demised premises:
as long as the removal does not cause substantial damage to the premises or the virtual destruction of the chattel.
States can regulate local aspects of interstate commerce if the regulation is not in conflict with federal regulation and if:
1) the subject matter of the regulation does not require nationally uniform regulation;

2) the regulation does not discriminate against out of state competition to benefit local economic interests; and

3) any incidental burden on interstate commerce of the nondiscriminatory regulation does not outweigh the legitimate local benefits produced by the regulation.
The Parol Evidence Rule does not bar:
1) the introduction of evidence based on course of dealing,

2) usage in the trade,

3) or course of performance to explain or supplement a contractual term.
A latent ambiguity occurs:
where the expression of contracting parties' agreement appears perfectly clear when the contract is formed, but later revealed facts allow the expression to be reasonably interpreted in two ways.
UCC permits extrinsic evidence that explains or supplements a term through:
1) Course of dealing

2) usage in the trade or course of performance

even when the writing is an otherwise complete integration or final expression of the parties' agreement.
When a gift is made to unnamed classes of persons, the rule of convenience:
provides that the class closes when some member of the class can call for a distribution of their share of the class gift.
Class members are entitled to take a class gift when:
the preceding grant or estate expires.
When a mortgage is foreclosed, the purchaser at the sale will take title:
as it existed when the mortgage was placed on the property.
Foreclosure terminates interests that are junior to the mortgage but:
does not affect interests that are senior to the mortgage.
1) The taking of personal property of another

2) from the other's person or presence

3) by force or intimidation,

4) with the intent to permanently deprive them of it.
1) the taking and carrying away

2) of tangible personal property of another

3) by trespass

4) with intent to permanently deprive the person of his interest in the property.
An assault is either:
1) an attempt to commit a battery OR

2) the intentional creation, other than by mere words, of a reasonable apprehension in the mind of the victim of imminent bodily harm.
The holder of an easement has a right to use the tract of land for a special purpose:
but has no right to possess or enjoy the tract of land.
SOF requires that any conveyance of an easement interest for greater than one year:
be in writing to be enforceable.
If government regulation denies a landowner ALL economic use of his land:
the regulation may constitute a taking requiring the payment of just compensation under the 5th Amendment.
The test for determining a "taking" and its impact is:
the court considers the economic impact on the claimant and whether the regulation substantially interferes with distinct, investment backed objectives.
A prima facie case for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress requires a Plaintiff to show:
1) an act by the defendant amounting to extreme and outrageous conduct.

2) intent by the defendant to cause plaintiff to suffer severe emotional distress; or recklessness as to the effect of defendant's conduct

3) causation, and

4) damages- severe emotional distress.
In criminal prosecutions, dying declarations:
are limited to homicide cases.
A prima facie products liability case based on strict liability entails:
1) a strict duty owed by a commercial supplier

2) breach of that duty

3) actual and proximate cause

4) damages
Breach of duty in a products liability case is established by:
showing that the defendant sold or produced a product in a defective condition unreasonably dangerous to users.
A liquidated damages clause in a contract is enforceable if:
1) damages are difficult to ascertain at the time of the making of the contract, and

2) the damages are a reasonable forecast of compensatory damages.
The test for reasonableness of liquidated damage clauses is:
a comparison between the amount of actual damages prospectively probable at the time of contract formation and the liquidated damages figure.
If commercial speech concerns a lawful activity and is not misleading or fraudulent, government regulation of that speech must:
1) directly advance a substantial governmental interest,

2) Must be no more extensive than necessary to serve that interest.
Legislation of commercial speech must:
be narrowly drawn and there must be a reasonable means end fit to the legislation.
Goverment can regulate the use of a nonpublic forum if the regulation is:
1) viewpoint neutral

2) reasonably related to the intended, legitimate government purpose of the nonpublic forum.
Speech in public forums may be regulated according to:
1) reasonable time

2) place and manner regulations if the regulation

3) is content neutral

4) is narrowly tailored to serve a significant government interest, and

5) leaves open alternative channels of communication.
A record of Arrest, even for a crime such as embezzlement cannot:
be used to impeach the credibility of a witness.
Extrinsic evidence of prior bad acts is not allowed:
under Rule 608, even if the witness denies the act on cross examination.
When an entity is found vicariously liable for the torts of another:
the entity has a right of indemnity against the other.
The Government may reasonably regulate speech related conduct in public forums through:
content-neutral time, place, and manner.
Government regulation of speech and assembly in public forums is only valid if:
1) it's content neutral

2) narrowly tailored to serve a significant government interest

3) leaves open alternative channels of communication.
When there is a contract for property and a deed for that same property:
The doctrine of merger applies and the contract merges into the deed making the terms of the contract meaningless.
A deed must contain its own covenants of title because:
Deeds do not incorporate the title terms of related contracts.
A lay person's opinion is admissible if it is:
1) rationally based on the perception of the witness

2) helpful to a clear understanding of the witness' testimony determining a fact in issue

3) not based on scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge.
The use of deadly force in defense of others is acceptable if:
the other is being threatened with serious bodily harm.
Lay Opinion tesitmony is permissible and often essential to:
identify telephone voices and handwriting.
Any lay witness that is familiar with the voice or signature of a person may:
testify as to his/her opinion as to its genuineness provided a foundation of familiarity has already been laid.
State action is often found when the state has:
affirmatively encouraged or facilitated discriminatory acts by private groups.
state discrimination against lawful aliens is:
suspect and will only be upheld if it is necessary to promote a compelling state interest.
Denial of particularly important rights (marriage licenses, etc.) on the basis of income is:
an unconstitutional violation of equal protection.
Equal protection issues are raised with regard to income when:
A lack of wealth prevents a person from exercising a fundamental constitutional right.
Governmental Action that does not contain a sect preference will pass muster under the establishment clause if:
1) it has a secular purpose.

2) its primary effect neither advances nor inhibits religion

3) it does not require excessive government entanglement with religion.
While the Lemon test is used to determine improper government involvement with religion:
the compelling state interest test is used if a law or government program discriminates among religions.
A federal court will hear an action to enjoin a PENDING state court prosecution if:
the prosecution is being conducted in bad faith, merely harassing the defendant.
A person has standing to challenge a governmental action if he can show:
1) an injury in fact from the action that is greater than the injury everyone suffers when the government acts in this manner.

2) that a decision in his favor will remedy the injury.
Substantive Due Process tests the reasonableness of a statute and:
prohibits arbitrary government action.
In SDP, when the government's action limits a fundamental right:
the government must prove that its action is necessary to promote a compelling interest.
In SDP, if a fundamental right is not involved:
the challenging party must prove that the act is not rationally related to any legitimate government interest.
Impairment of Contracts Clause prohibits:
Substantial impairment of EXISTING contracts.
The privileges and immunities in the 14th Amendment:
refer specifically to the rights of United States Citizenship (right to vote for federal officers, petition Congress for redress).
The power to adjudicate border disputes and actions where to or more states are involved:
is vested in the judicial branch by Article III of the Constitution.