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29 Cards in this Set

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Definition: Contracts Clause
limits the STATES’ ability to substantially impair existing contract rights. Does not apply to Fed’l Gov’t
Definition: Equal Protection Clause
prohibits the government from treating similarly situated people differently w/o sufficient justification.
Definition: Due Process Clause
a party is entitled to notice and an opportunity to be heard b/f being deprived of liberty or property
Definition: Contracts Clause
limits the STATES’ ability to substantially impair existing contract rights. Does not apply to Fed’l Gov’t
Definition: Equal Protection Clause
prohibits the government from treating similarly situated people differently w/o sufficient justification.
What theory if treated differently than others similarly situated?
Equal Protection
Definition: Due Process Clause
a party is entitled to notice and an opportunity to be heard b/f being deprived of liberty or property
Due Process Clause
criminal law or regulation must give persons reasonable notice of what is prohibited or it violated DP Clause.
What tips off a DP Question
liberty or property interest
Definition: Privileges & Immunities Clause of Art.IV
Protects against discrimination BY A STATE in favor of its own citizens when it affects a fundamental right.
State Classification of Aliens
state classifications of aliens are “suspect” and subject to Strict Scrutiny. Exception: a state may require citizenship for important state jobs that directly affect the political process, provided state has rational basis for discrimination.
What is subject to Strict Scrutiny and who has the burden?
Fundamental rights and burden on the Gov’t
Fundamental Privacy Rights
CAMPER: Contraception, Abortion, Marriage, Medical Treatment Refusal, Procreation, Porn, Education, Related persons living together.
What is subject to Intermediate Scrutiny?
Gender, Commercial Speech, Content Neutral Speech and burden is on the Gov’t.
What is subject to Rational Basis Scrutiny?
Everything else and burden is on the plaintiff.
When can the Gov’t regulate speech?
if the restriction is content neutral and a valid Time, Place, and Manner. The Gov’t may regulate the conduct associated with speech if the regulation: (i) is content neutral, (ii) is narrowly tailored to serve an important Gov’t interest, and (iii) leaves open alternative channels of communication.
When will Gov’t regulation of commercial speech be struck down?
if the speech involves a lawful activity and is not misleading, unless the regulation serves a substantial government interest, it directly advances that interest, and it is narrowly tailored to achieving that interest.
Establishment Clause – Three Part Test
the program must (i) have a secular purpose, (ii) have a primary effect that neither advances nor inhibits religion, and (iii) not produce excessive government entanglement with religion.
Who is NOT covered by the Privileges and Immunities Clause?
Corporations and Aliens - are NOT considered citizens for purposes of the P&I clause
What kind of discrimination does the Privileges and Immunities Clause prohibit?
Fundamental Rights - those involving important COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES (such as pursuit of livelihood) or CIVIL LIBERTIES
Who can regulate Interstate Commerce?
GR: Congress has the power to regulate I.C.
Exception: State/Local gov't may regulate if congress has not enacted laws regarding the subject and...
(i) the regulation does not discriminate against out-of-state competition and (ii) the regulation is not unduly burdensome ((Known as the Dormant Commerce clause))
State Regulations that discriminate against interstate commerce are almost always invalid. When are they OK?
(i) if it furthers an important, noneconomic state interest (health or safety) and there are no reasonable alternatives
(ii) State as a Market Participant
Bar Exam approach for State Regulation that affects the free flow of Interstate Commerce.
FIRST, see if the question refers to ANY FEDERAL LEGISLATION that might be held to: (i) SUPERSEDE the state regulation or PREEMPT the field, or (ii) AUTHORIZE state regulation otherwise impermissible

SECOND, if no, thendoes the state legislation either DISCRIMINATE against interstate or out-of-state commerce or places an UNDUE BURDEN on the free-flow of I.C. If discriminatory, then invalid...unless (i) furthers in important state interest AND no reasonable nondiscrim alternatives, or (ii) state is a market participant.
Substantive Due Process - Fundamental Rights subject to SS
1) Right to Travel
2) Privacy
3) Voting
4) All 1st Amendment Rights
What is the Source of Substantive Due Process?
5th Amendment - Fed'l Gov't
14th Amendment - State Gov't
Equal Protection - Suspect Classifications subject to SS
1) Race/Nat'l Origin
2) Alienage (invalid if arbitrary and unreasonable)
Equal Protection - Quasi Suspect classification subject to Intermediate Scrutiny
1) Gender
2) Legitimacy
Fundmental Rights - subject to SS under SDP or EP. to be valid the gov't action must be NECESSARY to protect a COMPELLING INTEREST.
1) PRIVACY - contraceptives, abortion, marriage, porn, extended family together, rights of parents, sexual conduct (C.A.M.P.E.R.S.)
1) Freedom of Speech & Assembly
2) Freedom of Association & Belief
3) Freedom of Religion