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19 Cards in this Set

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What is clonal selection?
Ag specific activation results in expansion (clones expressing TCR of same specificity) of rare specific T-cells-> can be Th1 or Th2
How does activation & expansion affect CD4 & CD8 T-cells?
CD4 T-cells differentiate into cytokine producing Th1 or Th2 cells. CD8 cytotoxic T-cells become more effective
What are memory cells?
Retain TCR specificity but becme quiescent & survive longer. Maybe CD4 Th1, Th2, or Cd8 CTL. Upon re-exposure to Ag they are more rapidly activated-> stronger secondary response.
What is the fcn of gamma/delta TCR?
Assoc w/ mucosal tissues & may be involved in immunity in the gut & other mucus membranes
What are the roles of cytokines produced by T-cells?
Mediate immune actication, deactivate, inflammation, fever,wound healing, hematopoiesis, & other effector fcn. Specific only to their receptors
What are the charac of cytokines?
Small glycoproteins, not antigen specific, receptor specificity, produced by many cell types (mostly b y activated macro & T-cells), act on many cell types (autocrine, paracrine, endocrine)
What are the Th1 cytokines? General fcn?
IL-2 & IFN-gamma. Cell mediated immunity
What is the mech & fcn of IL-2?
Cell prolif: MHCII+Ag-> bind CD4 TRC on Th1-> IL2-> stim prolif (of Th1, Th2, CTL, NK, & B-cells)
Wha tis the mech & fcn of IFN-gamma?
Activation of macros, inc MHC expression on APC, , promotes Th1 differentiation, Inhib Th2 cells
What are the Th2 cytokines?
IL4, IL5, & IL10
What is the fcn of IL4 & 5?
Favor Ab production: B-cell proliferation & differentiation, Th2 maturation, modulate Ig class switching, & inhibition of Th1 cells & macro activation
What is the fcn of IL10?
Deactivation of macros & inhibition of T-cells
What is the diff b/w Th1 & Th2?
Th1 favors cell mediated immunity & Th2 favors Ab synthesis
Describe the IL2 receptor.
Beta/gamma chains are normally expressed on resting cell-> moderate affinty & low level prolif. w/ immune activation alpha cahin is synthesized-> makes it a high affinity receptor & high prolif via jak/STAT signaling
What are superantigens?
Nonspecifically stim T-cells by binding to ext parts of the TCR & MHC-> cause APC & T-cells to interact nonspecifically-> inflammation-> damage host tissue
What are Th17 cells?
Produce IL17-> inflammation. Assoc w/ immune mediated pathology
What cytokines downreg T-cell fcns?
IL4 (Th1), IL10 (T-cell & macros), IFN-gamma (Th2), & TGF-beta (t-cell)
What are the inflamm mediators produced by macrophages? Other mediators.
TNF-alpha, IL1, IL6, IL8. TGF-beta, IL12, &IL-18.
Fcn of TGF-beta, IL12, & IL18.
TGF-beta is (-) reg of T-cells & macros, enhances wound healins, & Ig switching (IgA). IL12 & IL18 enhance cytotoxicity. IL12 promotes Th1 maturation. IL18 stim IFN-gamma production