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27 Cards in this Set

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What is innate immunity?
Basic nonspecific resistance to disease that a species possesses; first line of defense.
Why is innate immunity important?
It controls the spread of initial infection before adaptive immunity. Takes 4-7 days for adaptive to kick in
What are the charac of innate imun?
Broad spectrum response, no memory, limited recognition that’s high conserved. Influences charac of adaptive immun
Temporal seq of innate immun
2 phases. 1) Immediate (0-4hr) attack w/ preformed non-specific effectors. 2)Early induced (4-96hr) Recruit effector cells (recog & activation)
What are the elements of innate immun?
Barriers, circ effector cells, circ effector proteins, & induced factors
What are the barriers of innate immun?
1st encounter. Restrict the entry, always working, natural. Physical: skin & mucus membranes. Chemical: antibacterial peptides (defensins) & enzymes in secretions (lysozyme & pepsin). Microbiological: normal flora
Importance of epithelial protection
Major cause of mortality or morbidity when breached in wounds & burns. W/o injury pathogens must bind molec on epi suface to being avoid washed away
Importance of mucus flow
Defective secretion, ciliary movement, or perestalsis results in inc bacterial colonization (eg cystic fibrosis)
What are effector cells?
Phagocytes (maro in tissue & PMN in circ), NK cells, & dendritic
What are the circ effector proteins?
Complement, mannose binding lectin, c-reactive protein, coagulation factors, serpins/alpha2 macroglobulin
What are PMN cells?
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes-(granulocytes) short-lived phago in circ that contain lysosomes, produce peroxide, & superoxide radicals. Protein: lacto-ferrin
What are macrophages?
long-lived Phago derived from monocytes in marrow migrate from blood to tissue (name changes when in tissue)
Mech of macros & PMN
Use surface receptors to recog. Macro 1st encounter pathogen-> recruits PMN. Engulf->phagosome->acidification->merge w/ lysosome
What are the bactericidal agents produced by phagos?
Acid, lysozymes, acid hydrolases, toxic oxy, NO, defensins, cationic proteins
What are the competitors of phagos?
Lactoferrin: binds Fe & B12 to prevent bacteria uptake
What are the receptors of macros?
LPS (CD14), CR3, mannose, glucan, scavenger, toll
What are PAMPs?
Pathogen Assoc Molec Patterns: patterns of molec signatures on microorganisms that are specific to class & essential for survival. Bind PRR.
What are PRR?
Pathogen Recognition Receptors: (Toll-like receptors)main recog elements for microbial patterns. Bind PAMPs
Important microbial mech of phags
Catalytic conversion of oxy to oxyhalide free radicals (highly reactive)
What is the major free radical generating sys in phagos?
Phagocyte oxidase system: NADPHoxidase. Multisubunit complex responsible for generating superoxide radicals
What is chronic granulamatous disease?
(CGH) A primary immune deficiency caused by defective phago oxidase sys
Charac of inflammation
Pain, redness, heat, & swelling. Inc vessel diameter, flow, reduction in velocity, & inc permeability
3 important roles of inflammation
2) delivers additional effector cells 2) provides physical barrier 3) promotes repair
Cytokines secreted by macros
Il-1beta, TNF-alpha, IL-6, CXCL8, IL-12. Recruit neutrophils
Fcn of type I interferons
IFN-alpha & beta: induce resistance to viral replication in all cells, inc MHC I, activate NK cells
What are NK cells
Circ large granular cells. Early responders to virus, no specificity, express C16, secret perforin, granzyme, IFN, & TNF
What are complement proteins?
Circ effectors in proenzyme form. Can directly bind microbes & recruit other effectors