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24 Cards in this Set

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Immortality of the soul

the idea that the soul lives on after the death of the body


the belief that after death, the body stays in the grave until the end of the world, when it is raised

Near-death experience

when someone about to die has an out of body experience


unexplained things which are thought to have spiritual causes, for example spirits and mediums


the belief that after death, souls are reborn into a new body


the removal of the foetus from the womb before it can survive

Sanctity of life

the belief that life is holy and belongs to God

Assisted suicide

Providing a seriously ill person with the means to kill themselves


the painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease

Non voluntary euthanasia

ending someone's life painlessly when they are not able to ask, but you have good reasons for thinking they would want to

Quality of life

the idea that life has to have some benefit to be worth living

Voluntary euthanasia

ending life painlessly when someone in great pain asks for death

Why do Christians believe in life after death?

-Jesus came back from the death

-resurrection on Judgement Day

-Immortality of the soul

-Heaven and Hell are talked about in the Bible

-Catholics believe in Purgatory

-"and whoever believes in me shall not die but have eternal life" -Jesus

-those who do not believe in God have no interest in the spiritual and therefore their spirits will not be awakened

Why do non-religious people believe in life after death?

-Comforting idea

-Near death experiences, glimpses of Heaven, a light


-Mediums contact the dead

-Reincarnation, people remember their past lives

Why do non-religious people not believe in life after death?

-Body decays after death

-Life support machines prove that the brain dies before the body

-Near death experiences are hoaxes, hallucinations or psychological experiences (perhaps as the victim does not have enough oxygen)

-In the future the paranormal will be able to explain the paranormal

-People who believe that they have lived a past life have psychological problems

Why do some people believe abortion is acceptable?

Give religious and non religious arguments.

-If the baby will be severely disabled, it will not have a good enough quality of life

-Most loving thing to do, Jesus taught to love thy neighbour

-If mother is too young

-If mother was raped

-It is not murder as life begins at birth

-Women have the right to choose what happens to their bodies

-There are too many people on the planet

Why do some people believe abortion is unacceptable?

Give religious and non religious arguments.

-Sanctity of life

-Abortion is murder

-Murder is against the decalogue

-life begins at contraception

-everyone has the right to be born

-don't interfere with God's plan

-all life has value

Why do some people believe that euthanasia is acceptable?

Give religious and non religious arguments.

-some people want it

-people should have the right to end their life

-people should not have to watch their relatives suffer

-Quality of life

-Jesus taught to love, sometimes it is the most loving thing to do

-If an animal was suffering we would put it down as it is the most humane thing to do

Why do some people believe that euthanasia is not acceptable?

Give religious and non religious arguments.

-Euthanasia is murder

-Against the decalogue

-Jesus had to endure suffering, people should cherish life

-Sanctity of life

-could get better/cured

-doctors take an oath to save and should not have to kill

-suicide is a sin

-old people may feel pressured to end their lives

-the body is a temple

Talk about Christian Aid.

-speaking out for justice

-long term development projects

-providing aid after natural disasters

-local problems, e.g. helping farmers

-education and campaigning

Why should Christians give to charity?

-New Testament says wealth should be used to help the poor

-Jesus helped the poor, Christians should follow his examples

-Jesus' sermon on the mount teaches that Christians should share time and money to help the poor

-Treat others how you want to be treated

-Love thy neighbour as yourself

-Parable of the sheep and goats; clothing/feeding the hungry is clothing/feeding Jesus

Talk about Christian views on money.

-Wealth is not bad, however a love of wealth is bad

-there are wealthy, faithful people in the Bible, e.g. Joseph of Arimathea

-money should be earned in moral ways that do not exploit or harm people, damage the environment or are sexual in nature

-money should not be spent in ways that harm yourself or others

-gambling is wrong as profits are made from others expense

-usuary is wrong- charging high interest

What is the best way to end world poverty?

-charities and religion e.g. Christian Aid

-government and UN

Poverty is caused by greed, selfishness and lack of religion. Give answers for and against.



-unfair trade




-natural disasters
