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19 Cards in this Set

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compound interest

interest paid on the initial principal and on interest earned in the past

dimensional analysis

the process of including units of measurement when you compute


the amount by which a regular price is reduced


the amount of money paid or earned for the use of money

like fractions

fractions that have the same denominators


the amount the price of an item is increased above the price the store paid for the item

multiplicative inverses

two numbers with a product of one

example: ⅔ is 3/2

percent equation

an equivalent form of a percent proportion in which the percent is written as a decimal

percent of change

a ratio that compares the change in quantity to the original amount

percent proportion

compares part of a quantity to the whole quantity using a percent


the amount of money invested or borrowed

rational number

numbers that can be written as the ratio of two integers in which the denominator is not zero

example: integers, fractions, mixed numbers, percents


the multiplicative inverse of a number (product is 1)

repeating decimal

a decimal whose digits repeat in groups of one or more

sales tax

an additional amount of money charged on certain goods and services

selling price

the amount a customer pays for an item

simple interest

interest paid only on the initial principal of a savings account or loan

terminating decimal

a decimal whose digits end

unlike fractions

fractions whose denominators are different