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80 Cards in this Set

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Arrows impossiblity problem
It is impossible for a democratic voting method to satisfy all criterion
Borda count method
Each ballot place is assigned votes
condorcet candidate
candidate compared head to head to every other candidate with have majority
independence of irrelevant alternatives criterion
If candidate x is a winner of an election and in a recount one of the nonwinning candidates withdraws or is disqualified, x should still win
linear ballot
Ties not allowed
majority criterion
If candidate x has a majority of the first place votes then candidate x should be the winner of the election
method of pairwise comparisons
-------------- I have no idea -----------------
monotonicity criterion
If candidate x is a the winner and in a reelection the only changes favor candidate x, x should still win
plurality candidate
most first place votes wins
plurality method
Only first place votes matter
if players weight is bigger than or equal to the quota
player who never has a say in outcome of voting
minimum number of votes needed to pass motion
veto power
motion cannot pass if this voter doesn't vote for it
---- Couldn't find it -----
weighted voting system
formal voting system in which not all votes are equal
adjacent edges
shares a common vertex
adjacent verticies
joined by an edge
an edge that when removed makes a connected graph disconnected
disconnected graph is made up of many separate these
closed path
connected graph
if you can get from one vertex to any other vertex in the graph by a path
degree of a vertex
how many edges are connect to a given verticies
lines connecting verticies
edge set
all edges of a graph
euler circuit
travels every edge of graph once and ends on the same vertex
eurler circuit problem
specific routing problem
eulerization of a graph
adding duplicate edges to eliminate odd verticies
euler path
travels through every edge of a graph only once
euler theroms
euler circuit theorem - connect and even there is a circuit
euler path theorem - connect and exaclty 2 odd verticies then it has an euler path
eulers sum of degrees - sum of degrees of all verticies of a graph equals twice the number of edges
even vertex
even number of edges
fluerys alorgithm
finds euler circuit paths
1- make sure there is a path
2- travel all edges that aren't a bridge
3- travel a bridge when no other options are left
4 - end
a picture made up of verticies and edges that mean something
number of bridges of a graph
vertex that is connected back to itself
multiple edges
when multiple edges connect the same pair of verticies
odd vertex
vertex with odd number of edges
open trip where ending and starting verticies may be different
network with no circuits
spanning tree
subgraph of network that connects all verticies but has no circuits
adjacent arc
example - XY is adjacent to YZ
equivalent to edges in digraph
arc set
list of all arcs
back flow algorithm
choose path with longest distance for each vertex
critical path
path from X to end with longest processing time
critical path algorithm
use critical time priority list to create a schedule
critical time priority list
tasks written in decreasing order of critical times
critical time
processing time for critical path
when path starts and ends at same circuit
decreasing time algorithm
create a schedule using a decreasing time priority list
decreasing time priority list
priority list in which tasks are listed in decreasing order
a directed graph in which edges have direction
incident form
example in XY y is incident from x
incident to
example in XY x is incident to y
project digraph
shows project flow
independant tasks
when there are no precidents or requirments for a tast
optimal finishing time
least time possible to finish set of tasks
optimal schedule
schedule to find optimal finishing time
priority list
tasks listed in order we prefer
binets formula
formal to find Fn without using other fibanocci numbers
fibonacci number
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, etc...
fibonacci rectangle
a rectangle whos sides are consecutive fibonacci numbers
fibonacci sequence
sequence of fibonacci numbers
golden ratio
1 plus square root of 5 over 2
golden rectangle
a rectangle whose sides are that of the golden ratio
golden triangle
triangles with sides where the ratio is the golden ratio
shapes are similar if one is a scaled version of another
annual compounding formula
F = P(1+r)^t
annual percentage rate
yearly rate of interest
annual percentage yield
percentage of profit that money generates in 1 year
common ratio
the constant c
compound interest
both original value and previously earned interest general more interest
continuous compounding
compounding at infinitely short time intervals
general compounding
future ammount of P dollars at r rate for t years at n times a year
geometric sequence
initial value followed by other values multiplied by same constant
geometric sum formula
allows you to add large sums in geometric sequence without adding individual values
interest rate
money expected as reward for investing
periodic interest rate
interest rate that applies to each compounding period
simple interest
only invested money generates interest
simple interest formula
F = P(1 + r x t)