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30 Cards in this Set

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Glands that secrete oil for lubrication in the breast?
Tubercles of Montgomery
What hormone stimulates the acini cells and alveoli to produce milk?
What phase of menstruation is the lining repaired and the epithelial tissue built up?
Follicular phase
Which phase of menstruation prepares the uterine lining for pregnancy?
Luteal phase
Maternal portion of the placenta?
Dicidua Basalis
Low level of amniotic fluid?
High level of amniotic fluid?
Initiates RBC formation and degenerates into cord by 6 wks?
Yolk Sac
The fetal heart is complete at?
8 weeks
Functions of the placenta?
1. Exchange of nutrients.
2. Stores glycogen and Iron.
3. Produces glycogen, cholesterol, fatty acids, hormones, and enzymes.
Prevents the normal involuton of the corpus luteum and the cause of morning sickness?
HCG- Human chorionic Gonadotrophic hormone.
Used to detect fetal growth retardation and responsible for gestational diabetes?
HPL- Human placental lactogen
G- gravida
F- full term
P- premature >20wks- <37wks
A- abortion(spontaneous)<20wks
L- living children
Number of pregnancies
Number of live births >20 wks
PRESUMPTIVE signs of pregnancy?
Amenorrhea, N&V, Urinary freq., breast tenderness, abdominal enlargement, quickening, skin changes (chadwicks/ striae).
PROBABLE signs of pregnancy?
Enlargement of the uterus, hegars sign, goodells sign, ballottement, braxton hicks, pos + pregnancy test.
Stimulates uterine contractions and letdown reflex?
Bluish discoloration of the cervix or vulva?
Chadwicks sign
Softening of the cervix?
Goodells sign
A mucous discharge that forms a mucous plug and prevents ascending infections?
Heard over symphisis pubis synchronous with maternal heartbeat from increased blood flow?
Uterine Souffle
Soft blowing sound heard over umbilical cord and synchronous with fetal heart beat?
Funic Souffle
Enlarging uterus compresses Vena Cava and aorta when pt lies on back?
Vena cava syndrome or supine hypotension.
What is Venous stasis?
Pressure on the femoral and pelvic blood vessels.
Respiratory changes during pregnancy?
Dyspnea and nasal congestion.
What is PICA?
Craving for non-food items (clay, dirt, ICE).
According to the FDA which class of drugs would not have any risk to the fetus?
Class A- (EX: synthroid, vitamins in RDA.)
Letdown reflex is stimulated by?
1. infants cry.
2. sucking movements.
3. presence of infant.
4. thought of infant.
The most common reason women stop breast feeding is?
Perception of inadequate milk supply.