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67 Cards in this Set

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Stage 1 Phase 1 is the early or ___ phase of Labor.


Latent labor is accompanied by generally ___ and ___ contractions that range from ___ to ___ minutes apart, and last ___ to ___ seconds.

Mild and erratic

5 to 20 minutes apart

20 to 60 Seconds

During latent labor, the cervix is ___ and slowly dilating to ___ cm.



During latent labor, the woman is usually feeling:

Excited and relieved labor has begun

Ambivalent about facing labor pain

Pain that feels like strong menstrual cramps, usually able to cope with the pain through relaxation and breathing techniques

Medical interventions that are commonly ordered during early / latent labor are:



Blood type



STI screen, depending on state laws


IV infusion of lactated Ringer's solution or normal saline to prevent dehydration in labor

◇ Intermittent or continuous fetal monitoring

Nursing care for the early / latent labor patient includes:

Initial physical exam

Cervical exam

Pain assessment

Admit patient to L&D unit

Orient patient and her support person to the labor room

Establish a therapeutic relationship by spending time with your patient and demonstrating a willingness to answer questions

Inquire about concerns or questions

♡ Reassure the support person that the nurse will be assisting with providing Comfort measures and support for both of them during labor

♡ Reinforce relaxation techniques learned in childbirth classes for teaching simple relaxation techniques

♡ Insert IV or saline lock, if ordered

♡ Review lab results and notify the position, if necessary

♡ Administer penicillin G IV, if indicated, for Group B streptococcus

♡ Encourage fluid intake with clear fluid and ice chips

♡ Food may or may not be permitted by the healthcare provider

♡ Explain the fetal monitor and apply it for intermittent or continuous monitoring

♡ Provide ongoing assessment of Vital Signs, cervical dilation and effacement, fetal heart rate, and contractions

Patient teaching for the patient in early / latent labor includes:

♤ Inform her that the contractions are mild at the beginning, but will get progressively stronger and last longer

♤ Encourage relaxation through music, massage, engaging in distractions

♤ Position changes are encouraged and walking is safe

♤ Encourage clear fluids to avoid dehydration

♤ If the HCP consents, she can eat light, easily digested food

♤ Encourage her to notify the nurse if her water breaks or any bleeding is noted

Which medications are typically ordered for GBS prophylaxis?

Penicillin G, ampicillin, or, if the patient is allergic to penicillin, cefazolin, erythromycin, or clindamycin may be used

What is the typical initial dose of penicillin G for GBS prophylaxis?

5 million units, IV

What is the typical initial dose of ampicillin for GBS prophylaxis?

2 grams IV

Stage 1, Phase 2 is the ___ phase of Labor.


Active labor is characterized by contractions that are ___ to ___ minutes apart with a duration of about ___. Dilation increases to ___ cm to ___ cm.

2 to 3

60 seconds

4 cm to 8 cm

Fetal descent progresses, which causes feelings of ___.

Pelvic pressure

Hyperventilation can occur if a woman breaks too fast in too deep in response to pain in labor. Hyperventilation causes a decrease in ___ in the blood.

carbon dioxide

Signs of hyperventilation include


A feeling she cannot get enough air

Elevated heart rate



Numbness or tingling of the fingers

Chest tightness

How can we help a mom who is hyperventilating?

Encourage the patient to slow down breathing and breathe through pursed lips as if blowing out a candle

Encourage the patient to close her mouth and one nostril and breathe through one nostril only

Encourage the patient to cover her nose and mouth with a paper bag and breathe in and out of the bag for a few breaths only or for about 15 seconds

What is an amniotomy?

It is the artificial rupture of the uterine membranes with an amnio hook.

Medical interventions that may occur during active labor are:


Orders for pain medication / epidural anesthesia

Evaluation of the maternal condition and progression of Labor

Evaluation of the fetal condition

Nursing care during the active phase of Labor may include

Pain assessment

Vaginal exams to monitor cervical dilation, fetal position, and descent

Updating the woman and her support person on progress

Emotional support

Assist the support person to provide Comfort / encourage them to take a break if needed

Encourage clear liquids

VS q 30 min

Monitor fetal heart rate and contractions

Non-pharmacological pain management

Administer pain meds

Evaluate effectiveness of pain relief methods

Encourage position changes

Allow mom to walk if her membranes are intact

Change disposable pad when needed

Assist patient with elimination as a full bladder can slow The Descent of the fetus into the pelvis

Patient teaching for active labor should include:

Contractions will be getting stronger and last longer

Use breathing and relaxation techniques every contraction

Encourage her to ask for what she needs

She should change positions often, while avoiding lying on her back unless the head of the bed is raised 30 to 45 degrees

It's important to urinate at least every 2 hours

Instructor to call the nurse when membranes rupture

Stage 1, phase 3 is the ___ phase of Labor.


The transition phase is the most intense phase of Labor. It leads to ___ effacement and dilation of the cervix to ___ cm.

complete; 10 cm

The transition phase is characterized by ___ contractions that peak ___, are ___ apart, and last ___.

painful; abruptly; 2-3 minutes apart; 60-90 seconds

The transition phase may last ___ for a first time mother and ___ for a subsequent labor and delivery.

1 to 3 hours; a few minutes to an hour

During the transition phase of Labor, the use of pain medication should be done with caution because it ___.

depresses the CNS and can subdue the respiratory center

To avoid having a sedated baby, ___ are administered and timing is controlled by the nurse to allow the ___ effect to have left the mother's system before the fetus is born.

small doses of pain medication; peak

True or false: A women experiencing a fast-moving transition phase may not receive pain medication if it's not safe for the fetus.


If the patient becomes nauseated, through nurse needs to ___.

Assist her to a safe position to prevent aspiration if she vomits

Pushing too early can cause the cervix to___, causing ___ so the patient and support person should notify the nurse if she begins to push or bear down so the nurse can assess ___.

swell; slowing of dilation; if she is fully dilated

During the transition phase of Labor, the nurse should assess:

Fetal heart rate and contractions every 15 minutes

Cervical dilation

During the transition phase of Labor, the nurse should communicate ___ to the ___.

labor progress to the healthcare provider.

During the transition phase of Labor, the nurse should also

Assist the patient with breathing techniques

Provide Comfort measures and encouragement

Remind her to urinate

Assist for personal hygiene

prepare the room for delivery

Remain in the room with patient and family

The transition phase is the hardest but ___ phase of labor.


What is pant - blow breathing?

Quick breathing in and out of the mouth. After every 3 to 5 quick breaths, the patient should do a longer exhale.

Even if an epidural has been administered, mother may experience ___ and ___, leg ___, and alternating ___ and ____. These need to be reported to the nurse as these are signs of transition.

Nausea and vomiting; shakiness; chills and sweats

Pushing without a nurse or healthcare provider present could result in an unattended birth and can lead to ___.

complications for the woman and her baby.

As soon as the cervix is completely dilated, the woman enters the ___ stage of labor.


The second stage of Labor ends with the ___.

Birth of the baby

During the second stage of labor, contractions may be ___ apart and last about ___.

2 to 3 minutes apart; 60 seconds

True or false: The contractions during the second stage of Labor are not as intense as during the transition phase of Labor.


What is "laboring down"?

It is when the fetus will move slowly down the birth canal with the pressure from the contractions.

If a woman has chosen epidural anesthesia, they may not experience the urge to push and may be unable to actively push. If this is the case, what can be done?

The medication may be decreased to allow her to feel and use the muscles required for pushing.

Medical interventions that may occur during the second stage of Labor include

Perineal anesthesia Administration

An episiotomy

What is an episiotomy?

An incision to the perineum

true or false: an episiotomy can be done without the injection of anesthetic.

True, but anesthesia is it necessary for a repair

What are the types of episiotomy that are ?



Why would a healthcare provider massage the perineum?

To assist with gentle stretching and to avoid large tears in the perineum

Have the head emerges from the birth canal, the healthcare provider will:

Check for a tight cord around the neck

Suction the mouth and Airway thoroughly before the chest emerges

Delaying clamping of the cord results in ___ and possibly allows for greater stores of ___ for the newborn.

higher hemoglobin and hematocrit values


Labs may be done with the cord blood specimen. These typically include which tests?

CBC, blood type, Rh, and antibody screen

After the cord is cut, the infant should be ___ and placed ___ with the mother to promote ___. If the support person wishes to hold the baby, the baby should be ___ and the head ___ to maintain ___.

thoroughly dried; skin to skin; bonding

wrapped in a warm blanket; covered with a cap; warmth

During the second phase of Labor, the nurse should monitor ___.

The fetal heart rate every 5 to 15 minutes

During the second phase of Labor, the nurse should also

Provide Comfort measures and support, as well as perineal hygiene, remain with the patient, advocate for the patient's desires regarding her birth plan, assume care for the baby after the cord is cut

What is closed glottis pushing?

The woman is directed to take a deep breath during a contraction and push with all of her energy for 10 seconds or more.

What is open glottis pushing?

The woman is allowed to experience involuntary pushing when she feels the desire. She'll instinctively hold her breath and push for about 6 seconds. She'll follow pushing by taking several deep breaths and pushing again when she feels the urge to Bear Down.

The third stage of Labor is from the ___ until completed delivery of ___.

Baby; placenta

The third stage of Labor is typically ___ and sometimes the mother may not ___.

5 to 15 minutes; notice delivery of the placenta

Why do some health care providers order a bolus of oxytocin given IV or IM?

To promote strong uterine contractions, leading to a faster placenta delivery

Deposition of nurse Midwife principles and over to inspect a maternal side to determine if ___.

Any pieces are torn or missing. Missing pieces should be identified because they can lead to Hemorrhage or infection if left inside the uterus.

When is an episiotomy repaired?

During the third stage of Labor

What is an apgar score?

It is a quick, systematic method of assessing a newborn's physical condition at Birth

What physiological parameters are assessed with an apgar score?

Heart rate

Respiratory effort

Muscle tone

Reflex irritability


A 5 minute apgar score of ___ to ___ is considered normal.

7 to 10

A 5 minute apgar from ___ to ___ is intermediate and may be the result of physiological immaturity, maternal medications, the presence of congenital malformations, and other factors.

4 to 6

If the five-minute apgar score is below ___, the newborn should be assessed every ___ until the score is ___.

7; 5 minutes; 7 or above

Nursing care during the third stage of Labor includes

Administration of oxytocin, if ordered

Five-minute apgar

Providing assistance to the healthcare provider

Assume care for the newborn with an emphasis on Airway and warmth

Assess the umbilical cord for two arteries and one vein

What is uterine atony?

A lack of normal uterine muscle tone