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59 Cards in this Set

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If fetal death occurs at 18-16 weeks and is retained > 6 weeks, the patient is at risk for what condition?
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Name some post-abortion follow-up actions.
If mother is Rh negative, give RhoGam.
If near 20 weeks, consider the Keinhauer Betke test to measure fetal cells within mother to assess how much Rhogam to give.
If mother is Rubella non-immune, offer rubella immunizations.
Name some risk factors for having an ectopic pregnancy.
-PID, endometriosis
-Infertility, former ectopic pregnancy
-Use of hormonal birth control methods
-In vitro fertilization, therapeutic abortions
-Past abdominal surgery or DES exposure
-Incidence found greater in non-white women and AMA
Name at least 2 signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.
Abdominal tenderness
Dark brown vaginal spotting
Decreased pregnancy symptoms
Referred shoulder pain d/t hemorrhage and irritation of diaphragm
NOTE: suspect ectopic pregnancy in a pregnant woman who comes to the clinic with abdominal pain.
Name some differences between the different types of abortions.
List the criteria for cerclage for incompetent cervix.
Membranes intact.
Cervical dilation < 3 cm
<50% effaced
Name at least 2 signs and symptoms associated with H-mole or GTD.
Chronic/acute bleeding
Hyperemesis r/t high levels of hCG
Expulsion of grape-like vesicles
Rapid enlargement of uterus
No FHT or activity
Extremely high levels of hCG
List 2 complications and risks associated with H-mole.
HTN, PIH, ARDS, hyperthyroidism, increased risk of developing cancer.
Describe the treatment for invasive
Evacuation of uterus (D&C)
After termination:
-CXR, CT scan to r/o metastasis
-Serial hCG weekly for 3 weeks then monthly for 6 weeks.
List differences in signs and symptoms of abruptio placenta and placenta previa.
Name the 3 classic signs of preeclampsia.
hypertension: >140/90 or an increase of 30mmHg or greater in systolic BP, and 15mmHg or greater in diastolic BP.
Edema: manifests as sudden weight gain, sudden onset edema that does not go away.
Proteinuria: >2+ protein (urine dipstick)
Describe normal BP changes during pregnancy.
Early part of pregnancy: at baseline
Middle: slightly low BP
Later part of pregnancy: back at baseline.
Name at least 3 risk factors for PIH.
A: age (teens, AMA)
B: babies more than 1 (multiple gestation)
C: chronic illness
D: diabetes
E: ethnicity (African American)
F: family history, fat (obesity)
G: gestational trophoblastic disease
Name PIH-induced changes in the renal system.
Decreased renal blood flow and GFRincreased uric acid, BUN, and creatininedamage to glomerular membranesproteinuria… as it worsens, oliguria and hematuria develop.
Name at least 2 nursing assessments and interventions for severe PIH.
-continuous monitoring in a low stimulus environment
-medications: Magnesium Sulfate, antihypertensives, BMZ,
-DTRs, clonus, urine dipstick
-Assess for vision changes, epigastric pain, UO (may be monitored through FC)
What are signs and symptoms of magnesium toxicity?
Decreased to absent reflexes, decreased respirations, decreased LOC
What is the antidote for Magnesium Sulfate?
Calcium Gluconate
What is the therapeutic blood level of Magnesium?
4-7 mEq
List nursing actions for a client with eclampsia.
Keep client safe.
Do not force anything by mouth.
Describe signs and symptoms of HELLP syndrome.
HEMOLYSIS: resulting in increase in bilirubin
ELEVATED LIVER ENZYMES: epigastric pain, UOQ tenderness, increase in AST, ALT
There is no increase in risk of congenital fetal abnormalities in pregnant women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM).
Because GDM develops at 20 weeks gestation, organogenesis is complete.
List at least 2 prenatal risks caused by GDM.
PIH, IUGR, increased risk for infections, yeast infections, UTIs, pyelonephritis, polyhydramnios, SAB, shoulder dystocia, PTL, C/S birth, fetal macrosomia, fetal birth defects
Pregnant women with DM are prohibited from using insulin. They are encouraged to take oral antihyperglyemics.
Many oral hypoglycemic agents are teratogenic. Insulin use is safe during pregnancy as it does not cross the placenta.
Note: Glucose crosses the placenta.
Risk for hypoglycemia is greater during the 3rd trimester.
Hypoglycemia: 1st trimester
Hyperglycemia: 2nd and 3rd trimester
Glucose levels should be maintained at what levels during pregnancy?
-May not require insulin for 24-48 hours, usually stabilized within 3 days of delivery
-Breastfeeding is encouraged
-BCM: barriers, progestins
DKA occurs in a state of untreated hypoglycemia and ketosis.
DKA occurs in a state of untreated HYPERGLYCEMIA. It is thus more likely to occur during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
List nursing actions for a woman with GDM.
Teach about tight glucose control by diet, exercise, and/or insulin; blood glucose parameters (FBS <90mg/dl, 2hr PPrandial <120mg/dl, Before meals <105 mg/dl)
-Nutritionist referral
-Educate of sxs of complications and tight glucose control.
List at least 2 PP complications associated with GDM.
PP hemorrhage, PIH/eclampsia, infection
Neonatal Hyperglycemia is a common in babies born to diabetic mothers.
Neonatal HYPOglycemia:
Maternal hyperglycemia fetal hyperglycemiaoverstimulation of fetal pancreas hyperinsulinemia(after birth) hypoglycemia.
All women who have a blood glucose level >140 after a 1 hour glucose tolerance test are diagnosed with GDM.
1 hour OGTT (usually done in week 24-28 in low risk women) is a screening test. Levels above 140mg/dl indicate need for the diagnostic test (3 hour OGTT)
Fill out the following table about Prolonged Labor Patterns.
List nursing actions for tetanic contractions for a client who is receiving pitocin for augmentation of labor.
Turn off pitocin, turn client to a sidelying position, and administer O2 by facemask.
Note: Also assess UO because oxytocin has an antidiuretic effect which may cause water intoxication.
List at least 3 contraindications of using pitocin to augment labor.
Known CephaloPelvic Disproportion
Fetal stress
Placenta Previa
Prior classical incision into uterus
Active genital herpes infection
Floating fetus
Unripe cervix
Name 3 assessments that should be monitored continuously if a client is on Oxytocin.
Uterine Resting Tone
Contraction frequency, duration, strength
NOTE: Duration should be no longer than 90 seconds.
At what stage does hypertonic dystocia usually occur as opposed to hypotonic dystocia?
List some possible causes of Hypotonic Dystocia.
Overdistended uterus, excessive use of narcotic analgesic, anesthetic or sedative.
List common complications of C-sections.
Infection and increase in bleeding.
Bladder or ureter damage.
Bowel Dysfunction
Complications associated with anesthesia
Name at least 4 indications for C-sections.
Labor dystocia
Repeat C/S, previous uterine surgery, uterine abnormalities
Placenta Previa, Placenta Abruptio, prolapsed cord
Active herpes, Severe PIH, multiple gestation
Fetal distress, malpresentation, congenital abnormality
Name at least 2 complications of shoulder dystocia to the newborn.
Fractured clavicle
Brachial plexus injury
What station should the fetus be at in order for Vaccuum Extraction to be considered?
2+ or greater
Define Preterm Labor.
Preterm Labor:
True labor that occurs between 20-37 wks
What do we instruct clients to do when sign and symptoms occur?
Empty Bladder
Lay Down on Left Side
Drink 2-3 glasses of fluids
If greater than 1hour, call MD.
List at lest 4 tests to be done when a pregnant woman comes in with suspected PTL.
Fetal Fibronectin
Salivary estriol test
Transvaginal sonogram
Tests for ROM (fern test, nitrazine swab)
Cervical cultures, wet mount, CBC, C&S
Amniocentesis to determine fetal lung maturity
List the criteria for PTL suppression
<3 cm dilated, <50% effaced
List at least 2 side effects of Terbutaline Sulfate.
Tachycardia, CP, Pulmonary Edema, Hyperglycemia,
Tachcardia, Hypoglycemia, hyper insulinemia.
Name the medication that can be used to suppress labor aside from Terbutaline, Magnesium Sulfate, and Nifedipine.
(prostaglandin Inhibitor)
-side effect: premature closure of the ductus arteriosus.
List some strategies to PREVENT PTB for women with no PTL signs and symptoms
Assess prior reproductive history, lifestyle, etc
Encourage changes in risk behavior
Teach signs and symptoms to identify early PTL
Modify work situation
Maintain adequate hydration and empty bladder frequently
Restrict number of embryos in IVF
Describe the characteristics of an infant who has the best chance of survival in PTB.
Neonates over 2000 g (4.5lbs) or 32 weeks gestation have best chance of survival
List some predisposing factors to PTL.
DM, cardiac disease, preeclampsia, placenta previa
Infection, especially UTI
Overdistention of the uterus due to multiple gestation, hydramnios, LGA baby
Psychosocial stresses
What signs and symptoms should alert the nurse to hold the next dose of Magnesium Sulfate?
RR< 12/min
UO < 100cc/4 hrs
Absent DTRs
Magnesium Sulfate Level >8mg
True or false,
Podofilox is safe to use during pregnancy
What important instruction should you provide a woman on Flagyl?
“Do not take alcohol with this medication”
Discharge has a fishy odor, yellow, creamy, gray
Bacterial Vaginosis- fishy odor, creamy yellow, white or gray
VVC: odorless, cottage cheese like
Trichomonas: greenish, yellowish mucopurulent, odorous
Which STD’s can cause opthalmia neonatorium?
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
True or False
A pregnant woman who is non-immune to Rubella should receive a vaccine.
True or False
Painful genital lesions are associated with syphillis

Chancre: syphilis: painless lesions
HSV: painful lesions
HSV I: facial lesions
HSV 2: genital lesions
+ shedding and recurrence on nerves
How is toxoplasmosis transmitted and prevented?
Toxoplasmosis is a protozoal infection transmitted by handling or eating anything contaminated with infected cat feces or eating or handling raw meat.
Prevention includes avoiding the handling of cat litter, soil, or raw meat.
Match the correct treatment to the correct vaginosis
Match the following dz to the tx