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32 Cards in this Set

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Chemical Barrier- Spermicide
Effective for 1 hour, and can take 15 minutes to become effective. Do not douche for 6 hours after intercourse. Not considered effective if used alone, and no protection against STD
Mechanical Barrier- Male Condom
Only male contraceptive other than vasectomy. Usually made with latex and coated with spermicide. Is more effective if used with another method, and is best protectant against STD
Mechanical Barrier- Female Condom
7 inch long polyurethane sheath inserted into the vagina. Covers the outside of the perineum and cervix, and lubricated with spermicide. Provides protection against pregnancy and STD. Can be inserted 8 hours before intercourse and should be removed after.
Mechanical Barrier- Sponge
made of a spermicide impregnated polyurethane. Should be wet before inserted. Can be inserted up to 24 hours before intercourse, and effective up to 24 hours. Should be left in place for at least 6 hours, but never over 30 hours. DONT USE WITH HISTORY OF TSS
Mechanical Barrier- Diaphragm
Latex of silicone dome surrounded by a ring, used with spermicide. Covers the cervix, and should be left in for at least 6 hours. It needs to be fitted by a doctor, and should be rechecked with weight changes. DONT USE WITH HISTORY OF TSS. Also can cause pressure on urethra.
Mechanical Barrier- Cervical Cap
Similar to diaphragm but smaller, remains in place by suction. Doesn't cause pressure on the urethra. Should be left in place for at least 6 hours, and can remain in place for no more than 48 hours. Used with spermicide, and needs to be fitted by a doctor.
Hormonal- Combination Pill
Both estrogen and progestin. Prevents ovulation, thickens cervical mucous, and prevents thickening of endometrium. 21 or 28 packets with 7 sugar.
Continuous Hormonal- Seasonale
91 day, 84 pills and 7 sugar. Get period 4x a year
Continuous- Lybrel
Stops period completely, with spotting and break through bleeding.
Contraindications of Oral Contraceptives
History of clotting disorder, cardiovascular history, liver tumors, estrogen dependent tumors or breast cancer, smoker, impaired liver, pregnancy.
Warning of Oral Contraceptive Complications
(ACHES) Abdominal pain, chest pain, headache, eye problems, swelling.
Benefits of Oral Contraceptives
Decreased premenstrual, decreased acne, increased bone density, regular period.
Risks of Oral Contraceptives
Smoking, hypertension, increased cholesterol, obesity.
Missed Doses
One missed pill- take when you remember and next domes at regular time- no backup needed
Two missed pills- two pills for two days and then one each day. Backup needed for 7 days
More than 2 missed or 2 missed 3rd week- start new packet and use back up for 7 days.
Mini Pill
Progestin only. Thickens cervical mucous, prevents thickening. MUST NOT MISS ANY AND TAKE AT SAME TIME EVERY DAY. Doesn't effect lactation
Drug interactions of Oral Contraceptives
St Johns Wort and epilepsy medications. Antibiotics are not effected by oral contraceptives.
Hormone Implantation
Used a lot in Europe. Releases progestin continuously for 3 years. If inserted within 7 days of period backup not needed. Safe for nursing mother. Side effects menstrual changes.
Hormone Injection
Should only be taken for a max of 2 years due to link to osteoporosis. Works for 3 months, and takes effect in 24 hours. Can be used when nursing.
Hormone Patch
transdermal patch that delivers estrogen and progestin to the bloodstream. Prevents ovulation and causes changes in cervical mucous. 28 day, change patch 3 times a month with a week free from it. Back up needed for 7 days unless placed on 1st day of period. Placement on butt, abd, arms. Less effective if patient is over 198 lbs.
Nuva Ring
Contains estrogen and progestin, doesn't need to be fitted. Left in for 3 weeks, removed for 1 week. Need back up for 7 days unless inserted on first day of period.
IUD- Copper
Replace every 10 years, causes inflammatory cells of uterus to release a toxin that destroys sperm before reaching fallopian tubes.
Continuous release of progestin, replaced every 5 years. Prevents enrichment of endometrium.
Side effects of IUDs
Cramping and bleeding with insertion. Pelvic infections and perforation of uterus. Copper T can cause heavy bleeding.
Contraindications of IUD
Pelvic infections, bleeding disorders, ectopic pregnancies.
Teaching of IUD
Side effects and check for tail once a week for the first month, and then monthly after period. Call doctor with signs of infection.
Family planning- Ovum and Sperm lifespan
Ovum can be fertilized for 24 hours, and sperm can live up to 48-72 hours.
Family planning- Calender Method
Ovulation occurs every 14 days, patient needs to watch for 6 months.
Family Planning- Subtraction Method
Subtract 18 days from shortest cycle, and 11 days from longest cycle- this is fertility period.
Family Planning- Temperature
Check temp daily at the same time, usually in the morning. Theres a slight drop in temperature before ovulation, and then it rises .4-.8 when ovulation occurs.
Cervical Mucous
Becomes thin and slippery during ovulation, and thick otherwise.
Emergency Contraception Plan B
used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex, should be taken as soon as possible. It is a larger dose of progestin that should be taken 72 hours after even. No prescription needed.
Emergency Contraception Ella
requires prescription, but can be taken within 5 days of unprotected sex.