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74 Cards in this Set

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types of classes available

gestational diabetes mellitus

early pregnancy

exersise classes for pregnant women

infant care




adolescent child birth

childbirth preparation classes


c section



preparation classes include

changes of pregnancy

fetal development

prenatal care

hazardous substance to avoid


common discomfort

benefit of exersice

coping with labor and delivery

factors that influence labor

pain threshold

sources of pain during labor

CNS Factors

gate control theory


cervical readiness


labor intensity


fetal presentation and position

advantages of nonpharmacolgical pain management

do not harm mother or baby

do not slow labor if provided adequate pain control

no risk for allergy or adverse drug effect

methods of childbirth preparation




Dick-Read method

Fear tension cycle

Bradley method

husband coached childbirth

lamaze method

respond to contractions with relaxation rather than tension

nonpharmacological techniques


sacral pressure

thermal stimulation


diversion and distractions



women strokes her abdomen in circular movement

first staged breathing




second stage breathing is used when

you have to push

slow paced breathing

start with a pattern and a cleansing breath

breath slowly

cleansing breath ends with the contraction

moderate paced breathing

begins and ends with a cleansing breath

during contraction the women breathes more rapidly and shallowly

rate should be no more then her usual rate

can combine both this and slow breathing

pattern paced breathing

her hoo or pant blow breathing

focused on the pattern of her breathing

s&s of hyperventilation


tingling of hands and feet

cramps and muscle spasm of hands

numbness of nose and mouth

blurred vision

corrective measures for hyperventilation

breath slowly especially when exhaling

breath in cupped hands

place a moist wash cloth over mouth and nose

hold breath for a few seconds before exhaling

nurses role in nonpharmacologic techniques

aid in developing appropriate nursing care plans

Identify signs of tension

aids in determining appropriate relaxation techniques

minimize environmental irritants

keep her clean and dry helps her to relax and focus

nurses role in nonpharmacologic techniques

aid in developing appropriate nursing care plans

Identify signs of tension

aids in determining appropriate relaxation techniques

minimize environmental irritants

keep her clean and dry helps her to relax and focus

regional anesthia

loss of sensation

general anesthia

loss of consciousness and sensation

general anesthia

loss of consciousness and sensation

narcotics may be given when a women is in labor may be...

meperidine: IV or intramuscular

fentanyl: rapid onset and short duration of action often used with epidural analgesia

combination opioid agonist-antagonist

nalbuphine- reduces pain and is thought to cause less respiratory depression than meperidine

opioid antagonist

naloxone: used to help resecutate a newborn

advantages of pharmacologic meds

allows mom to be relaxed and more comfy

increased relaxation will aid in her ability to work through contractions

lessens strength response

limitations of pharmacologic meds

two ppl are being medicated

can slow labor if given too early

narcotic should be avoided when

if birth is anticipated within 1 hour

analgesic do what to pain

blocks it

anesthetic does what to pain

blocks both pain and motor response

types of anesthia for childbirth

anesthetic method

local infiltration

pudenal block

epidural block

subarachnoid ( spinal block)

general anesthia

general anesthia may be needed in

emergancy c-section

a woman who refuses of has contraindicated to block

adverse effects of general anesthia in the mom

regurgitated with aspiration of gastric contents

can result in chemical injury to lungs

adverse effects of general anesthia in the mom

regurgitated with aspiration of gastric contents

can result in chemical injury to lungs

adverse effects of general anesthia in neonate

respiratory depression aggressive recitation may be necessary

nurses role

begins at admission

womens admission

provides education regarding procedures and expected effects

observe for hypo tension and respiration depression

womens preference for pain relief

document interventions and assessments

reasons to be induced

gestational hypertension

ruptured membranes

infection with in the uterus

medical problems that worse with pregnancy

fetal problems

placental insufficiency

fetal death

bishop score

to assess the status of the cervix in determining its response to induction

induction of labor

intentional initiation of labor before it begins naturally

augmentation of labor

the stimulation of contractions after they have begun naturally

labor is not induced when

placenta previa

umbilical cord prolapse

abnormal fetal presentation

high station of the fetus

active herpes

abnormal size or structure of the mothers pelvis

previous classic vertical c section incision


when they break your water


prolapse umbilical cord


abruptio placentae

observe for these complications post amniotomy

fetal HR outside normal range

observe color odor amount and character of amniotic fluid

womans temp higher than 38 degrees c suggest infection

green fluid suggest fetus have passed a meconium stool

what are use to soften the cervix

prostaglandin gel or a vaginal insert

oxytocin induction is most commonly used to

stimulate and initiate contractions

nonpharmacological ways to stimulate contractions

walking- ease pressure of the fetus on mothers back and adds gravity to the downward force of contractions

nipple stimulation of labor- causes the pituitary gland to secrete natural oxytocin


(internal and external)

method of changing the fetal presentation usually from breech or oblique to cephalic

what version is more common


risks and complications of version

abnormal uterine shape or pelvic side

abnormal placental placement

previous c section birth with vertical uterine incision

active herpes virus infection

inadequate amniotic fluid

poor placental function

multifetal gestation

fetus can become entangled in umbilical cord


surgical enlargement of the vaginal opening during birth


is an uncontrolled tear of the tissues that results in a jagged wound

first degree

superficial vaginal mucosa or perineal skin

second degree

involves vaginal mucosa, perineal skin and deeper tissues of the perineum

third degree

same as second degree plus involves anal sphincter

fourth degree

extends through the anal sphincter into the rectal mucosa

indications for a episiotomy

better control of where and how much the vaginal opening is enlarged

provided with a clean edge rather than the ragged opening of a tear

alternative to an episiotomy

perineal stretching and massage and exercise

forceps extraction

provides traction and rotation of the fetal head and when the mother pushing efforts are insufficient to accomplish a safe delivery

vacuum extraction

uses suction to the fetal head to allow the physician to assist the mom

can only be used with occiput presentation

risks for vacuum or forceps extraction

trauma to maternal or fetal tissues

mom may have laceration or hematoma In her vagina

infant may have bruising or facial or scalp lacerations or abrasions

C section

surgical delivery of fetus through the incisions in the moms abdomen

indications for c section

abnormal labor

previous surgery of uterus

fetal compromise

placenta previa

active maternal herpes virus

maternal condition (GH or DM)

risk of c section for mom


respiratory complications


blood clots

injury to urinary tract

delayed intestinal peristalsis


risk of c section to neonates


respiratory problems

inadvertently preterm birth

type of incisions

skin and uterine

uterine incisions

low and transverse- preferred

low vertical-likely to rupture during another birth

classic incision- rarely used causes more blood loss and most likely to rupture during another pregnancy

recovery for a c section

vital signs to identify hemorrhage or shock

IV site and rate of solution flow

fundus firmness height and midline position

dressing for drainage

lochia for quantity color and presence

Urine output from indwelling cath

abnormal labor is aka

dysfunctional labor does not progress

term used to describe a difficult labor is


risks for dysfunctional labor

advanced maternal age


overdistention of uterus

abnormal presentation


overstimulation of uterus

maternal fatigue dehydration fear

lack of analgesic assistance


increased muscle tone

latent phase of labor

characterized by contractions that are frequent cramplike and poorly coordinated

painful but nonproductive


decreased muscle tone

labor begins normally but diminishes during active labor phase

more likley to occur if uterus is overdistended

shoulder dystocia

occurs when fetus is too large

is an emergency

fetal chest cannot expand