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55 Cards in this Set

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stimulates the smooth muscles of the uterus.
induces contractions.
IV, IM, intranasal
oxytocin (pitocin)-uses
1.induce labor
2.control postpartum bleeding
3. promote milk let down and facilitate breastfeeding(intranasal)
4. induce or complete abortion
oxytocin(pitocin) adverse reactions and contraindications
1. may include allergies, dysrhytmias, changes in BP, uterine rupture, water intoxication.
2. may produce uterine hypertonicity that results in fetal and maternal injury.
3. high doses can cause HYPOtension, rebound HYPERtension
4.postpartum hemorrhage can occur bc the uterus can become atonic.
5. should not be used w a client who cannot deliver vaginally, or one with hypertonic uterine contractions
oxytocin (pitocin) interventions
1.Mon. maternal VS q 15min.
2. Mon contractions(frequency, duration, force, resting uteine tone q 15min)
3. Mon. fetal HR q 15 mins.
4. ADM IV infusion via an infusion (Y setup or stopcock is used with NS in the primary line)
6. Notify RN if uterine hyperstimulation or nonreassuring FHR occurs,infusion stopped, the client is turned on her side.IV rate of NS will be increased.
Ergot Alkaloids
directly stimulate uterine muscle, increase force and greq. of contractions. produce a firm tetanic contraction of the uterus.
2. can produce arterial vasoconstriction and vasospasm of the coronary arteries.
3. not administered before the delivery of the placenta.
ergot alkaloids- uses
1.postpartum hemorrhage
2. postabortal hemorrhage resulting from atony or involution
ergot alkaloids- adverse reactions and contraindications
1.can cause nausea, uterine cramping, bradycardia, dysrhythmias, MI, and severe hypertension
2. high doses; peripheral vasospasm, vasoconstriction, angina, miosis, confusion, resp. depression, seizures, unconsciousness, uterine tetany.
3. CI during pregnancy, cardiovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, HYPERtenstion
ergot alkaloids interventions
1. produces vasoconstriction, if rise in BP, hold med, notify RN.
2. mon uterine contractions for frequency, strength, duration
3. assess for chest pain, headache, SOB, itching, pale, cold hands and feet, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness
prostaglandin (carbopost tromethamine hemabate)
1. contracts uterus
2. postpartum hemorrhage
prostaplandin (carbopost tromethamine hemabate)- adverse reactions
1. cause headaches, N&V, fever
2. CI if client has asthma
prostaglandin (carboprost tromethamine hemabate)- interventions
1. check temp q 1-2 hours
2. ausculatate breath sounds frequently
Tocolytics- stop preterm labor. Different names)
mag sulfate
Nifedipine(procardia, Adalat)
Ritodrine hydrochloride
Magnesium sulfate
1. CNS depressant
2. relaxes smooth muscle,including uterus
3. used to halt preterm labor contractions
4. used for preeclamptic clients to prevent seizures.
magnesium sulfate- adverse reaction
1. depressed resp., depressed deep tendon reflex, hyoptenstion
2. extreme muscle weakness, flushing, decreased urine output, pulmonary edema, serum mag > 9mg/dl
magnesium sulfate- nursing interventions
1. use controller pump
2. keep calcium gluconate(antidote) by bedside
adrenergic agonist
relaxes smooth muscle, inhibiting uterine and causing bronchodilation
ritodrine- adverse reactions
1. sob, coughing, tachypnea, pulmonary edema
2. tachycardia, palpitations, chest pain, hypotension
3. fluid retention and decreased urine production
4. tremors, dizziness, muscle cramps, weakness
5. headache
HYPOkalemia, HYPERglycemia, HYPOcalcemia
ritodrine- nursing intervention
1. disc. infusion if maternal HR >120-140 b/m, dysrhythmias, chest pai, BP <90/60, signs of pulmonary edema, FHR >10 b/m
2. ensure that Beta-blocking agent such as propranolol(inderal) is available to reverse adverse CV reactions
beta-adrenergic agonist
2. relaxes smooth muscles, inhibiting uterine activity and causing bronchodilation
terbutaline(Brethine)-adverse reactions
similar to ritodrine but limited and less severe
terbutaline(Brethine)- nursing interventions
1. if adverse reactions, notify the physician if they occur
nifedipine(Procardia, Adalat)
calcium channel blocker
relaxesd smooth muscles, including the uterus, by blocking calcium entry
nifedipine(Procardia, Adalat)- adverse reactions
1. transient tachycardia
2. palpitations
3. hypotension
4. dizziness, headache, nervousness
5. facial flushings
6. fatigue, nausea
nifedipine (Procardia, Adalat)- nursing interventions
avoid use cautiously with mag. sulfate. bc severe hypotension can occur.
prostaglandin inhibitor
relaxes uterine smooth muscle
indomethacin- adverse reactions
maternal N&V, dyspepsia, dizziness
2. fetal, premature closure of ductus arteriosus
3. neonate bronchpulmonary dysplasia, resp. distress syndrome, intracranial pressure, necrotizing entercolitis, and hyperbilirubinemia
indomethacin- nursing intervention
1. used only when other methods fails, if gestational age is <32 weeks.
2. not used in women with bleeding potential, peptic ulcer disease, or oligohydramnios
ripen the cervix thus making it softer and causing it to begin to dilate and efface.
2. Stimulate uterine contractions
3. Admnistered vaginally
4. to induce labor and abortion
prostoglandins- contraindications
1. active cardiac, hepatic, pulmonary, or renal disease.
2. pelvic inflammatory disease
3. client for whom vaginal delivery is not indicated.
4. history of c-section, major uterine surgery
5. history of difficult labor
6.significant cephalopelvic disproportion
prostaglandin- adverse reaction
1. significant GI s/e
2. fever, chills, flushing, headache, HYPOtension
3. fetal passage of meconium
prostaglandin- interventions
1. have client void b4 adm. of medication. Have her maintain a supine with a lateral tilt, or side lying position for 30-40 minutes after adm.
opoid analgesics
used to relieve moderate to severe pain associated with labor
2. ADM. IM, IV
2. regular use od opiods during pregnancy may produce withdrawal symptoms in the neonate(irritability, excessive crying, tremors, hyperactive reflexes, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, yawning, sneezing and seizures)
what is the antidote for opioids?
Meperidine hydrochloride(Demoral)- AR and CI
1.may be prescribed with promethazine(phenergan) to prevent nausea.
2. high doses; resp. depression, skeletal muscle flaccidity, cold clammy skin, cyanosis, stupor, coma
3.not adm. in early labor, slows labor process
4. not adm. in advanced labor , may cause neonate resp depression
types of opioids
Meperidine hydrochloride(Demerol)
2.Morphine sulfate, fentanyl(Sublimaze)
3. Butorphanol tartrate(studol)
morphinr sulfate, fentanyl(Sublimaze)
can cause resp. depression, fetal narcosis/distress, hypotension, urinary retention
butorphanol tartrate(stadol), nalbuphine(Nubain)
1. cause less resp. depression than the agonists(morphine)
2. use cautiously with client with pre existing opioid dependency, bc withdrawal symp. occur immediately
opioid analgesic- intervention
1.obtain a drug history b4 adm.
2. mon VS esp resp.
3. mon HYPOtension, notify RN
4. have antidote naloxone(Narcan)
a coritcosteroid that increases the production of surfactant.
2. use for client in preterm labor 28-32 weeks, whose labor can be inhibited for 48 hours w/o jeopardizing mother and fetus
Betamethasone- adverse reactions and contraindications
1. may decrease mother resistance to infection
2. pulmonary edema secondary to sodium and fluid retention
3. elevated blood glucose levels in client w diabetes mellitus
lung surfactant types of meds
Colfosceril palmitate(exosurf)
lung surfactant
1. replenish surfactant to restore surface activity to the lungs
2. Intratracheal route
3. prevent or treat resp. distress syndrome in premature infants
lung surfactant-adverse reactions and contraindications
1. include transient bradycardia and oxygen desaturation
2. adm. with caution to those at risk for circulatory overload.
lung surfactant-interventions
1. surfactant is instilled through a catheter inserted in infants endotracheal tube
2. avoid suctioning for 2 hours after adm.
3. mon for bradycardia, decreased o2 saturation
3. assess lungs for crackles and moist breath sounds
RHo(D) immune globulin (RHOGAM)
prevent anti RHo(D)antibody formation.
2. Most successful is adm. 28 weeks gestation and within 72 hours after delivery
2. to prevent isoimmunization in Rh negative clients who are exposed or potentially to Rh positive RBCs
types of eye prophylaxis
1. erythromycin(0.5% ilotycin)
2. tetracycline(1%)
3. Silver nitrate (1%)
erythromycin (0.5% Ilotycin) and Tetracycline(1%)
1. opthalmic ointment or drops
2. Provide prophylaxis against infection Neisseria gonorrhoe and chlamydia trachomatis.
Silver nitrate(1%)
1. use is minimal bc it does not protect against chlamydial infection and can cause chemical conjuctivitis
2. preventitive treatment of gonorrhea is required by law
eye prophylaxis- adverse reactions and interventions
1. silver nitrate (1%) can cause conjuctivitis.
2. cleanse neonate eyes before installing drops or ointment
3. instill in each of the neonate conjuctival sacs within 1 hour after delivery
4. do not flush eyes after instillation
Vitamin K (aquamephyton)
1. aiding in production of active prothrombin
2. newborns are deficient in vit. k the first 5-8 days bc lack of intestinal flora necessary to absord vit. k.
3. use for prophylaxis and treat hemorrhage in neonate
vitamin K (Aquamephyton)
1. can cause hyperbilirubinemia in newborns
2. protect medication from light
3. adm in vastus lateralis muscle of the thigh
3. mon for bruising at inj. site and bleeding from cord.
4.monitor for jaundice
Rubella vaccine
1. give if rubella titer is less than 1:8
2. given subcutaneously before hospital discharge to nonimmune postpartum clients
Rubella vaccine- AR and intervention
AR; transient rash and hypersensitivity
1. DO NOT give if client or family member are immunocompromised
2. Take contraception- client should avoid pregnancy 1-3 months
Hep B vaccine
given IM to mewborns b4 discharge.
2. recommended for all newborns to prevent hep B.
Hep B Vaccine- AR and interventions
AR; rash, fever, erythema, pain at injection site.
1. parental consent must be obtained
2. adm. 3rd vastus lateralis IM
2. if mother is pos. for Hep B., hep b immune globulin should be given within 12 hours in addition to vaccine.