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15 Cards in this Set

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Describe the flow of fetal blood
placenta, umbilical vein, half to liver, half to inferior vena cava via the ductus venous, to the right atrium, half shunted to left atrium through foramen ovale, half from right artium through the pulmonary arteries to lung some break off through ductus arterious to aortic arch
true or false:
the right side of the fetal heart is smaller than that of the left
the volume of blood ejected by the heart in one minute
cardiac output
the amount of blood ejected by the heart in any one contraction
stroke volume
Maternal rubella, alcoholism, maternal age over 40, maternal diabetes type 1
prenatal factors
down syndrome, Turner and Klinefelter syndrome, DiGeorge syndrome, Marfan syndrome
Genetic factors
trisome 21
down syndrome
girls with 1 X chromosome
Turner syndrome
Male with XXY and are infertile
Klinefelter syndrome
defect in chromosome 22
DiGeorge syndrome
Connective tissue, tall/thin, autosomal dominant
Marfan syndrome
the inability to maintain cardiac output sufficient to meet the metabolic demands of the body. occurs most frequently secondary to congenital heart defects in which there is structural abnormalities. This results in increased volume or increased pressure on the ventricles
pediatric CHF
S/S- tachycardia (>160), tachypnea (>60), grunting, nasal flaring, rales, wheezes or cough
facial/eye edema, neck vein distention, enlarge liver and spleen, and decreased peripheral perfusion and output
Mottling, cyanosis, pallor
Lethargic, irritable or fatigued
Wt gain-earliest sign of edema (sacral and scrotal) neck vein distention
4 Goals of treatment of CHF
1. Improve cardiac function
2. Remove accumulated fluid
3. decrease cardiac demands
4. Improve tissue oxygenation and decrease oxygen consumption
What are the pulse parameters for giving heart meds to peds patients?
if pulse is below 90 and 110 bpm in newborns
below 70 in children
below 60 in adults