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55 Cards in this Set

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--the way the passenger, or fetus, moves through the birth canal is determined by many factors:

fetal head
-the size of the fetal head (anterior fontanel closes by 18 months after birth and the posterior closes 6-8 weeks after birth) because the bones are not firmly united, slight overlapping of the bones, or molding of the shape of the head occurs during labor)
-the way the passenger, or fetus, moves through the birth canal is determined by many factors

-fetal presentation, refers to:

what are the 3 main positions?
refers to the part of the fetus that enters the pelvic inlet first and leads through the
birth canal during labor

-3 main presentations are cephalic presentation (head first),
breech presentation (buttocks or feet first) and shoulder presentation.
the presenting part is that part of the fetal body first felt by the examining finger during a
vaginal examination
--the way the passenger, or fetus, moves through the birth canal is determined by many factors:

3 others
fetal lie:
-fetal attitude
-fetal position
What is the "passenger"
-b/c the placenta has to pass through the birth canal, it can be considered a passenger along with the fetus
Primary powers:
-responsible for
effacement ,dilation of the cervix, and descent of the fetus
-effacement of the cervix means
the shortening and thinning of the cervix during the first stage of labor
: the enlargement or widening of the cervical opening and the cervical canal that occurs once labor has begun.

-the diameter of the cervix increases from less than 1 cm to full dilation (approx 10 cm) to allow birth of a term fetus
-what marks the end of the first stage of labor
full cervical dilation
-what can cause slow cervical dilation
scaring from prior infection
-Ferguson reflex:
stretch receptors in the vagina release oxytocin that triggers the maternal urge to bear down
-what has demonstrated prolonged length of labor for nulliparas
epidural analgesia results in a slowing in the active phase of first stage labor and in the second stage
Secondary powers
-as the presenting part reaches the pelvic floor, the contractions change in character and become
Secondary -the laboring woman experiences an (voluntary or involuntary) urge to push
-she uses secondary powers (bearing down efforts) to aid in
expulsion of the fetus as she contracts her diaphragm and abdominal muscles and pushes
-the bearing down efforts result in increased intra abdominal pressure that compresses the uterus on all sides and adds to
the power of the expulsive forces
-(primary or secondary powers) have no effect on cervical dilation
what stage is pushing effective?
-research has shown the pushing in the second stage is more effective and the woman is less fatigued when she begins to push only after she has the urge to do rather than the beginning to push when she is fully dilated w/o an urge to do so
-what 2 things have been associated with prolonged breath holding and forceful pushing efforts
fetal hypoxia and acidosis
-delayed pushing results in:
-delayed pushing results in less fetal oxygen desaturation
Position of the laboring woman

-frequent changes in position do what 3 things
relieve fatigue,
increase comfort,
improve circulation
Position of the laboring woman

-an upright position (walking, sitting, kneeling, squating) offers many advantages: (2)
-improve cardiac output
-pressure on the maternal vessels is reduced and compression is prevented
Position of the laboring woman

-if the woman wishes to lie down, a _____position is suggested
Position of the laboring woman

-the “all fours” (hands and knees) may be used to
relieve backache
Position of the laboring woman

-the predominant position for births is
the Lithotomy position
Position of the laboring woman

-kneeling or squatting does what to the uterus
forward and aligns the fetus with the pelvic inlet and can facilitate the second stage of labor by increasing the pelvic outlet
Position of the laboring woman

-_______ positions can be used by the woman to help rotate a fetus that is in a posterior position
Position of the laboring woman

-it can also be used when there is a need for less force to be used during bearing down (when there is a need to control the speed of a precipitate birth)
Position of the laboring woman

-what position is for women who have epidural analgesia are associated with reduced labor duration
upright positions
Onset of labor

_________produced by the normal fetal hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal cortex may contribute to the onset of labor
Onset of labor

what results in the strong, regular, rhythmic uterine contractions (3 things)
-progressive uterine distention,

increasing intrauterine pressure,

aging of the placenta caused by increased concentrations of estrogen and prostaglandins as well as decreased progesterone levels
Onset of labor

-fetal fibronectin (fFN)
what is it?
who is it used for?
is a protein found in plasma and vaginal secretions of pregnant woman before the onset of labor

being used to predict the likelihood of preterm labor in women who are at increased risk for this complication including those woman with the twin gestations)
Stages of labor

-1st stage:
when is it
-considered to last from the onset of regular uterine contractions to full dilation of the cervix
Stages of labor
-longest stage?
-the first stage is much longer than the 2nd and 3rd combined
Stages of labor
-full dilation may occur in how long for a multiparous pregnancies
in less than 1 hour in some
Stages of labor
-1st stage
-in first time pregnancy, complete dilation of the cervix can take how long?
up to 20 hours
Stages of labor
-there are 3 phases in the first stage
-latent: there is more progress in effacement of the cervic and little increase in descent
-during the active and transition phase- there is more rapid dilation of the cervix and increase rate of
descent of the presenting part
Stages of labor
-maternal prepreganancy overweight and obesity can cause the what part of labor to be longer
Stages of labor
-2nd stage, how long does it last?
-lasts from the time the cervix is fully dilated to the birth of the fetus
Stages of labor
-2nd stage

multiparous woman : nulliparous woman:
-takes an average of 20 min for multiparous woman and 50 for a nulliparous woman

-labor up to 2 hours is normal
Stages of labor
-2nd stage

what will prolong this stage?
-epidural analgesia will likely prolong the second stage
Stages of labor
-2nd stage of labor

-latent phase of second stage labor: begins when?
about the time of complete dilation of the cervix when the contractions are weak or not noticeable and the woman is not feeling the urge to push , is resting, or is exerting only small bearing down efforts with contractions
Stages of labor
-2nd stage of labor

-the active phase is a period when
contractions resume, making strong bearing down effe0rts and the fetal station is advancing
3rd stage of labor
-lasts when?

-from the birth of the fetus until the placenta is delivered

-the duration of the 3rd stage may be as short as 3-5 min, but up to 1 hour is normal
3rd stage of labor
--the placenta normally separates when?
with the 3rd or 4th strong uterine contraction after the infant has been born
-risk for hemorrhage increases as the length of the ______ increases
3rd stage
4th stage of labor
-lasts how long?
about 2 hours after delivery of the placenta
4th stage of labor
--period of
immediate recovery when homeostasis is reestablished
4th stage of labor
--important period for
observation for complications (like abnormal bleeding)
Fetal lie,
-baby in relationship to moms line
-longitudinal or transverse??
(transverse baby is not going to deliver easy vaginally) you want it longitudinal and head down is better
Fetal position
-R or L (in relation to mom. You can feel the fontanels to see which way the baby is facing);

-S, O, M, or Sc we want O-occiput;

-A, P, or T (babies who are transverse will not deliver vaginally) when babies are coming down they do rotate and may spend some time transverse.
Posterior or anterior kids, which way do we want them born?
Posterior kids are born sunny side up (it’s harder for mom. Head is face up. We want the babies to look down at the floor.
Passageway: birth canal


gynecoid (50% of woman have this kind of pelvis),

android (heart shaped, likely to be c section or difficulty point)
what labor position:
-the baby is OP.
“All fours” position

The back of the babies head is on the moms spine. Gravity can help the baby turn or take the babies head off the moms spine.
Signs preceding labor

Lightening -

Bloody show –
Lightening -when the baby drops. Just means we are getting closer.

Bloody show –mucous plug disengaging. Doesn’t mean labor