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76 Cards in this Set

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Nutrient needs before conception

-Folate is the form in which the vitamin is found
naturally in foods
Nutrient needs before conception

-Folic acid is the form used in
fortification of grain products and other foods and in vitamin supplements
Nutrient needs before conception

what is more common in infants of woman with poor folic acid intake (the neural tube is required for normal function of the spinal cord and closes during t/ 1st month
-neural tube defects (failures in closure of neural tube)
folic acid is found in what foods:
-found in ready to eat cereals
-enriched grain products or supplements
-green leafy veggies
-whole grains
Weight gain
-primary factor to consider in making a weight gain recommendation is the:
appropriateness of the pregnancy weight for the woman’s height (whether the woman’s weight was normal before pregnancy or whether she was underweight or overweight
Weight gain
--severely underweight women are more likely to have
Weight gain
-normal weight and underweight women have
an increased risk of giving birth to an infant with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
Weight gain
-when obesity is present (either preexisting obesity or obesity that develops during pregnancy) there is an increased likelihood of
macrosomia and fetopelvic disproportion, operative birth, ER cesarean birth, postpartum hemorrhage, wound, genital tract, urinary tract infection, birth trauma, late fetal death
Weight gain
--______ women are more likely than normal weight woman to have preeclampsia and gestational diabetes
-BMI is used to evaluate weight/height
BMI=weight divided by height squared
-adolescents are encouraged to strive for weight gain at the upper end of the range for BMI

Pattern of weight gain
--risk of giving birth to an SGA infant is greater when
the weight gain early in pregnancy is poor
Pattern of weight gain
-likelihood of preterm birth is greater when
the gains during the last half of pregnancy are inadequate
Pattern of weight gain
-during the what trimesters, growth takes place primarily in maternal tissues

-during what trimester does growth occurs primarily in fetal tissues
-during the first and second

Pattern of weight gain

-during the 1st trimester, the average total weight gain is only ______kg, thereafter the recommended weight gain increases to approx. _____kg per week for a woman for normal weight
-during the 1st trimester, the average total weight gain is only 1-2.5 kg, thereafter the recommended weight gain increases to approx. 0.4kg per week for a woman for normal weight
Pattern of weight gain

-weekly weight for overweight women during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters is ____kg

-weekly weight for underweight women during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters is ____ kg
weekly weight for overweight women during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters is 0.3kg

-weekly weight for underweight women during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters is 0.5 kg
recommended energy kcal
-first trimester??
-no increment for the first trimester
recommended energy kcal
2nd and 3rd trimesters
additional 340-462 kcal per day over the prepregnant intake is recommended

the additional 340 kcal can be accomplished by 1 serving of milk, yogurt, cheese, fruits, veggies, bread, cereal, rice, pasta)
reasons for deviation from expected rate of weight gain
-inadequate dietary intake
-excessive dietary intake
-measurement or recording errors
reasons for deviation from expected rate of weight gain
-difference in the weight of clothing
-differences in the time of day
-accumulation of fluids
reasons for deviation from expected rate of weight gain

-an exceptionally high gain is likely to result from
the accumulation of fluids
reasons for deviation from expected rate of weight gain

what indicates the development of preeclampsia?
-gain of more than 3 kg/month after the 20th wk of gestation

-basic element for growth
what are 4 complete protein foods
-milk, meat, eggs, cheese

-legumes, whole grains, nuts are also good sources
-the use of high protein supplements is not recommended b/c they have been associated with
preterm births
-an adequate protein intake is essential to meet increasing demands in pregnancy, such as:

the demands arise from the:
-rapid growth of the fetus,
enlargement of uterus,
mammary glands,
increase in maternal circulating blood volume,
formation of amniotic fluid
-water aids in
-a good fluid intake promotes
-water aids in maintaining body temp
-a good fluid intake promotes regular bowel function
-recommended intake is

-what are 3 good sources
8-10 glasses of fluid

water milk and fruit juices

-foods in the diet should supply an additional _____ml or more of fluid

-dehydration can increase the risk of
cramping, contractions, preterm labor

-caffeine, more than 300 mg daily (3 cups) may increase the risk of
miscarriage and IUGR infants
Nausea and vomiting

--common during what trimester?
1st trimester
Nausea and vomiting

what may be effective in reducing the severity of nausea
-antiemetic meds, vitamin b6, or ginger
Nausea and vomiting

what can you tell hte mom to eat on awakening in the morning and when nausea occurs
dry, starchy foods (dry toast, crackers)
Nausea and vomiting

what should you tell the mom to avoid early in the day or when nauseated
-avoid consuming excessive amounts of fluids
Nausea and vomiting

- what shoudl you do to AVOID distending the stomach
eat small amounts frequently (2 to 3 hours)
-avoid lg meals
Nausea and vomiting
-what should you avoid doing (2)
-avoid skipping meals
-avoid sudden movements-get out of bed slowly
Nausea and vomiting

have a snack like what?
-have snack like cereal with milk, small sandwich, or yogurt before bedtime
Nausea and vomiting

-eat foods are (2 things)
cool tempers and foods that give off little aroma
Nausea and vomiting

-avoid brushing teeth immediately after eating

true or false
Nausea and vomiting
-try what kind of foods during periods of nausea
salty and tart
Nausea and vomiting

-what can you tell the mom to drink to decrease nausea
try herbal teas (raspberry or peppermint)
-improved bowel function results from increasing the intake of:
- fiber (fiber helps maintain water within the stool, creating bulky stool that stimulates intestinal peristalsis)
--recommendation for pregnant woman for fiber is __g
-tell me about exercise
-making a habit of physical activity that uses large muscle groups (walking, swimming, cycling) helps stimulate bowel motility
Pyrosis =
--can be minimized by
consumption of small frequent meals (rather than 2-3 large meals a day)
-fluids should be consumed with food

true or false

-fluids further distend the stomach, they should NOT be consumed with foods
-what 3 things should the pregnant woman avoid:
-avoid spicy foods
-avoid lying down after eating
-avoid wearing clothing that is tight across the abdomen
Adolescent pregnancy needs

-usually have diets that provide less than the recommended intakes of key nutrients

true or false
Adolescent pregnancy needs

why is cephalopelvic disproportion and other mechanical problems associated with labor are common??
-growth of the pelvis is delayed
Adolescent pregnancy needs

-pregnant adolescents are told to choose a weight gain goal at the upper end of the range for their BMI

-the goal is to
reduce the prevalence of LBW
true or false

-adolescent pregnancy increases the woman’s risk of obesity later in life
Diet History

tell me about a multiparous women or the woman who has had frequent pregnancies (within 2 years)
-nutritional reserves may be depleted
Diet History

-birth of a LGA infant often indicates existence of
maternal diabetes
-intrauterine contraceptive devices can cause a menstrual blood loss 3-6 mo after placement, therefore, the use may have
low iron stores or iron deficiency anemia
lactose intolerance is of special concern because no other food group equals milk and milk products in terms of
calcium content
Folate (folic acid) –neural tube defects, closes in ___ month.
Energy expenditure 1st trimester (first 12 weeks) same as pre-pregnancy

true or false
Energy needs

Carbohydrates and fats
Carbohydrates and fats,-no specific recommendations
Protein-synthesis of new tissues protein is increased
What nutrients are needed in greater quantity during pregnancy?
What nutrients are needed in greater quantity during breastfeeding?
In lesser amounts?
p. 356 –food sources
Adequate weight gain, less likely:
Severely underweight =
preterm labor and LBW
Inadequate weight gain =
Single fetus
Normal weight ___pound weight gain
Underweight ________pound weight gain
Overweight _______pound weight gain
Obese ____pound weight gain
Single fetus
Normal weight 25-35 pound weight gain
Underweight 28-40 pound weight gain
Overweight 15-25 pound weight gain
Obese 15 pound weight gain
Inadequate weight gain early pregnancy =
Inadequate weight gain in last half pregnancy =
preterm birth
-does it increase or stay the same?
important for RBC & oxygen. Mom will need more b/c her blood volume increases
-increase or stay the same?
1000mg/day for all women bones and teeth and we don’t want the baby to take mom’s calcium
Sodium necessary for
water balance
Zinc,-inhibited absorption with (2)
iron and folic acid so give at a different time of day
Fat soluble vitamins –toxicity with what 2 vitamins: you have to have the right amounts.
vit E and A

Water soluble vitamins B and Cs – need a balance
How can a woman make sure she is getting all the vitamins she needs?
Multivitamin –prenatal vitamin may be all they need
When you breastfeed, you need more calories so you can eat more

true or false
A pregnant woman with a BMI of 22 asks the nurse how she should be gaining weight during pregnancy. The nurse's best response would be to tell the woman that her pattern of weight gain should be approximately:
2 to 5 pounds in the first trimester and about 1 pound per week during the second and third trimesters.

1 kg = 2.2lb
A pregnant woman at 7 weeks of gestation complains to her nurse-midwife about frequent episodes of nausea during the day with occasional vomiting. She asks what she can do to feel better. The nurse-midwife could suggest that the woman:
eat a high-protein snack before going to bed

A bedtime snack of slowly digested protein is especially important to prevent the occurrence of hypoglycemia during the night, which would contribute to nausea.