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166 Cards in this Set

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What is Gametogenesis?
Production of gametes- Sperm and Ovum
What is the zona pellucida?
The ovum after it has been fertilized, the ovum chemical composition changes so multiple sperm can no enter
What is the fertilized ovum called?
When the zygote begins mitosis, it forms a what?
Morula- a solid ball of cells
The outer shell of the morula and the attatched inner group of cells forms, changing the morula into a....
The outer group of cells in the blastocyst do what?
nourish and protect the embryo
What are the 3 major layers of the inside of the blastocyst?
ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm
What do the inner cells of the blastocyst become?
The inner cells develop into the fetus
the outer wall of the blastocyst is called the....
When will the trophoblast ( outer wall of the blastocyst) attach to the endometrium ( implantation)
7- 9 days after fertilization occurs
When is the embryo fully implanted by?
Day 10
at 2-4 days after fertilization what is the embryo doing?
entering the uterus
referring to the embryo...When does cell differentiation occur?
the time between implantation and the 8th week

( blood cells, kidney cells, nerve cells etc)
From the 8th week until birth the embryo is now termed what?
Where should implantation occur?
At the fundus of the uterus
Attached to the embryo, the ______ nourishes the embryo via blood vessels until around week 12
Yolk Sac
If the embryo implants lower than the fundus, this is known as
Placenta previa
When does placenta formation begin?
immediately after implantation
What are the three parts of the placenta?
basalis, capsularis and vera
what part of the placenta unties with chorion to form the maternal side of the placenta?
the basalis
The capsularis surrounds what?
the chorionic sac
the decidua vera is what?
mucous membrane lining the main cavity of the pregnant uterus other than at the side of implantation
the developing embryo secretes what hormone
hCG- human chorionic gonadotropin
hCG enabled the corpus luteum to continue to secrete what hormone(s)
progesterone and estrogen
the placenta begins to produce hormones around what week
by the 7th production begins, and entirely by week 12
The outer fetal membrane closest to the uterine wall is called the ....
finger like projections known as ______ form and invade the endometrium and become the fetal part of future placenta around 2-3 weeks after fertilization
chorionic villi
the space between the chorionic villi where maternal blood circulated with in the placenta is know as the
Intervillous Space
The amnion is
the inner fetal membrane
The chorion and amnion fuse to become what
amniotic sac
How long should the umbilical cord approximately be
50-55 cm and 2 cm in diameter
There are how many veins and arteries in the umbilical cord?
two arteries, one vein
The umbilical vein carries what type of blood
the umbilical arteries carry what type of blood
The umbilical cord develops at what week in gestation
5 weeks
What substance protects the vessels within the umbilical cord
Wharton s Jelly
Blood flows through the umbilical cord at what rate
400 ml /min
Describe placental structure
15-20 subdivisions called cotyledons
the fetal side of the placenta is smooth and shiny covered by amnion, known as shiny Schultz
the maternal side of the placenta is red and flesh like with the 15-20 subdivisions known as dirty Duncan
The placenta functions as a
transport mechanism between mom and fetus
A shorter umbilical cord can lead to
Pre-eclampsia is?
pregnancy induced hypertension
The placenta produces what hormone
Human placental lactogen
The placenta transfers IGG antibodies at the end of the third trimester this is known as
passive immunity
after delivery when examining the placenta, there is a dark area noticed, what would this mean?
a clot or small abrubtion
How much amniotic fluid should be present and what color should it be, should it have an odor?
800-1200 ml of clear to yellow fluid
What is contained in amniotic fluid
lanugo, albumin, urea
How often is amniotic fluid replaced and how?
every three hours from maternal circulation
What are some functions of amniotic fluid?
Preserve fetal body temperature, cushions fetus, acts as an excretion collection system, facilitated fetal growth and development
Which trimester is the fetus most susceptible to damage from external sources
the first trimester
Name 5 things that can cause damage to the fetus
some prescription drugs/recreational drugs
nutritional deficiencies
What week does the fetal heart start to beat
4 weeks
All the organs of the fetus are formed, fetus weighs less than a grape, arms and legs are tiny buds, what week would this be?
8 weeks
Heart sounds can be heard by Doppler, baby can kick, sex organs are formed, fingers and toes developed, eyelids are fused, what week is this
12 weeks
The baby's sex can be seen, uterus is the size of a grapefruit, fetus as big as an orange, fetus beginning to suck and swallow, nails on fingers and toes, actively swallowing amniotic fluid, lanugo forms, what week is this
16 weeks
heartbeat is heard with fetoscope, baby begins to develope regular schedule, sleeping , sucks thumb,kicking, hands can grasp, vernix caseosa forms, can assume favorite position in utero, fetal movement ( quickening felt) what week is this
20 weeks
fetus weighs about 1.3 lbs, increased activity, respiratory movement begins, regular sleep time what week is this
24 weeks
eyes can open and close, baby makes breathing movements, surfactant begins forming testes descend, can hiccup, can cry , can hear moms voice, about 2.2 lbs
28 weeks
brain growing, lungs still immature, skin pink covered in vernix and lanugo begins to disappear , braxton hicks are felt, approx 4 lbs .what week is this?
32 weeks
A baby is considered to be full term at what week?
A preemie is a baby born between what weeks of gestation
20 -36 weeks
a baby born less than 20 weeks and is not viable is considered a _____
A baby born after 20 weeks is considered
A stillborn
Breastfeeding provides the baby with what antibodies
Fetal circulation---________blood comes form the placenta (maternal circulation) and enters the umbilical _________, from the umbilical _________, 2/3 gets shunted by the ______ _______ away from the liver into the ______ ,______ ______ but a small amount still goes to the ______ vein, from the _______ _______ ______, 30-35 % enters the _____ _______ and passes through the _______ _______ which is a shunt in the fetal heart into the ______ ______ then to the ______ _______ which then goes into the ______ ______ to bring oxygen to the head

65-70% of the blood in the right atrium mixes with the poor blood returning from the ___ _____ __
and enters the _____ _______
into the _____ ______
to be shunted away from the ________

all o2 poor blood leaves through aorta to _______ ______
to the placenta
oxygen rich
ductus venosus
inferior vena cava
inferior vena cava
right atrium
foramen ovale
left atrium
left ventricle
ascending aorta
right ventricle

superior vena cava
right ventricle
ductus arteriosis
umbilical arteries
On either side of the vagina there are glands that secrete mucous during intercourse they become visible with infection what are they called?
bartholin's glands
Why do they catheterize right after delivery ?
Urinary retention
endometrium myometrium and perimetrium are layers of the what
The ovaries influenced by FSH ( follicle stimulating hormone) and LH
cause what to happen?
Ovum to grow and mature monthly
Ovaries produce what 3 hormones
estrogen, progesterone and small amounts of testosterone
during puberty the anterior pituitary releases FSH, LH, androgen and estrogen that leads to the development of
secondary sex characteristics
Breast are divided in to 4 quadrants , what quadrants are most prevalent for breast cancer
upper outer
2nd is nipper
The best time for a breast exam is
7 days after period
Nursing mothers do not need to wash their nipples with soaps, why?
the raised nodules around the nipple on the areola called Montgomery tubercles produce an oily substance that cleans the nipple
During pregnancy the areola enlarges and darkens, does this return back to normal after pregnancy
The breasts have 3 types of tissue what are they
Glandular- breast milk production, each breast has 15-20 lobes, each lobe contain alveoli that secrete milk into lactiferous ducts where it passes into lactiferous sinuses which are milk reservoirs and release through excretory ducts into the nipple

other tissues are fat and muscle
Colostrum contains which antibody and is known as what
IGA.... Liquid gold
A mother who is planning on breast feeding, something you may tell her that may help her produce milk would be
take a warm shower, or use a warm compress
A mother who does not want to breast feed and plans to use a bottle , something you may want to tell her to stop milk production
wear a tight bra, and use cold compress
The menstrual cycle has 2 phases uterine and ovulatory phase, what happens briefly during these phases
Uterine -menses 5 days, and proliferation( thickening of endometrium)5-14 days and secretory ( progesterone makes lining rich in nutrients, )14-28 days, no fertilization menses 2-3 days later

Ovulatory phase 1) follicular- ovum grows and surrounded by follicle, mature graafian follicle moves to edge of ovary to release egg
2) Ovulation, LH surge. follicle ruptures, and ovum in release, waits to be fertilized in fallopian tube
3)Luteal if not fertilized , ovum and corpus luteum shrink, if fertilized corpus luteum stays 10-12 weeks to produce progesterone to sustain pregnancy until placenta develops
how much folic acid pre-pregnancy is recommended
400 mcg
During pregnancy how much folic acid should the mom be taking and how much should she not exceed
1 mg, should not exceed 1 mg
Pre-conception counseling should include...
Assessment of medical risks and non medical risk factors

discussion of lifestyle, nutrition, meds, exercise, tobacco, alcohol , drug use, family support, unemployment, , and work related hazards,

critical times for the fetus as its developing,
Pre-natal high risk factors
- Low income, poor diet, multiparity greater than 3, weight less than 100 lbs, weight greater than 200 lbs, less than age 16, or older than 35, smoking, addictions,

pre-existing medical conditions, DM HTN, cardiac disease, anemia, thyroid disorder, renal disease

previous stillborn, habitual abortion,cesarean delivery, Rh or blood group sensitization ( abo or rh incomp)
TORCH- a special group of infections that apply to pregnant women, unborn child, and new born, and children that can cause still birth and birth defects , what are these infections?
Hepatitis B
herpes simplex

pregnant woman may not show many symptoms but can cause damage to neurological organs during pregnancy,
To avoid toxoplasmosis, a pregnant woman should
try and stay away from the cats litter box, Toxoplasmosis can also be transmitted through raw meat
Rubella, during the 1st trimester there is a 50% rate of malformation, if mom is not immune, she should be avoiding anyone with active disease, when should she get the vaccine
not while pregnant , at least 3 months before planning on becoming pregnant
Can Valtrex for herpes simplex 3 be taken during pregnancy?
If a mother who has genital herpes has lesions present , how will they deliver the baby, vaginal or cesarean ?
Cytomegalovirus is part of the herpes family and it can cause what birth defects?
mental retardation, hydrocephaly, microcephaly, blindness, and deafness
What are the vaccines that are safe to get during pregnancy?
Tetanus, flu

rubella may be given after delivery
if mom is HIV + she will be treated with ZVD ( zidovudine) in what trimester(s)
2nd and 3rd
During the fist trimester what are some common discomforts?
Nausea and Vomiting-> changes in horomonal , fatigue and carb metabolism ( ends by 2nd trimester)

Nasal Stuffiness( edema d/t estrogen)

breast enlargement and tenderness ( cause by estrogen and progesterone )
very first sign of pregnancy

urinary frequency
increased vaginal discharge
Common discomforts of 2nd and 3rd trimester?
heartburn, hemorrhoids, constipation, back ache, leg cramps, shortness of breath, ankle edema
What is the purpose of folic acid
protects against neural tube defects aka spina bifida
What are good sources of folic acid
Broccoli, collard greens, dried peas, beans, citrus, fruits, and juices
what are some good sources of zinc
whole grains, oats, wheat, barley, peas and beans
What are some good sources of calcium
milk, yogurt,cheese, tofu, sardines with bones,soy milk, OJ, legumes
How many more calories per day should a pregnant woman be in taking
approx 300 more calories, for a total of 2500, non pregnant around 2200
If a client is underweight how many calories should she be taking in during pregnancy
300 more than a pregnant woman of normal weight so approximately 2800
What is a concern if your client who is pregnant and also a vegetarian
that they may be anemic, and probably not consuming enough calories
It is important to limit caffeine
because more than 200 mg/ day doubles the risk for miscarriage

1 cup is around 100 mg and 250 ml
How much weight should a woman of normal weight gain during pregnancy
25-35 lbs, but may will gain more around 50-70 lbs
How much weight should an underweight woman gain during pregancy
28-40 lbs
how much weight should an overweight woman gain during pregnancy
15-25, but they usually dont gain that much weight
What is Pica
eating nonfood substances or foods of low nutritional value
How much alcohol is safe during pregnancy
If you said anything but None, a big monster will come out of the screen and smack you :)
babies tend to be born earlier and be smaller
associated with miscarriage, abrubtion,low birth weight, premature birth, and brain damage
IV- assess for hiv/aids, hepatitis
Excersize during pregnancy
Walking, cycling on stationary bike, yoga, swimming, no high risk excersize
Why should pregnant women avoid the hot tub or sauna
in early pregnancy it can interfere with normal embryonic development
Is Tylenol safe to take during pregnancy, what pregnancy category is it in
yes, category B
What is a category A drug
No risk to fetus in any trimester
What is a Category B drug
No adverse effects in animals , no human studies availible
What is a category C drug
Only prescribed after risks to fetus are considered, animal studies have shown adverse reactions, no human studies availible
What is a category D drug
definite fetal risk may not be given in spite of risks in life threatening situations
What is a category X drug
Absolute fetal abnormality, do not use anytime in pregnancy ( lithium, accutane)
Woman over 40 have greater risks for ...
decreased fertility
downs syndrome
healthy women over 40 still have same chance as younger women for healthy pregnacy
Teens who become pregnant are more likely to
labor, delivery and low birth weight problems
not get prenatal care in 1st trimester
not gain appropriate weight
AFP ( alpha-fetoprotein) screening is a screening to detect abnormalities in women younger than 35... these include
abnormalities such as open neural tube defects ,anencephaly, downs syndrome
AFP is made by what
the fetal liver and yolk sac
When can women have afp test done?
15-18 weeks
What is the triple marker test
measures AFP, hCG and unconjugated estriol, has higher rate of anomaly detection but high false positive 7-9% usually due to misdated pregancy
What is the quad test?
it replaces the triple test
better screening for Downs syndrome, trisomy 18, 21, and neural tube defects, has a decreases falso positive rate
afp, hCG, unconjugated estriol, dimeric inhibin a ( dia)
dia is increases with down syndrome fetuses preformed between 15-22 weeks with 15-18 weeks optimum
What is chorionic villi sampling?
allows early screening at 10 wks, chromosomal and dna analysis done on fragments ans cells from chorionic villi same genetic makeup as fetus, best done at 10-12 weeks to avoid fetal harm
Ultrasound in 1st trimester
confirms pregnancy
locates heartbeat
verify dates and gestational age, detects twins, size, r/o eptopic pregnacy, iud, and placenta previa
Ultrasound 2nd trimester
confirms location of placenta, confirm gestational age, determine fetal position,monitor fetal movements, evaluate amniotic fluid,locate fetus prior and during amnio
Placenta previa
placenta implanted lower in uterus, but can migrate to fundal area 10-12 weeks so early ultra sound placenta previa wait
External Fetal monitoring
detects uterine contractions and FHR, two components cardio and toco ( for contractions), maternal movements can cause loss of fhr
Internal fetal monitoring
fetal scalp electrode
IUPC -intrauterine pressuer catheter is probe along fetus to measure contractions
Non stress test toco- and cardio
records fhr, accels, deccels and fetal movement, one movement every 10-20 min
Daily fetal movement count
done at home, 10 fetal movements within 30 minutes, if not eat a snack count again, near due date can be serious if low fetal movement, see md if low fm
Biophysical profile to evaluate fetal well being , 5 factors
fetal muscle tone, fetal breathing movements, fetal movements, amniotic fluid volume, fetal heart rate reactivity
removal of amniotic fluid from abdomen between 14-16 weeks
1-2 trimester to rule out chromosomal abnormalities,
3 trimester to check fetal lung maturity, less than 37 weeks
risk of miscarriage 1/200 assess for labor, definite diagnostic, rh- mothers will get rhogam, assess for contractions for 30 minutes
Fetal lung maturity
lecithin and sphingomyelin , lipoproteins found in surfactant that keep aveoli open at birth
Steroids that increase rate of fetal lung maturity
24-34 weeks- betamethasone 12 mg x 2 q 24 hr. dexamethasone 6 mg q 6 hr x 4 im injection, accelerated production of surfactant
full term babies lungs already make surfactant
lubricates lining of air sacs and prevents sticking of membranes
respiratory distress is a sign of low surfactant , baby will get synthetic surfactant survanta of curasurf ( better)
more complicated than vaginal birth, one of the safest surgeries compared to other procedures, overal all cesarean rate is 40 %
Indications for cesarean
Active genital herpes, overgrowth of genital warts, CPD -cephalopelvic disproportion, severe htn (toxemia), failure in progress, previous c/s with vertical incision, placenta previa, abruption, umbilical cord prolapse,macrosomia ( big baby), breech, fetal distress
antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum
between conception and onset of labor( 1 to about 40/41 week),

onset of true labor until delivery of infant and placenta, delivery until woman's body returns to normal after 6 weeks
ANY pregnancy regardless of duration including present pregnancy
Birth after 20 weeks
pregnant for the 1st time
gave birth to one child past the age of viablility
2 or more pregnancies
multipara or multip
2 or more deliveries after 20 weeks
never been pregant and not currently pregnant
has not had delivery at more than 20 weeks
fetal demise after 20 weeks
term, preterm, abortion/miscarriage/living
Scenario for TPAL- 20 weeks pregnant, 2 children at home twins alive born at 35 weeks, 1 top, 1 miscarriage less than 20 weeks, stillborn at 36 weeks
Gravida 5, Para 2 TPAL 0322

once baby is delivered

Gravida 5 Para 3 tpal 1323
Maternal client profile
1. Maternal age @ 1st prenatal visit
2.Current pregnancy ( 1, 2 ,3rd?)
3.last menstrual period? cramping, bleeding, planned?
5. gyn, age ant menarch

physical exam,
Group Beta strep
normal vaginal flora, can cause risk to fetus, 36 weeks do gbs culture if positive gbs, tx in labor w/ multi doses of antibiotics 1st dose must be complete 4 hours before delivery, untreated gbs, greatest cause of neonatal sepsis and meningitis, if moms not able to get full dose, baby gets cbc and sepsis workup, called gbs protocol vitals q 4 for 48 hrs
Sick baby :(
up or down temps
decreased reflex
decreased appetite
Braxton hicks
periodic uterine tightening, not a sign of labor, practice contractions
baby bounces of abd wall with ve
positive pregnancy results
+ hCG urine or blood test,ultrasound, fetal heartbeat heard by examiner, fetal movement felt by mom and examiner
Physiological changes to mom during pregnancy
blood volume doubles ( for hemmorhage prevention), cardiac hypertropy the heart enlages 1-2 cm, the heart rises and assumes a more transverse position in chest, varying resting pulse rates increase by 10 bpm
increase femoral venous pressure, increased fibrogen, increased clotting factors ( risk for dvt)
hematocrit drops, hemoglobin drops, leukocyte production wbc increase
Changes to the gastrointestinal system during pregnancy
swelling of gums due to estrogen

lateral/posterior displacement of intestines
superior/lateral displacement of stomach
deylayed intestinal motility
hemorrhoids bcause increased pressure on rectal veins
constipation d/t decreas gastric motility
displacement of appendix
decreased gallbladder emptying time-re-absorbtion of bilirubin into maternal circulation ( itching)
gallstones dt plasma cholesterol levels
Changes to the endocrine system during pregnancy
basal metabolic rate increases
slight hyperplasia of thyroid
pituitary gland stops producing fsh and lh, posterior pituitary produces oxytoxin, increased horomones, insulin resistance preg horomones are antagonistic , excess glucos goes to fetus, maternal fat stores used for energy for mom
Respiratory changes during pregnancy
increased vascularization during preg

lungs pushed upwards
upwards displacement of diaghragm
increased tidal air volume
slight increase in respiratory rate
changes to metabolic system during pregnancy
preg is hypermetabolic state

increased calories needed

increased h20 retention, serum lipids, iron, carbs and lipoprotiens,
recommended weight gain during pregnancy
25-35 lbs for average weight and frame

1st 3 lbs
2nd 12-13 lbs
3rd 12-13 lbs
Changes to integumentary system during pregnancy
pigmentary changed r/t ^ melanocytes , estrogen, and progesterone,

hyperactive sebaceous glands and sweat glands

darkening of nipples and areola, cervix , vagina and vulva

chloasma- melasma-mask og pregnancy

linea negra- vertical line on abdomen
Changed to genitourinary system during pregnancy
kindeys enlarge to meet demands

dilation of ureters and renal pelvis
Glucosuria bc glucose cant be reabsorbed fast enough, same with protein ( although protein more significant bc could be sign of preeclampsia)

decreased baldder tone d/t progesterone and increased urin

NA retention, maintains osmolarity dt increase fluids but K not retained
to determine due date
1st day of LMP

count back 3 months

add 7 days

1st trimester measurement , crown to rump, most reliable

2nd/3rd trimester fetal biparietal diameter , fetal head circumfrence, fetal abdominal circumference and fetal femur lenght

fundal height in cm with tape measure

Mcdonald method

Fundus(cm) x8/7