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25 Cards in this Set

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-Adductor Magnus Vertical Fibers

Hand Placement:
•Cup heel, take malleolus, move foot from ankle up

ROM Information:
•About 30º

•Don’t want to force any ROM, gently take it to end range and see where it goes
•Look at whole chain, see where knee goes
•Where does the foot get in relation to the knee relation to the hip
•Ask does it feel tight? Or does it just not go?
•Potentially means there is some weaknesses of muscles that take him into a hip internally rotated position in this neutral position—that’s it.
•When checking rotation there isn’t really a side, there is muscles all around, think of it as a steering wheel, your hand moves all around it to turn, same way muscles work in rotation.
•The order is not important in which you do the ROM
Test 1: Straight leg, internal rotation of the femur

-Anterior fibers of Gluteus Medius
-Anterior Fibers of Gluteus Minimus
Test 2: Straight leg, abduction & internal rotation

-Rectus Femoris
-Vastus Lateralis Upper Fibers
Test 3: Straight Leg, Hip Flexion & Internal Rotation

-Anterior Gluteus Minimus
-Vastus Lateralis
Test 4: Straight leg, hip flexion, abduction and internal rotation

-adductor brevis
Test 5: Straight Leg, Hip flexion, adduction & internal rotation

-adductor magnus (oblique fibers)

-posterior gluteus medius
Test 6: straight leg, external rotation of the femur

-posterior fibers of gluteus medius
-psoas diaphragmatic fibers
-lateral fibers of gluteus minimus
Test 7: Straight leg, abduction and external rotation

Test 8: Straight leg, hip flexion & external rotation

-Lateral fibers of Gluteus Minimus
Test 9: Straight leg, hip flexion, abduction and external rotation
ROM 10

-adductor brevis
-psoas minor
Test 10: Straight leg, hip flexion, adduction and external rotation
ROM 11


Hand Placement:
•Cup heel (talocrural joint)
•Come across metatarsals,
•Finger under lateral malleolus, and thumb over medial malleolus.
•Take hand come across the tarsal bones, between talus and metatarsals
•Get person off the end of table a little bit, take their leg straight, and check talocrural motion
•Trying to grab anterior-lateral part of calcaneus & anterior-medial part of talus, so that talus and calcaneus are just moving, otherwise known as take finger and put it under lateral malleolus, and take thumb and put it under medial malleolus

ROM Information:
•Feet go down & in (some)
•Don’t force the foot straight because its not a true sagittal plane motion (axis), it has some transverse.
•Ankle joint will not go straight, therefore, as you move the foot downward, naturally the ankle will come “in”, it’s not a forced motion, its natural.
•Looking for how much motion they have in plantar flexion
•Sagittal plane axis, with 8º of transverse plane
•Not true sagittal plane axis, don’t force feet down & in.
•Bring anterior part of foot down, and heel towards butt.
•The axis is a little off centered, the feet will go down and in some
•Ankle = Talocrural joint
•Don’t want to crank foot down and in
Test 11: Straight leg, ankle plantar flexion
ROM 12

-medial gastroc
-posterior tibialis

Hand Placement:
•Put hand on quad, squeeze tissue until you feel the lateral and medial condyles of the femur.
•Start a little high, above the knee, that way you feel the condyles of the FEMUR.
•Depending on how big your hand is, come up over the bottom of foot, get the foot in a neutral position, come up grab onto medial and lateral malleoli, and see how much tibial motion there is in external and internal rotation with the tibia under the femur.
•Since the tibia and femur are in a closed packed position, there won’t be much motion.
•Be careful that you’re not just moving the foot, if you cant get up and around and get to the malleoli.

ROM Information:
•Not a lot of motion here, therefore asymmetry is based more upon what you “feel” than what you “see”.
•Lateral condyle moves into me, medial condyle drifts away.
•If there is an asymmetry then you know something that tries to rotate the tibia internally on the femur could be “weak”.

•Tibia and femur in closed packed position
•Lateral condyle pushed into me, medial pushed away
Test 12: Straight leg, lower leg, internal rotation
ROM 13

-Peroneus Longus
-Lateral Gastroc
-Peroneus Brevis

Hand Placement:
•Squeeze tissue in quad until you feel medial & lateral condyles.

ROM Information:
•See how much tibia rotation there is internally & externally
•Not a lot of motion here, therefore asymmetry is based more upon what you “feel” than what you see.
•Medial condyle will drag toward me, lateral pushed away.
•If there is an asymmetry then you know something that tries to rotate the tibia externally on the femur could be “weak”.

•Tibia & Femur in closed packed position
•Medial condyle pushed into me, lateral dropped away.
Test 13: Straight leg, lower leg external rotation
ROM 14

-tibialis anterior
-peroneus teritus

Hand Placement:
•First knuckle at the metatarsals
•Grab metatarsals and inverting, not grabbing toes and inverting.
•Lock (invert) forefoot onto rear foot
•Grab along outside of foot

ROM Information:
•Invert the forefoot (inversion/Supination of forefoot)
•Bring big toe up, bring little toe down.
•This involves pushing the foot up which in turn involves every joint of the foot.
•Don’t grab the whole foot and jam it into inversion, invert the forefoot on the rear foot

•Looking for close to neutral/perpendicular
•Ankle joint
Test 14: Straight leg, ankle dorsiflexion
ROM 15

-Medial Gastroc
-Posterior Tibialis

Hand Placement:
•Thumb across metatarsals, hand inside

ROM Information:
•Push big toe down as you adduct (evert)
•Keep plantar flexion, evert and adduct
•Take heel to end of table, slide heel on table until foot is flat and you find plantar flexion.
•Evert and then adduct (or vice verse, but keep same system for both sides)

•Femur rotates along medial condyle axis
Test 15: Ankle Plantarflexion with adduction and eversion of forefoot (knee flexed)
ROM 16

-Lateral Gastroc
-Peroneus Longus

Hand Placement:

ROM Information:
•Move leg a little to keep natural movement.
•Less total motion
• Keeping big toe down
•Evert first, and then abduct (or vice versa but keep the same system)

•Could help lower back pain
Test 16: Ankle Plantarflexion with abduction and eversion of forefoot (knee flexed)
ROM 17

-Vastus Lateralis: Upper Fibers
-Gluteus Minimus: Anterior Fibers

Hand Placement:
•Hand along lateral knee (maintain knee relationship)
•Hand along heel

ROM Information:
•90º knee & hip angle tibia to femur.
•Come up to 90º -90º position.
•Don’t force leg across.
•Keep the move of the knee directly over the hip socket.
•Look for compensation & movement in another joint.

•Looks like external, but the femur is moving inward in relationship to the hip socket.
Test 17: Hip Internal Rotation with hip and knee flexion
ROM 18

- Quadratus Femoris
- Vastus Medialis: Upper Fibers
- Gemelli
- Sartorius

Hand Placement:
•Put hand right above ankle

ROM Information:
•Knee at 90º, tibia internally rotate, knee flexion.
•Look for compensation & movement in another joint.

•Looks like internal, but femur is moving outward in relationship to hip socket.
Test 18: Hip External rotation with hip and knee flexion
ROM 19

- Medial/lateral Hamstrings
- Medial/lateral Gastroc

ROM Information:
•Tibia externally rotate
•Come up to 90 º-90 º positions, then check tibial rotation, then bring heel towards butt. (want to max out tibia rotation)
•Don’t force ROM, easy to tear meniscus. Rotate it, and let body stop you, don’t crank.

•If asymmetry, you know that something that does knee flexion, may potentially be weak.
•Normally tibial external will feel more limited than internal.
Test 19: Knee Flexion with Hip Flexion (add tibial rotation)
ROM 21

Gluetus Maximus:
- iliac
- sacral
- coccygeal

Hand Placement:
•Place monitoring hand on PSIS and Sacrum

ROM Information:
•Active test only
•Have them bend knee, then lift leg off of table
•Look for compensation, Ex. Hip flexion to get appearance of hip extension.
•Make them keep hips down as they extend
•Look for a struggle on one side.
•If they lift up and start to get back pain, pain is a cautionary measurement to realize you need to help them (hip extensors).
Test 21: Active Hip Extension
ROM 22
- Gluteus Maximus: Coccygeal

Hand Placement:
•Hold hand on lateral foot (ankle) as they extend.

ROM Information:
•Internal rotation of femur, and extend hip laterally.
•Want to watch pelvis.

•Looks like external rotation
Test 22: Hip Extension with internal rotation
ROM 23

Gluteus Maximus: Iliac Fibers

ROM Information:
•External rotation of femur, extend hip medially.
•Want to watch pelvis
•Looks like internal rotation.
Test 23: Hip Extension with External Rotation
ROM 24

- Vastus Lateralis: Upper Fibers
- Gluteus Medius: Anterior Fibers

Hand Placement:
•Place hand above ilium to monitor compensation
•Feel PSIS closest to you drop away, and the furthest from you lift up.
•Other hand around the ankle
•Once you max out the hip motion, the ilium will begin to come with it. You’re always going to feel it before you see it.
•Keep leg in neutral

ROM Information:
•Bend knee to 90º
•You can keep neutral when checking internal.
•Foot goes out, looks like external, but it’s internal of the femur.
•A little bit of abduction before internal rotation.
•Prone position
Test 24: Hip Internal Rotation
ROM 25

- Piriformis
- Quadratus Femoris
- Gemelli

Hand Placement:
•Once you max out the hip motion, the ilium will begin to come with it. You’re always going to feel it before you see it.
•Feel PSIS closes to you lift up, and the farthest from you drop away.

ROM Information:
•Move leg a little to keep natural movement.
•You can abduct a little bit. Because the shape of the femur.
•Bend knee to 90º
•Foot goes in, looks like internal, but it’s external of the femur.
•A little bit of abduction before external rotation.

•Prone position
Test 25: Hip External Rotation
ROM 20

- Sartorius
- Vastus Medialis (upper fibers)
- Gluteus Minimus: Posterior Fibers

Hand Placement:
•Not pushing down, just want to see how knee flops in that position.

ROM Information:
•Don’t push into ROM, “guide”

•AKA: “Lateral malleoli under opposite knee (tibial tuberosity)”
•Place ankle under opposite knee
•Normally tibial external rotation will feel more limited than internal.
Test 20: Hip flexion, abduction, and external rotation