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156 Cards in this Set

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1A1: State the purpose of the Navy Training System.
Ensure a systematic approach for determining what to train and how best to accomplish that training.
1A2: What is the most essential link in the training chain?
The Instructor
1A3: State and discuss three qualities of an efficient and effective instructor.

1A4: Discuss the instructor's responsibilities in terms of responsibility to students.
Teach effectively, set a good example.
1A4: Discuss the instructor's responsibilities in terms of responsibility to training safety.
Demonstrate proper safety procedures.
1A4: Discuss the instructor's responsibilities in terms of responsibility to security.
Never downplay the importance of security or classified materials.
1A4: Discuss the instructor's responsibilities in terms of responsibility to curriculum.
Ensure your course remains current and accurate.
1A5: List and discuss the key principles of applying motivation theory in a training situation.

1. Interests: worthwhile or enjoyable.
2. Attitudes: feelings for or against people, objects or ideas.
3. Incentives: rewards can stimulate motivation.
4. Values: Ideas or goals seen as important
5. Achievements: strong desire to succeed.
6. Needs & Drives: lack of something that causes a desire for satisfaction.
1A6: List and discuss five techniques which can assist in developing motivational strategies for instruction.

1. Show interest in students.
2. Provide informative feedback.
3. Establish goals.
4. Encourage participation.
5. Make sure the subject matter is interesting.
1A7: State the ultimate goal of instruction.
To cause the students to remain motivated beyond the instructor's influence.
1A8: State and discuss five different ways of learning.

Association: compare past to new
Trial and Error: learn by doing
Imitation: imitate the instructor.
Transfer: apply past to new.
Insight: an epiphany or "a-ha" phenomenon
1A9: State and discuss the five laws of learning.

Primacy: learn the first time longer than they retain what they must re-learn
Intensity: vivid experience is learned better and longer.
Effect: things that result in satisfying outcomes are learned best.
Readiness: learn best when physically, mentally and emotionally ready to learn.
Exercise: practice makes perfect.
1A10: Discuss how motivation affects student learning.
The single most important factor in a student's educational advancement.
1A11: State and discuss the six common characteristics all students possess.

Belief in maturity - treated as adults.
Recognition - basic human need.
Ability to evaluate.
Desire to succeed.
Fair play.
1A12: State and discuss the four basic learning styles.

Abstract - learn best from lectures by experts, theoretical reading, case studies.
Concrete - learn by imitation after observation.
Active - learn through becoming involved.
Reflective - observe and reflect.
1A13: Discuss the barriers to effective communication.

Lack of common core experience.
Overuse of abstractions.
Environmental factors.
1A14: State and discuss the purpose of the 3-step communication process.
1. Send message - formulate message, consider barriers, send message.
2. Recieve message - hear or see message, decode message, interpret message.
3. Feedback - obtain feedback by asking questions.
1A15: Discuss why listening is one of the most important communication skills.
Effective listening depends on motivation.
1A16: Describe 5 factors that must be considered in planning instructional delivery.

Rate of speech
1A17: State and discuss the importance of body movement as an important part of successful communication.
Movement reinforces, clarifies and emphasizes verbal ideas.
1A18: State and discuss the four purposes of oral questioning.

Focuses attention.
Arouses interest in subject matter.
Drill students on subject matter.
Establish level of instruction.
Stimulates students to think.
1A19: State and discuss the characteristics of a good oral question.

Clear meaning.
Proper level of instruction, understandable, simple words, complete sentences, correct grammar.
Begins with an interrogative so students know a question is coming.
1A20: Discuss the types of oral questions and their purposes.

Factual Question
Multiple answer
Interest arousing
Thought provoking
1A21: State the five steps of the 5-step questioning technique.

1A22: List and discuss the different instructional methods.
Long Legged Lisa Carries Double D Rack

1. Lecture
2. Lecture with audio/video
3. Lesson
4. Case study
5. Discussion
6. Demonstration
7. Role playing
A23: State and discuss the three parts of a learning objective.

Behavior - what learner should be able to accomplish after training.
Condition - aiding and limiting factors imposed on the student.
Standard - specifies the criteria the student's performance must meet.
1A24: Discuss the two methods of testing and their importance.
Knowledge test - measures achievement of objectives.
Performance test - measures skill aquisition.
1A25: Explain the five learning levels a knowledge test item may test.
Carry A Really Accurate Rifle

1A26: Discuss the different types of performance tests.
Process - step by step procedures.
Product - observable results.
Combination - Evaluates both the step-by-step procedures as well as the observable end product result.
1A27: List and describe the primary materials used in presenting instruction.
Lesson plan - blueprint that ensures instruction is presented in proper sequence and depth.
Instruction sheets - information and directions needed to complete the course.
Instructional Media Materials (IMM) - devices or equipment used to aid learning.
1A28: State the purpose of using Instructional Media Materials (IMM) and Visual Information (VI).

Interest and motivation.
Increases student understanding.
Provide uniformity of training.
2A1: Discuss the purpose of the Shareable Content Objective Reference Model (SCORM) and its application in Content Development.
A collection of standards and specifications to provide a comprehensive suite of e-learning capabilities and web-based learning content.
2A2: Describe reuse, repurpose and reference as it applies to NCOM.
Reuse - use of an existing object in a new learning event without modification to its treatment, context or content.
Repurpose - use of an existing object with little or no modification.
Reference - use of an existing object as an information source or resource for generating ideas or new learning events.
2A3: Name the 5 content types and describe when each would be used as they relate to enabling objective statements.
Concepts - categories that include multiple examples.
Facts - represented in the form od a statement.
Procedures - a sequence of steps followed systematically to achieve a task.
Processes - flow of events that identify how something works.
Principles - outline guidelines for action.
2A4: Describe enabling objective content use levels.
Degree of recognition and performance that a learner is expected to display after completing a training session.
2A5: Describe metadata and its capabilities.
"Data about Data" allowing it to be cataloged by content, context and structure.
2A6: Discuss the key precepts of ILE Information Architecture to include Navy Content Objective Model (NCOM), Shareable Content Object Knowledge Model (SCORM), and Enabling Learning Objectives/Terminal Learning Objectives (ELO/TLO).
1. Learning objective aggregation is the top-level grouping of related content containing TLO's and ELO's.
Navy Content Objective Model
Shareable Content Object Knowledge Model


Terminal Learning Objectives: group of one or more ELO's.

Enabling Learning Objectives: group of one or more assets.

Asset: Single media element or a single text element.
2A7: What is a Job Task Analysis (JTA)?
Provides framework for the ILE to define job/position requirements for needed knowledge, skills and abilities.
2A8: Contrast level 1 and 2 JTA data.
Level 1 describes what work is being done.

Level 2 describes how work is being performed.
2A9: Where does one find technical specifications, XML specifications, and NMCI core build requirements?
2A10: What are the 3 educational domains discussed in the Navy ILE learning objective statements (NLOS) specifications and guidance? Name the verb categories attributed to each.

Cognitive - includes evaluation, synthesis, analysis, application, comprehension and knowledge.
Affective - includes characterizing by value, complex, organizing, responding and recieving.
Psychomotor - includes naturalization, articulation, precision, manipulation and imitation.
2A11: Discuss the types of questions used for each Content Use Level.
Concept Content - drag and drop, identify, matching, multi-choice/multi-answer, multi-choice/single-answer, short answer.
Fact Content - multi-choice/single-answer, short answer, two-state.
Procedure Content - drag and drop, matching, multi-choice/multi-answer, ordering.
Process Content - drag and drop, matching, multi-choice/multi-answer, ordering.
Principle Content - drag and drop, matching, multi-choice/multi-answer, multi-choice/single-answer, short answer.
2A12: List the 5 phases of the Instructional Design Process.

2A12: Discuss the Analyze phase of the Instructional Design Process.
Identify required level of proficiency, critical tasks, knowledge and skill, prioritize tasks, identify training gaps and desired outcomes.
2A12: Discuss the Design phase of the Instructional Design Process.
After analysis of training requirements, when proof of concept prototype is designed and the Navy has tested and accepted the design.
2A12: Discuss the Development phase of the Instructional Design Process.
Translates inputs from the analysis and design phases into courseware products.
2A12: Discuss the Implementation phase of the Instructional Design Process.
Efficient delivery of instruction.
2A12: Discuss the Evaluation phase of the Instructional Design Process.
Measures instructional content and application of knowledge in the workplace.
2B1: Discuss the items developed in phase 1 (Plan) of Task-Based Curriculum Development.
1. Developes the Training Project Plan (TPP).
2. Proposes and describes all training and training support documents.
2B2: Discuss the items developed in phase 2 (Analyze) of Task-Based Curriculum Development.
Product of this phase is the Course Training Task List (CTTL).
2B3: Discuss the items developed in phase 3 (Design) of Task-Based Curriculum Development.
Output products are the LO's, COI, and TCCD.
2B4: State the 2 categories of learning objectives.
Terminal Objectives and Enabling Objectives.
2B5: Discuss the items developed in phase 4 (Develop) of Task-Based Curriculum Development.
Produces the instructional materials for the instructor and the trainee. Includes Lesson Plan, Trainee Guide, Instruction Sheets and Tests.
2B6: iscuss the purpose of Instructional Media Materials (IMM) and Visual Information (VI).
Used to introduce, reinforce or supplement training provided.
2B7: What are the 3 elements of the Lesson Plan?
Front Matter

Lesson Topics

Discussion/Demonstration Activity
2B7: Elements of the Lesson Plan.

Front Matter
Cover page (optional), title page, change record page, table of contents, security awareness notice, safety/hazzard awareness notice, terminal objectives.
2B7: Elements of the Lesson Plan.

Lesson Topics
Allocation of class and lab time, enabling objectives, trainee preparation materials, instructor preparation materials, training materials required.
2B7: Elements of the Lesson Plan.

Discussion/Demonstration Activity
Discussion points, related instructor activity.
2B8: State and discuss the elements of the Trainee Guide.
Trainee name page, cover, title page, change record, table of contents, security awareness, safety/hazzard awareness, how to use TG pg, TO's and CMS.
2B9: State the rules for writing a Course Training Task List (CTTL) statement.
1. Begin with a performance action verb.
2. Ends with an object.
3. Supports mission statment.
4. Observable.
5. Be concise.
2B10: State the purpose of testing.
Tool for determining how well a trainee has achieved the TO's and EO's.
2B11: Explain the purpose of conducting a pilot (Phase 4).
To validate the curriculum and material, and to determine their effectiveness in attaining the course objectives.
2B12: List the justifiable reasons for developing, revising or cancelling a course.
1. Navy training plans (NTP's).
2. Tasking by higher authority.
3. Internal course reviews and local command initiatives.
4. External course reviews.
5. Surveillance and external feedback.
2B13: Discuss the purpose of phase 5 (Implementation).
Formal training can now commence, promulgation letter is issued, audit/revision record is started.
2B14: Discuss the purpose of phase 6 (Evaluate).
To evaluate instructors, instructional materials, trainees and trainee materials for effectiveness and efficiency.
2B15: Discuss the relationship between the following as used in the (CTTL).
1. Job
2. Duty
3. Task
1. Job is made up of duties and tasks.
2. Duties are the major part of jobs, involves a group of closely related tasks.
3. Tasks make up a duty, are performed in a relatively short period of time, must be measureable.
2B16: State the difference between the Course Mission Statement and the Terminal Objective.
CMS is descriptive of the course.
TO is descriptive of a desired behavior.
2B17: Describe the three products of a Training Course Control Document (TCCD).
1. Front Matter
2. COI
3. Annexes: ERL, ESL, Justification, CMS.
2B18: List the volumes of NAVETRA 130 and their purpose.
Vol 1: Developer's guide, standards and convention for the development of training programs.
Vol 2: Sample products, provides samples of each management and curriculum document.
Vol 3: Manager's guide, designed for person charged with the management of a course revision or development.
2B19: Identify the following acronyms:
1. LP
2. DDA page
3. TO
4. EO
5. DP
6. RIA
1. Lesson Plan
2. Discussion, Demonstration, Activity
3. Terminal Objective
4. Enabling Objective
5. Discussion Point
6. Related Instructor Activity
7. Instructional Media Material/Visual Information
2B20: Discuss where to find the procedures for handling and storing classified training materials.
3A1: Responsibility of the following member of the training organizational structure:

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)
Provides policy for implementing and supporting the strategic goals regarding training and education.
3A1: Responsibility of the following member of the training organizational structure:

Naval Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education (MPT&E)
Anticipates Navy total force capabilities required to support joint war fighting workforce.
3A1: Responsibility of the following member of the training organizational structure:

Naval Education and Training Command (NETC)
Meet the strategic goals in the areas of leadership, Navy military training, instruction, quality of life, infrastructure, equal opportunity, curriculum and technology.
3A1: Responsibility of the following member of the training organizational structure:

Learning Centers
1. Determine and allocate resources to support learning sites.
2. Provide technical contractual oversight and authority for training equipment.
3. Review and approve traning schedules.
3A1: Responsibility of the following member of the training organizational structure:

Course Curriculum Model Managers (CCMM)
Develops, revises and maintains a course of instruction.
3A1: Responsibility of the following member of the training organizational structure:

Learning Sites
1. Provide student academic performance and muster information to TSC/TSD.
2. Partner with TSC/TSD to execute non-academic Navy programs.
3A1: Responsibility of the following member of the training organizational structure:

Naval Personnel Development Center (NPDC)
3A2: Describe the A-type course of instruction.
Provides basic knowledge and skills required to prepare for rating entry level performance.
3A2: Describe the C-type course of instruction.
Provides advanced specialized skills, knowledge and apptitude qualification training required to fill a particular billet.
3A2: Describe the F-type course of instruction.
Provides individual functional skill or rating specific training as required by Fleet or Type Commander.
3A3: Describe the instructor certification process in your training command.
1. Instructor Indoctrination.
2. Course sit-through/practice teach.
3. Receive at least a satisfactory on 2 instructor evaluations.
3A4: Discuss "attrition" and contrast its meaning in both operations and training.
1. Academic drops: Occur when a student is unable to acheive the learning objectives because of an academic problem.
2. Non-academic drops: Administrative, disciplinary and physical issue drops.
3A5: Discuss the Academic Review Board (ARB) process.
1. Student's course average falls below the minimum passing grade.
2. Unable to acheive the objectives after counseling, remediation, retesting and initial academic setback.
3. Student's performance is below expected academic progress.
4. ARB will decide whether or not to drop student.
3A6: Discuss test failure policies and associated grading criteria within your learning environment.
1. When failure occurs, remediate trainee and then retest.
2. The minimum passing grade will be given for all retests.
3. If a student fails a retest after remediation, an ARB will be convened.
3A7: Who determines what curriculum development model will be used for curriculum modifications within your learning environment?
3A8: Who is responsible for maintaining a course audit trail/master record?
1. Audit trail: CCMM
2. Master Record: CISO, the CCMM provides input to the CISO to ensure currency of the information.
3A9: Describe the evaluation of instructors in laboratory/classroom/facilitated environments.
Based on: Introduction, Presentation, Instructor/student interaction, Summary
3A10: Discuss the student critique program within your learning environment.
3 Areas:

1. Instructor critiques
2. Course critiques
3. Quality of life critiques
3A11: Discuss the importance of Formal Course Reviews (FCRs) and audit trails.
1. Keep courses current with fleet practices.
2. Measure effectiveness.
3B1: Discuss Kirkpatrick's 5 levels of evaluation.
1. Reaction to instructional content.
2. Degree of learning the objectives.
3. Whether the performance or behavior has changed after returning to the job.
4. Impact on the organization resulting from learners applying newly aquired knowledge or skills.
5. Return on Investment (ROI).
3B2: Discuss the elements of a testing program within your learning environment.
1. Test items.
2. Tests.
3. Test administration materials: Testing plan, test administration data, test item cross-reference chart.
3B3: Discuss the purpose of the Learning Content Management System (LCMS).
1. Provides for the creation, storage, reuse, management and delivery of learning content.
2. Provides a template for fast, efficient and consistent authoring of knowledge-based content.
3B4: Discuss the purpose of the Learning Management System (LMS).
Manages student/teacher administration functions such as tracking of student registration, scheduling, gathering, and processing student performance data.
3B5: Discuss the role of the Course Supervisor associated with the Learning Management System.
1. Help facilitators and learners make progress through courses by troubleshooting technical issues.
2. Maintain the curriculum components identified for the school's structure.
3B5: Discuss the role of Student Control associated with the Learning Management System.
1. First entity to interract with the learner.
2. Run reports as neccessary with regards to projected graduation and curriculum progress information.
3B5: Discuss the role of Facilitators associated with the Learning Management System.
Help learners make progress through courses by ensuring they are located n the Learning Management System (LMS) where they need to be.
3C1: What type of courses are considered "high-risk"?
Training that exposes students and instructors to the risk of death or permanent disability.
3C2: What section of the instruction lists courses that have been designated as "high-risk"?
Section 4D
3C3: What is a "DOR", and the procedures for conducting one?
1. An administrative procedure available to students in voluntary training programs.
2. After removal from voluntary training the student shall submit a written request detailing the reasons for the DOR.
3C4: What is a Traning Time Out (TTO) and the procedures for conducting one?
A sefety procedure that allows students and instructors concerned for their personal safety or the safety of others to stop a training evolution.
Raise hand and state loud enough for all to hear "training time out".
All evolutions are stopped and the safety concern/issue is addressed immediately.
3C5: What is the purpose of the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and how often must it be reviewed for accuracy of information? How often is it to be fully exercised?
1. A plan of action to be used in the case of a mishap.
2. Reviewed monthly for accuracy of information.
3. Exercised annually.
3C6: How often are safety stand-downs required?
1. At least annually.
2. Additional SSD's shall be conducted following mishaps, near misses or major course revisions or equipment modifications.
3D1: Describe the 4 quadrants of the Human Performance System Model (HPSM).
1. Defines requirements by breaking down jobs and job tasks into specific behaviors or competencies.
2. Analysis ans subject matter experts must evaluate requirements to determine how best to meet them.
3. Develope solution options, select appropriate interventions based on effectiveness, cost... etc.
4. Execution and evaluation of the intervention occur here. If training is the solution it is chosen, then it is built.
3D2: In quadrant 1 of the HPSM, who must validate all individual unit and group job/task requirements?
Fleet Commanders-in-Chief (CINCs)
3D3: Describe the Navy's new learning model that integrates technology and human performance requirements into a complete package.
Naval Content Object Model (NCOM) builds on established SCORM principles and facilitates the implementation of SCORM because NCOM is a SCORM-based standard that facilitates content organization and SCORM supported behaviors through advanced organization of content.
3D4: Who performs most of the functions in quadrant 2 and coordinates the activities of quadrant 3 in the Human Performance System Model (HPSM)?
The government Program Manager (PM) has overall responsibility for managing the design process.
3D5: Discuss the fundamentals of the Science of Learning.
1. Tailored-intruction is more effective than group-paced instruction.
2. Building confidence in learners is an important outcome of training.
3. Building learner self-awareness aids the learning process.
4. Optimal instructional design requires a Comprehensive Training Needs Analysis.
5. Measurement and feedback are paramount to sustaining effective learning.
6. Learning is a continual process.
7. Blended solutions.
3D6: Describe the 4 major methods of learning in the Navy Learning Model.
1. Reference-based.
2. Computer mediated.
3. Collaborative.
4. Instructor led.
3D7: Define the term "Change Management" as used by Human Performance Professionals.
The convergence of 2 fields of thought.
3D7: Define the term "Competencies" as used by Human Performance Professionals.
The knowledg, skills, and abilities that individuals bring to the job.
3D7: Define the term "Executive Review of Navy Training (ERNT)" as used by Human Performance Professionals.
Review of the Navy Training System and recommend changes to improve effectiveness.
3D7: Define the term "Performance Gap" as used by Human Performance Professionals.
Demand for quality manpower is increasing while supply is declining.
3D7: Define the term "Intervention Opportunities" as used by Human Performance Professionals.
Include traditional classroom instruction, e-learning, manpower adjustments.
3D7: Define the term "Knowledg, Skills, Abilities and Tasks (KSAT)" as used by Human Performance Professionals.
3D7: Define the term "Measure of Effectiveness (MOE)" as used by Human Performance Professionals.
Once tasks and duties are defined, the CINC validates job performance standards.
3D7: Define the term "Measure of Performance (MOP)" as used by Human Performance Professionals.
performance requirements are appropriate for different stages of a career.
3D8: Discuss the Human Performance Improvement Process.
A results based systematic approach to identifying, assessing and resolving performance issues within the framework of the organization as a system.
3D9: Explain the roles and responsibilities of the Contracting Officer (CO).
Authority to enter, administer and terminate contracts.
3D9: Explain the roles and responsibilities of the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR).
Representative of the Contracting Officer (CO).
3D9: Explain the roles and responsibilities of the Technical Points of Contact (TPOC).
Provide technical direction, monitor contract progress and performance.
3D9: Explain the roles and responsibilities of the ILE Content Sponsor.
Approval authority for ILE content.
3D9: Explain the roles and responsibilities of the ILE Project Manager.
Initiates training material development and modification, conducts training material reviews.
3D9: Explain the roles and responsibilities of the ILE Content Developer.
Develops and maintains specified ILE content.
3E1: Define "Knowledge Management".
Integration of people and technology that facilitate the exchange of operationally relevant information and expertise to increase organizational performance.
3E2: Explain Tacit and Explicit knowledge.
Tacit: Knowledge gained through experience.

Explicit: Knowledge that is documented and can be shared with others.
3E3: Define a Community of Practice.
Designated network of people that share information and knowledge.
3E3: Define a Community of Interest.
Share a common interes or passion such as Navy Enlisted Ratings, or the various Officer Designations.
3E4: Describe the benefits of a Community of Practice.
Improves the organizations performance through increased effectiveness, productivity, quality and innovation.
3E5: Describe 2 ways to capture/share corporate knowledge.
1. Storytelling: Construction of fictional examples to illustrate a point or help transfer knowledge.
2. Conducting Interviews: Accomplished with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)/process performers and is an excellent method to gather knowledge for the community and its knowledge base.
3E6: Explain the relationship between Knowledge Management and Information Technology.
Information Technology is merely a tool but Knowledge resides in people who use information, not the containers that store it.
3E7: Define the term "Knowledge Share" as used by Knowledge Management Professionals.
Activity through which knowledge is exchanged among people or an organization.
3E7: Define the term "Knowledge Transfer" as used by Knowledge Management Professionals.
Knowledg movement from one part of an organization to another part.
3E7: Define the term "Business Rules" as used by Knowledge Management Professionals.
Describes operations, definitions and constraints that apply to an organization in achieving its goals.
3E7: Define the term "Best Practices" as used by Knowledge Management Professionals.
Most efficient and effective way of accomplishing a task.
3E7: Define the term "Metrics" as used by Knowledge Management Professionals.
Standard units of measure used to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization.
3F1: One of the NETPDTC's functions in Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS) is to publish an annual list of what type of information?
A lis of PQSs available to the fleet and the current model managers.
3F2: What is the function of Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS)?
1. Ensures that personnel have the required competency before performing specific duties.
2. PQSs standardize qualification requirements.
3F3: In formal training courses where PQS lines may be signed, what procedure is followed to inform a receiving command which line items have been completed and signed?
A letter certifying completion of the appropriate items by number shall be forwarded to the student's duty station.
3G1: What are the rules for handling classified student notes?
1. Classified notes are collected from students prior to graduation.
2. Not forwarded to receiving commands.
3G2: What are the procedures for disposition of school notes that are not reuseable?
They will be destroyed.
3G3: Are there any exceptions to the "no forwarding" policy?
Yes, on a case-by-case basis. Shall be forwarded to the receiving command only... Not the individual.
Explain the Primary and secondary objectives of the MTS program.
1. create a cadre of specialists with valuable knowledge and skills that can help the command improve training and
2. Recognize individuals who have achieved a level of excellence in teaching skills, training-management and curriculum-management.
1A5: Define the term "Values" as it applies to motivational theory in a training situation.
Ideas or goals seen as important.
1A5: Define the term "Attitudes" as it applies to motivational theory in a training situation.
Feelings for or against people, objects or ideas.
1A5: Define the term "Achievements" as it applies to motivational theory in a training situation.
Strong desire to succeed.
1A5: Define the term "Interests" as it applies to motivational theory in a training situation.
People, objects or ideas considered worthwhile or enjoyable.
1A5: Define the term "Incentives" as it applies to motivational theory in a training situation.
Rewards can stimulate motivation.
1A5: Define the term "Needs & Drives" as it applies to motivational theory in a training situation.
Lack of something that causes a desire for satisfaction.
1A12: Discuss the "Abstract" learning style.
Students learn best from lectures by experts, theoretical reading and case studies.
1A12: Discuss the "Active" learning style.
Students learn through becoming involved.
1A12: Discuss the "Reflective" learning style.
Reflecting/thinking about what has been observed.
1A12: Discuss the "Concrete" learning style.
Learn through imitation after observation.