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34 Cards in this Set

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most mast cell tumor are diagnosed by


what might be a problem with FNA

they may not stain well in diff quick

mast cell attract other mast cells and eosinophils

___ of mast cell tumors are benign, but the other ___ need pre-operative staging

80% benign


pre-op staging is based on what


regional LNs

abdominal US

check for other MCTs

(chest rads and BM aspirate rarely done)

what would MCT look like in the liver or spleen

reticulated pattern (like lymphoma)

why is it so important to look for other bumps

when there is one MCT the animal has a 30-50% chance of getting another

what might make you think about doing a MB aspirate

less than 2% have BM involvement and these animals are usually systemically sick

why is surgical planning hard with MCTs

the best surgical margin is based on dose and this is dependent on tumor grade which is not known until after surgery

what things should you consider when working out the surgical margins

-- how easy would it be to go back to this are for more sx (consider the scar after surgery

-- is this a boxer that is very likely to get more of these masses (don't want to run out of skin)

-- don't forget to go 1 fascial plane down

how are mast cell tumors graded

there are two grading systems

-- patnaik: 3 tiers

-- kiupel: 2 tiers

what is the down side of the three tier system

most tumors fall into the grade 2 grey zone

what are the grading systems based off of

how can cytology be used as a prognostic factor

mitotic index

-- < 5 mitotic figures / 10 hpf = 70 mths

-- > 5 mitotic figures / 10 hpf = 2 months regardless of grade

what clinical things can be prognostic indicators

growth rate, greater than 3 cm, ulcerated, systemic signs, recurrence, age, breed, multiple tumors, gender, response to therapy, previous chemo

anatomic location: MM, preputial, scrotal, oral, SC, conjunctival

which breed is predisposed to MCTs

brachycephalic breeds get a lot of MCTs, but they tend to be low grade and have a better prognosis

what is the treatment plan for a high grade tumor

surgery + chemo + RT

surgery w/ clean margins will still have mets

adjuvent radiation therapy works best on what type of disease

microscopic -- get rid of bulk disease first

what about if you get clean margins on a low grade tumor

no further tx needed

dirty margins on a low grade tumor

recut or RT

clean margins on a high grade tumor

chemo for mets.

which type of tumor responds best to radiation

round cell

what meds could be used for palliative therapy

-- H2 blockers (famotidine): mitigate histamone release and GI ulcers

-- PPIs (omeprazole)

-- H1 blockers (diphenhydramine): helps w/ local pruritis

-- pred

what might happen with pred use

the tumor may shrink for a short time -- cut it off!

how common are mast cell tumors in cats

common - 10-20% of cutaneous tumors

they are often benign

where do MCTs occur in cats

head and neck -- where there is not a lot of skin

how would you diagnose a MCT in the cat

same as the dog -- FNA

what are the two types of mast cell tumors in the cat

-- mastocytic tumors in older animals

-- histiocytic tumors in younger animals

when would you stage a tumor in the cat

when there are multiple cutaneous tumors, visceral tumors, RLN involvement

(most are solitary benign tumors)

how would you treat the solitary benign tumors

punch them out and submit them to make sure they are benign

what is something that could be used to stage the cat, but not the dog

buffy coat -- mast cells are not seen in the peripheral blood of sick cats

how would mast cell tumors be treated in the cat

surgical removal + radiation w/ incomplete resection (don't usually need chemo)

what would be the clinical signs in a feline splenic mast cell tumors

anorexia, weight loss, V, lethargy

how would staging be done in these cats

abdominal US, BM exam, CBC, chem

how would these cats be treated

splenectomy w/ chemo

(survival 12 months)