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34 Cards in this Set

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Bipartite muscle consisting of the frontalis and occipitalis muscles connected by a cranial aponeurosis.
Covers forehead and dome of skull. Part of epicranius.

O: galea aponeurotica

I: skin above nose and eyes

A: raises the eyebrows & wrinkles forehead
Overlies posterior occiput

O: Superior nuchal lines of the occipital bone

I: galea aponeurotica

A: Draws back scalp.
Orbicularis Occuli
Orbital, Palpebral, Lacrimal parts

O: Medial margin of orbit. (frontal, maxilla, lacrimal)

O - encircles orbit
P - Lateral Palpebral ligament into zygomatic bone
L - Lateral Palpebral ligament

A: closes eye
Orbicularis Oris
Multilayered muscle of the lips with fibres that run in many different directions, mostly circularly.

O: corner of mouth

I: other muscles at angels of mouth

A: closes/purses/protrudes lips (kissy lips)
Zygomatic Major
Muscle extending diagonally from cheekbone to corner of mouth.

O: zygomatic bone

I: angle of mouth

A: draws angle of mouth upward ("smiling muscle")
Levator Labii Superioris
Thin muscle between obicularis oris and inferior eye margin.

O: zygomatic bone and infraorbital foramen, corner of eye to side of nose

I: skin/muscle of upper lip

A: raises upper lip
Depressor Labii Inferioris
Small muscle running from mandible to lower lip

O: mandible

I: skin of lower lip

A: draws lower lip downward and laterally (pout)
Thin, horizontal cheek muscle deep to masseter

O: alveolar process of maxilla and mandible

I: corner of mouth

A: compresses cheek
One of the muscle pair forming a V-shaped muscle mass on the chin

O: incisive fossa of mandible

I: skin of chin

A: raises and protrudes lower lip & wrinkles skin of chin
Origin: zygomatic arch, zygomatic process of maxilla

Insertion: ramus of mandible

Action: clenches teeth, closes lower jaw

Nerve: Trigeminal
Unpaired, thin, sheetlike superficial neck muscle

O: on the connective tissue that covers the muscle of the shoulder

I: muscles of chin and jaw, mandible

A: depresses and and draws lower lip latteraly, draws up the skin of chest.
Slender muscle inferior and lateral to zygomaticus

O: over parotid gland

I: skin at angle of mouth

A: retracts angle of mouth, as in grinning, looking tense
Fan-shaped muscle that covers parts of the temporal, frontal, and parietal bones

O: superior and inferior temporal lines of parietal

I: coronoid process of mandible

A: Closes jaw, clenches teeth
Two-headed muscle located deep to platysma on anterolateral surface of neck.

O: sternum and clavicle

I: mastoid process of temporal bone

A: flexes neckdown, rotates head

Nerve: spinal accessory and cervicle nerve
Scalenus Anterior
Origin: transverse processes of C3-C6

Insertion: 1st rib

Nerve: Cervical

Action: flexes and rotates neck, elevates 1st rib
Scalenus Medial
Origin: transverse processes of C2-C7

Insertion: rib

Action: flexes and rotates neck, elevates 1st rib
Scalenus Posterior
Origin: transverse processes of C5-C7

Insertion: 2nd rib

Action: flexes and rotates neck, elevates 2nd rib

Nerve: Cervical
Longus capitis
Origin: transverse processes of C3-C6

Insertion: occipital bone anterior to foramen magnum

Action: flexes the head

Nerve: C1-C3
Origin: maxilla

Insertion: muscle on opposite side over the bridge of the nose

Action: maintains opening of nose (flares nostrils)

Nerve: facial
Origin: Fascia over nasal bone

Insertion: Skin between eyebrows

Action: draws eyebrows downward

Nerve: facial
Deppressor Anguli Oris
Origin: oblique line of the mandible

Insertion: angle of the mouth

Action: depresses angle of the mouth as in frowning (chewing muscle)

Nerve: facial
Auricularis Anterior
Origin: temporal

Insertion: helix of ear

Action: draws ear foreward

Nerve: facial
Auricularis Superior
Origin: temporal

Insertion: superior part of the ear

Action: draws ear upward

Nerve: facial
Auricularis Posterior
Origin: mastoid region of temporal bone

Insertion: posterior part of the ear

Action: draws ear upward

Nerve: facial
splenius capitis
Origin: spinous processes of vertebra

Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone

Action: extends and rotates the head

Nerve: cervical
splenius cervicis
Origin: Spinous processes T3-T6

Insertion: transverse processes of C1-C3

Action: extends and rotates head

Nerve: cervical
levator scapulae
Origin: spines of vertebra

Insertion: scapula

Action: elevates scapula, rotates scapula, pulls scapula medially upward, bends neck latterally (shrugs shoulders)

Nerve: cervical
Semispinalis capitus
Origin: transverse processes of T1-T6

Insertion: between superior & inferior nuchal lines of occipital bone

Action: controls lateral flexion to side opposite contraction, maintains head posture

Nerve: spinal
Auricularis Posterior
Origin: mastoid region of temporal bone

Insertion: posterior part of the ear

Action: draws ear upward

Nerve: facial
splenius capitis
Origin: spinous processes of vertebra

Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone

Action: extends and rotates the head

Nerve: cervical
splenius cervicis
Origin: Spinous processes T3-T6

Insertion: transverse processes of C1-C3

Action: extends and rotates head

Nerve: cervical
levator scapulae
Origin: spines of vertebra

Insertion: scapula

Action: elevates scapula, rotates scapula, pulls scapula medially upward, bends neck latterally (shrugs shoulders)

Nerve: cervical
Semispinalis capitus
Origin: transverse processes of T1-T6

Insertion: between superior & inferior nuchal lines of occipital bone

Action: controls lateral flexion to side opposite contraction, maintains head posture

Nerve: spinal