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52 Cards in this Set

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channels of communication to large numbers of people
mass media
singular form of media
began mass production of media
printing press
stage of media that invents or makes functional
novelty or development
stage of media where inventors and investors explore practical and marketable uses
stage of media that is widespread adoption by consumers
mass medium
larger companies buying smaller companies and merging together
What were the three major networks that set the course for broadcast television?
Peak listening hours for radio
6am-9am and 4pm-7pm
Prime time for television
Examples of trickle-down effects of books to other media:
1) movies have a genesis in books
2) authors who are interviewed on television
3) audio tapes of books
What are 5 roles of public relations?
1) shapes an image
2) repairs an image
3) provides information to shareholders
4) establishes two-way communication between consumers and companies
5) lobbies lawmakers to support an industry's best interests
attempts to promote a company or client, often by securing favorable media publicity. promotes image but cannot always control content
publick relations
involves buying space or time for messages about products or services. is always controlled content.
In what ways is internet unique as a mass medium?
1) On-Demand access
2) No central authority
3) Interactive
4) breaks down boundaries
Is advertising a mass media?
No--it provides content for mass media
What is the puropose of advertising?
To establish a special identity of the products and separate themselves from competitors.
highly interactive and collaborative; users generate and evaluate/add and edit content
Web 2.0
influential website that started with making a directory and had a good list of sites
influential website that started off as a portal idea and had to be on it to use all of its features
influential website that started ms internet explorer, operating system and web browser
influential website that is set up as a search engine and users determine what comes up higher on the page
philosophy of news media, particularly newspapers, serving as a watchdog over democratic government
Media as a Fourth Estate
Strengths of Wikipedia
Largely updated and revised by volunteers
Weakness of Wikipedia
Content posted is sometimes by people with no expertise or knowledge
may have markedthe birth of the information age and beginning of the end for the pring era
blending of traditional media into a single digital format
What did early developers of radio believe would be its primary use?
military and comercial applications for point-to-point communication
How was the early development of radio in the United States different from its development in other countries?
In other countries the radio was under the care of government and military interests, and in the U.S. it was under the care of commercial.
What was the primary economic purpose of the first commercial radio station in the U.S.?
advertise actually selling the radio receivers
How did radio survive the sudden popularity of television in the '50s and '60s?
music recordings and transistors that made radios portable
What is the attraction of radio today for advertisers?
enables advertiser to reach smaller target audiences at costs that are much lower than those for television
What is CNN's impact on news journalism?
made coverage continuous and made a 24 hour news cycle
How were HBO and WTBS pioneers in cable television?
They were the first satellite networks
What was the impact of the Telecommunications Act of 1996?
Allowed regional phone companies, long-distance carriers, and cable carriers to enter one another's markets.
What FCC mandate for television has a deadline of 2009?
all digital transition
What was I LOVE LUCY a revolutionary show?
It was the first program filmed before a live studio audience.
What cable network is often packaged with MTV to cable providers?
Johannes Gutenberg is credited with what innovation?
printing press
What was different about Samuel Johnsons' dictionaries?
created dictionary with present day vocabulary and updated usages of words
What are trade journals?
have ads with products and services directed toward various occupational groups
What was noteworthy about Noah Webster's dictionaries?
differentiated between British and American usages of words
What are instant books?
topical books produced quickly after a major even occurs
What is the lasting significance of the Zenger case in 1735?
allowed people to say what they wanted as long as it was true and a protected opinion
Smaller newspapers are more likely to practice....
consensus oriented journalism
List at least three types of content that have strong roots in magazines.
Q & A formats, personality profiles, and list and tip formats.
What is a unique selling proposition?
making the product stand out from other competitors. Remember the brand name by catch phrases
What have been the largest areas of growth for Internet advertising in recent years?
paid search advertising and affiliate referrals
What is product placement in advertising?
buying spaces for particular goods to appear on a TV show, in a movie, or even a video game.
this advertising strategy attempts to persuade consumers that using a product will maintain or elevate your social status
snob-appeal approach
this advertising strategy points out in exaggerated claims that everyone is using it
bandwagon effect
this advertising strategy associates a product with simplicity
plain-folks pitch