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50 Cards in this Set

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What are the 6 Major Trends in Mass Media?
Media fragmentation
Audience segmentation
Distribution of products across media boundaries
Digital convergenc
What is indie music a reaction to?
o Uniformity
o Consolidation
o Favor only some demographics
o Pushing media areas boundaries 1996 telecom act→ clear water domination
o Production: in uniform
o Distribution centralized in the hand of one major company, although many people can produce music.
o Exhibition is centralized→ retail outlets, indie stores are disappearing, exhibition owned by very few companies
What are some examples of Cooptation of Media
Co-optiation: process by which the mainstream incorporates counterculture. The way it mimics counterculture in order to gain profit
Things that have done this: Rock (was more dangerous then), jazz, rap music, punk music, indie, (corporate vs. underground), Graffiti, and Indie style/clothes/stores
Explain the creation of the Grudge Music scene in Seattle.
It was caused by the Geographically cut off from mainstream bands, so they created their own scene. A lot of time to play because it was always cold and rainy, real local scene, only a few clubs, people who played=people who cleaned up, fans were crazy.

The musicians had control over the means of production (indie) not having a label telling you what to do or what to record.

-Independent of corporate media ownership
-Distribute records at shows and independent record shops
-Small venues, not corporate stadiums
What is the main goal of Advertising? Why does advertisement continue to public into the public face? Challenges?
Advertisers try and pull out of the pack of constant media surrounding public.

Because there are so many ways for us to avoid it
Audience are more resistant
What techniques are advertisers using to get past the challenges?
Buzz Marketing
Why does Buzz Marketing work?
Invades your friends, and has the potential to always be there in interaction
These work because there are some motivation: need to belong or a community connection, feeling isolated, gain trust without them knowing what they are getting into.
Oaks reading talks about the relationship between indie and mainstream. → Name some ways that for there to be fake indie. Real vs. fake.
Urban outfitters vs. thrift stores
Starbucks vs. almost perk
Becomes more difficult for real indie to emerge, cause people see the fake and get confused.
How is indie affected by globalization?
Are affected by what is happening on the mainstream and they also effect mainstream and works off of culture (globally and regionally (ex. Graffiti and grudge music)
Hybridity practice
Cultural colonism
What does the Seattle scene tell us about mainstream...
The musicains were Critical of the mainstream, just say that they just want to rock, even at the cost of a quality performance, pride themselves on being non professional

Sub-pop records: you are not supposed to care about hits or whatever, but subpop pretended to be “true” indie. It’s all about advertizing.
Hyped their label rather than their bands. Cool Sub pop records… Seattle sound (crazy own identity that sub pop exploited)
Hard to distinguish between counterfeit counterculture and real counterculture: example Sub pop. Nirvana was a Sub Pop band---Mainstream media takes over seattle.
how do you “brand” yourself?
what type of person are you in your private life:
→friends, personal life, ”digital shadow,” activities, etc.
customization of media
→communities such as niche states, Album like Pandora
Examples of Gaming evolving with Media...
SecondLIfe is a place where you can buy, sell, communicate, play, learn, and advertise
Virtual Worlds that are Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) --They allow people to be who and what they want.
iphone takes over offline activities...
reinvented shopping, social networking, eating, class, conversation, etc....
Trends in the internet:
When now have Web 2.0:
more real time, multimedia reach, info enters dynamically without reloading page, changes based on human behavior (read//write web) ex. Facebook, Wikipedia, twitter, Pandora
Augmented Reality: connection between where you are in physical space and internet. Can you apply the Pandora model to this system like yelp.
explain common Mainstream vs. Counterculture
Mainstream: generally excepted, familiar, known, over exposed, successful, became part of our conscious through the media

Counterculture: weird, hard to signify things now because of media, varies east west, north south, rural urban. Has the potential to transform everything about American culture.
Things that were converted from Counterculture to mainstream---
Lady Gaga, Tattoos/piercings (Rebelling→ self-expression was made "cool"), sex drugs Rock,

[as more people adapt counterculture→ it becomes mainstream]
What has changed in the last 40 years:
Family structure
Increase in gender and racial equality
Sexual Freedom

changes what indie is rebelling against
What is Co-optiation:
process by which the mainstream incorporates counterculture. The way it mimics counterculture in order to gain profit
Things that have done this: Rock (was more dangerous then), jazz, rap music, punk music, indie grunge, (corporate vs. underground)
Aspects of Seattle Grunge Music...
Originated in the Northwest where there were weird cult stuff, killers etc… and they were cut off from tours

Non-diluted fans

Control over the means of production (indie) not having a label telling you what to do or what to record.

Everybody was a musicain

Deep 6: regional sound development and creating new name, noisy absurd sound. EXTREMES. Heavy metal and punk rock was an influence. Be away from all structure and just make noise your parents don’t like.

Then after Nirvana got huge everything changed!!! As soon as everything goes through the money making circuit things change. Everyone needs to find the next Nirvana or Pearl Jam…

Outside of Seattle has a distorted view of their scene, only those that are close to it really knows what is going on. When small you pretend you are big and once big you pretend your small and street.
What happened when Grunge hit it big time?
The 'true grungers' did not like mtv and people magazines forcing their questions about the culture and not the music down their throat. Began to Capitalize on indie style. So that the mainstream can profit from the fans that they don’t already have.

Flannel shirt around the waist people thought that those in seattle were making fashion statements but really it was just functional, stocking cap and long johns because it is cold and flannel shirts because it is what they sell in lumberjack territory.

Seattle scene becoming a marketable commodity, just frothing at the mouth to get every part of grudge culture in the market.

The Corporate music ruined the music culture in the city and came between friends as a jdestructive force.

[all of this seen in many forms of cooptation]
Media Trends seen in Seattles grunge seen:
consolidation→ so big labels can get at bigger markets

Distribution among music culture into other areas of production: flannel shirt, grunge pencils, grunge effect petal

Segmentation of the market

Fragmentation people more commercial subpop or make their own label….

Globalization scenes in those countries are developing as well

Digital Convergence: since the 90s that is happening now.
What is the telecommunication act?
Telecommunication Act of 1996 allowed for one station to own several stations which in turn made small stations start to disappear and increase consolidation
What is the Relationship between indie culture and a place?
-affordable living
-more liberal (more excepting)→ urban environment
-neglected areas (Seattle)
-Brooklyn→ run down cheap place starts to develop a culture.
What is the Creative Class?
Indie culture is tied up in the idea of the Creative Class. The Creative Class is the group of people that consume and create indie. –Artist ,Actors, Writers, Architecture, Design, Creative Technology, Online Industry, Game Makers,
Creative Class now Drives the economy. Marginalized people are helping the city to grow. (more you except the previously marginalized people, and nurturing the creative culture of their city will make you thrive).

Creative class is looking for these amenities, diverse selection of everything, diverse ethnicities. More free, local attractions, etc…
What happens when a place becomes more popular?
-Marketers come in→ more expensive to live there and indie can no longer survive
What is the “new” indie culture??
Hipsters growing up so maybe more kid friendly. Maybe disconnected from media all together. Globalization has unfolded and changed everything.
What did Dub Reggae demonstrate?
Dub Reggae illustrates the globalization and how media works in the world. Shows how cultures transmit through national boundary and then creates new culture in the process, idea of Cultural Colonialism.
When reprocessed back into U.S. it was reinterpreted at something else. Sources into Jamacia→ Regea→into U.S. → hip hop → D.Js→M.C. → break dancing → grafitti… using what you have to create.

Main Idea: Media is not a huge homogenizing force, but rather is a factor in cultural creation.
What are the motivations for Graffiti?
Art is a weapon. Graffiti is energy, from the darkness comes the light.
It takes something absurd to challenge common practice.
We don’t ask for the space we are taking it.

Make a motto, just bomb the system. → hello I am here I exist. Declaring your being.

I tag therefore I am…. Youth are not heard
Doing graffiti is like playing, essence of a child.
taking in the idea of rebellion and replicating
Decided to fill this vacuum with beauty.
If there is no rebellion then we would become stagnant.
It is something to live with and communicate with. Anything that is paid for by taxes…
How did it change from each country?
accepted, legal, different response from authorities
different styles, architecture
Social Commentary
Playful or Rebellious?? Different retaliation with society

→ All wanted to do something different, get a voice, show social arrest, beautify the city, tension in city and mainstream…
Is graffiti indie media?
-in the sense of economy, race, ethnicity inclusion
-more individualized not a huge connection to community
-danger to life helps it from going through cooptation
How is mass media involved?
Educate globally about movements
Advertisements-the way they have invaded in our lives that taggers wanted to invade right back.
Man who mocked ads in LA
Everything is camera in London
What are the Backlashes?
Media’s presentation
o Before this video graffiti was just crime and vandalism
Law enforcement-these two go together
What is the main point of the selection taken from the Deuze Article?
Digital media supercharge these dilemmas, as industries merge and media converge, as audiences become co-creators of content online. The media industries are the pioneers of the digital age.

Work and leisure are continuing to combine so that it is hard to stop working and just have a home life. These technology revelotions are leading to things like Buzz Marketing and Branding

honestly I cant really remember reading this one, this was just in my notes.
Persuaders(Walker) article all about...
Buzz Marketing:
People do it because they want to be part of something.
examples nike shoes, Al Fresco sausage, Sony Ericsson
What do advertisements tell us about ourselves?
what we want and what we are looking for.
we all want to belong and be part of something

Advertizers know what we want and try and fill that void by,
Integrating ads into content
appealing to emotion through branding ideas
what is the paradox of cluttered advertisements.
Everyone wants to break out of the clutter which in turn creates more clutter.
explain Song Airline deal
Branded toward middle aged women, because of segmented market, and then made commercials and ads that had nothing to do with airline, but rather about the song brand. "That is so song."

create a new culture, not airline. Making a business into something more, something emotional and optimistic.

raised question of whether pitch should be aimed at head or heart.

glide over what product does and talk about what it is about, in order to give people identity.
The goal of branding is to..
crearte an identity that transcends meaning and allows audience to belong and indue the persuation of self.

create a culture around a product:

ex. ATT: family connection
Apple: creativity Futuristic cool successful
Nike:strength, heath fitness.
What kind of companies identify themselves based on an emotional connection?
ATT, Hallmark, Coca Cola etc...
What did that French guy focus on in the video
reptillian primal urges. Finding the code for success luxury or happiness that you can then sell to advertising firms.(Consumers respond to unconscious ideas)
What are some challenges that advertizing agents are facing?
clutter(roaches)-we are getting immune
sophistication of audience
technology that has become adapted to avoid ads.
niche oriented population--> Narrow because of fragmentation
what are some effects to these new innovations in the ad world?
politics is becoming about the words not the message, debate=useless and superficial.

more distrust for corporations and even in relationships because of buzz marketing.

We are all becoming social persuaders

Becoming harder to build your own identity apart from media.
What do public relations firms do?
manipulate public oppinon as a subject of Advertizing. Mostly done by large organizations (coorporate and political) because you need money time and skills.

not necessarily horrible, just a lot of possibility for deception.

the hope to form public oppinon toward thier clients desire.
supposably democracy needs...
invisible public relations elite to steer public.
How is local news a victim of PR?
through VNR footage. (Video News Reports. normally seen on local news because it is cheap and they don't have enough staffing.
examples of famous PR ideas:
(good and bad)
Shell: bad job with oil spill, should of had the president with a duck or something

Women smoking cigs in parade

Tylenol: Good Job with the acid laced Tylenol stuff.

Oprah vs. Texas Cattle (lead to self-censoring for Food-Disparagement Law)
Effects of PR
scare people about real incentives
displaces other modes of community
can be used for good, but is it ethical?
Why does Buzz Marketing work?
we value information from friends, because we thing that socail interaction is free of media.

Agents want to have influence, be in the know , have something to talk about, and help friends.
What is an ideal Agent for Buzz Marketing?
big social group, "magic" kids, hip, cool, someone who draws other in, savvy with internet ect...
prison with mirrors--> you act differently if you are under constant surveillance. If pictures are hitting the web?