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74 Cards in this Set

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Horace Greely
Worked for the New York Tribune, created the newspaper editorial section
Horace Greely
Created and edited New York Tribune, created the newspaper editorial section
John Milton
Helped to create the concept of the "marketplace of ideas" where people are exposed to many ideas and can choose the best, the value of competing ideas, the idea that the mass media is for sharing ideas in a similar way to what Milton imagined
Rupert Murdoch
Billionare CEO of News Corp, expanded the idea of the conglomorate, known for getting involved with content of news in service of business interest, interested in filling a niche to make money.
Media Ubiquity
Two thirds of our waking hours are spent being exposed to media. Media exposure is everywhere
Media Exposure
Mass Media is constantly being presented to us. Many are exposed to media so often they don't even realize it. Up[ to 5 hours a day
Media Literacy
Possesing the knowledge to be competent in assesing messages carried by mass media formats
the splitting of audiences, no longer interested in consuming the same products
Media Companies shifted many of their products from focusing on the largest possible audience to targeting specific media segments, death of the singe mass media product
Johhanes Guttenburg
Metalurgiest who invented the movable type printing press, his guttenburg bible could be printed faster and higher quality, helping to further spread literacy across Europe and the world
Thomas Edison
Inventor of the phonograph, the first machine capable of recording and playing back audio (but could only record something once.It was just a foil wraped cylender for recording
Emile Berlinner
Created a process for recording music and audio faster than Edison, his metal disk could be cast in a mold to be replicated quickly, so now the possibility of transfering recorded audio was possible, which could be used for music
Guglielmo Marconi
transfered the first wireless message as a way to combat enemy armies cutting down telegraph lines, wireless would eventually become radio.made a fortune by placing wirelesses on ships so they could communicate with the shore or other ships (might have prevented accidents like the titanic.
Samuel Morse
Inventor of the Telegraph, allowed for faster transmission of messages by transmitting sounds over wires, first message was "What Hath God Wrought. Transfer messages faster than mail.
Bardeen, Brittain, and Shockley
created the semiconductor, which won the nobel prize in 1956. A semiconductor was a tiny, low cost crystal that could be used as a switch to transmit data that had been converted to 1 and 0s (binarry) led to consumer computers better telephones and digital communication.
Henry Luce
Magazine Innovator whose LIFE magazine exploited photography when it was novel for their visual impact, created the photo essay and, by extention, the newsmagazine
Philo Farnsworth
Inventor of the modern television, created the image disector which transmitted images over a distance.
Digital Integrattion
media messages are encoded into a very basic binary language for the purposes of transfering location. Once transfered, the message is decoded to its original state.
Printing Technology
Printing allowed for books and newspapers to be made incredibly quickly, making the material cheaper, which would help spread literacy during the industrial revolution.
Media Convergence
Melding of Print, electronic and photographic media into digittized format
media people who can control and influence the spread of media messages in rout, those who control the spread of media and those exposed to media control the media
a large company that owns smaller companies where each owned company is a distinct entity instead of only a part of the larger whole.
Mary Baker Eddy
Founded the Christian Science Monitor in 1908, a newspaper designed to combat the sensationalisitc media of the yellow journalism papers at the turn of the century
Associated Press
formally the national wire service, worlds largest news gathering organization, a non-profit and cooperative (owned and run joinly by members who split gains and profits)owned by member newspapers
Postal Subsidies
governments are involved and support (through non-invasive legislature) the spread of newspapers by giving newspapers mass discounts, governemnt constantly eased the cost of magazines and newspapers doing business by reducing and picking up cost.
mass media (or other organizations) as a check on other institution, a monitor of performance of various institutions (government, Tv networks) on behalf of citizens
Jeff Bezos
Founder of Amazon, shipping products over internet.
Ira Tarbell
Muckraking reporter, published findings of Standard Oil's practices to create monopolies, monopolize oil, exsposed it in mickraking magazine series, investigative reporting.
Benjamin Day
Published the New York Sun, created the Penny press; launched a paper that cost a penny. brought revenue with Advertisments, cheaper papers, more reach, more reasons for advertisments
Margaret Bourke White
American photographer, first female photographer for Life Magazine, took the picture of the Fort Peck Damn on the cover of the first issue of the newsmagazine Life
William Randolf Hearst
Owner of the Hearst papers, newspaper magnate, owned chain of newspapers, spurred on yellow journalism, sensationalist journalism to sell papers, helped urge Us into Spanish American war by exagerating details (and spreading missinformation) about the sinking of the ship the USS Maine
Henry Luce
Newsmagazine creator, Life photographer.
Book Genres
Important for Demassification, now books can target fans who are specifically interested in different types and subjects of books.
Public Domain Literature
a work whose copyright has been void due to time, and thus now belongs to the public at large (essentially for free) Projects like Project Guttenburg make public domain literature available for free (created by Micheal Hart)
New Directions for Books
Books have to find news ways to be profitable, like being adapted into other mediums like movies or TV shows or books, as welll as specifically marketing to the current group of book readers, or making a book that is designed to be adapted into a movie.
Newspaper Circulation
The number of Newspaper sales and subscribers, more circ means more advertisin
New York Times
one of the dominant Newspapers in the us
Journalists who specifically uncover corruption or unsavery aspects of various government and private institutions
Highbrow Slicks
Magazines with Intellectual appeal
the idea that images and photography can be used to tell a story or take someone to a new place
Newspapers and magazines appeal to niche groups instead of the all purpose mass market
Magazine Circulation
the number of newspapers sold,either weekly or monthly, sales per edition
Edward R Murrow
Pioneer broadcast jourrnalist
Gordon Mclendon
reinvented radio with narrow formats in the 50's to increase revenue, created first all-news radio station
David Sarnoff
Founded NBC and RCA (National Broadcast corporation and Radio Corporation of America, took control of sigals so he could use both broadcast signals and sound signals together.
Invented Gramaphone, his recording machine could make copies with casts of original recording.
original music sharing site, created by Shawn fanning, allowed for the exhange of free music, put the record industry in a decline it hasn't recovered from.
Recording Labels
They own the artist and help promote the artists by exposing them to listeners, getting airplay on radio stations to sell records/concert tickets
File Sharing
Allows exchange of music files between computers, helped to make music valueless, so all profit had to be made off of concert sales.
Reinventing Radio
Radio became more niche specific, more demassified, to find groups specifically who wanted that content who would be good advertising targets
regulatory agencies, the FRC
help to avoid explicit or censored or inapropriate content from being exposed, the Federal ratings commision was founded to protect those individuals and fine those who broke laws about appropriate content.
The future of Radio
continue to demassificate to find specific and deliberate audiences to advertise to and epose content to to earn maximum payback from advertising
Benjammin Harris
Published Publick Occurences, first colonial newspaper in 1690, reported news from across the colonies and from europe
Joeseph Pulitzer
Emphasized human interest stories in newspapers, less sensationalized, against yellow journalsim
Nellie Bly
a stunt reporter, traveled around the world to see how long it would take her, commited herself to an asylum to report on unsavory onditions there
James Gordon Bennett
organized first instance of methodolical news coverage, created the newsroom to discuss and assign personel to cover various stories
Samuel Morse
invented telegram, sped up distribution of news
John Peter Zenger
defied Authorities with his New York Journal, which was backed by merchants and vendors instead of the wealthy british supported govenor, Journal reported on the doings of the governor, exposing his ways to the public even if it wasn't in the best interest of the governor of the colony, Govenor tried Zenger, but court ruled in favor of zenger
Ida Tarbell
muckracker exposing monopolistic policies of standard oil
William Randolf Hearst
built ciruclation with sensasitonalism, encouraged spanish american war, very much a product of yellow journalism
Horace Greeley
Pioneered editorials
those who control the distribution of the media control the message of the media
Penny Press
Newspapers sold as cheap as possible to spread them across as wide an audience as possible, which makes the newspaper attractive to advertisers.
Partisan Press
press is biased towards a certain political affiliation
Colonial Press
Pre-Constitution Press in America
Yellow Journalism
Sensationalist stories sell newspapers, increase circulation, more advertising
aggregation news
news that is found from other sites and is regugetated on your site, or includes pass through links to the original stories. Not based around original research procurement
Distributive Journalism
Information included in news comes from many different sources of unchecked veracity
Inverted Pyramid
The way that news programs present information: Most important news informations come at the front of the program or the top of the newspaper, the less important stuff is inside (as well as the rest of the important story
Defenition of Ratings and Share
Ratings measure broadcast audience size Rating is the number of television equipped households viewing a certian program. Share is the total percentage of viewers out of all all television sets turned on
Usefullness and importance of rating and share
knowing the number of people who are already watching your show or coming specifically to watch your show will help you appeal to advertisers to sell advertisments
Criticism of Ratings Data
Why does my favorite show get canceled even though I watch it? All shows need high ratings so advertisers can sell products, which supports the funding of those shows in question
Problems accosiated with ratings data
wildly different ratings numbers may cause advertisers to back out, as it makes them nerveous. Some ratings sources only reveal favorable data to advertisers, some ratings are based off of bad or nonrepresentitve sample numbers
Current techniques for collecting ratings data
meters on TVswhat is being watched, people meters report who is watching the program. overnights give next morning reports to executives reporting rating data