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43 Cards in this Set

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The process by which the government certifies members of the press to cover government-related news events (President Lincoln used this to intervene in the war over the Civil war battle coverage)
Agenda setting:
The belief that journalists don’t tell you what to think but do tell you what and whom to think about.
Consensus Journalism:
The tendency among many journalists covering the same event to report on similar conclusions about the event
Cooperative News Gathering:
Member news organizations that share the expense of getting news. (New York Associated Press became the first in 1848)
Using photographs to accompany a news story. Matthew Brady’s photojournalism paved a new way for using images to help capture the story.
During the Iraq war, a term used to describe journalists who were allowed to cover the war on the front lines supervised by the US Military.
The attitude that some cultural and social values are superior.
Magic Bullet Theory:
The assertion that media messages directly and measurably affect people’s behavior.
Open Source Reporting:
Using non-journalists as researchers to gather and share information
Shield Laws:
A law that protects journalists from being required to reveal confidential resources in a legal proceeding.
Media content analysis:
An attempt to analyze how people use the information they receive from the media.
Media Research effects:
An attempt to analyze how people use the information they receive from the media.
Spiral of silence:
The belief that people with divergent views maybe reluctant to challenge the consensus of opinion offered by the media
Two step flow:
The transmission of information and ideas from mass media to opinion leaders and then to friends.
“The Bundle”:
The combination of telecommunications services that the media industries want to offer consumers.
The practice of suppressing material that is considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable.
Child Online protection Act. A law aimed at preventing minors from getting access to sexually explicit online material.
A company that owns TV and radio stations in the same broadcast market
Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
False Light:
The charge that what was implied in a story about someone was incorrect.
House Un-American Activities Committee
Hudson test:
A legal test that establishes a standard for commercial speech protection.
Intellectual Property rights:
The legal right of a person or organization for creative ideas.
LAPS test:
A yardstick for local obscenity judgments, which evaluates an artistic’s work’s literary, artistic, political or scientific value.
A false statement that damages a person’s character or reputation by exposing that person to public ridicule or contempt.
Pool reporting:
An arrangement that places reporters in small, government-supervised groups to cover and event.
Prior restraint:
Government censorship of information before the information is published or broadcast.
Qualified privilege:
The freedom of the press to report what is discussed during legislative and court proceedings.
Regional Bell Operating Companies or “Baby Bells”
Roth Test:
A standard court test for obscenity, named for one of the defendants in an obscenity case.
Shield Laws:
Laws that protect journalists from revealing their sources and/or the information that is communicated between journalists and their sources in a journalistic relationship.
An abbreviation for Telephone Company.
World intellectual Property Organization.
The rules or standards that govern someone’s conduct.
The intentional planting of false information by government sources.
National association of broadcasters, the lobbying organization that represents broadcasters’ interests
Checkbook Journalism:
The term used to describe a news organization that pays for an interview.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
British Broadcasting Corporation, the government funded British broadcast network
Promoting the superiority of one ethnic group over another.
Hot Spot:
A public area like a restaurant or hotel where people with laptops and hand-held internet devices can connect to the Internet without a wire.
International Herald Tribune, the world’s largest English-language newspaper.
New World Information and communications Order. That is the concept that media can include all areas of the world, not just the west