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127 Cards in this Set

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____ is basic living unit of body
Describe the Functional Organization of the Human Body
Cell is basic living unit of body
Organs composed of many different cells
Each type of cell is adapted to perform particular functions
App. 100 trillion cells in human body
Cells differ but have basic similar characteristics
Almost all have ability to reproduce
Extracellular fluid “internal environment
App. 60% of adult body is fluid
Most intracellular (2/3)
About 1/3 extracellular (outside cells)
ECF in constant motion
Transported in circulating blood
Mixes between blood and tissue fluids by diffusion
Contains ions & nutrients needed to sustain cell life
Cells of body live in same environment (ECF known as internal environment)
What is in ECF?
Fatty acids
Amino acids
What is in ICF?
Mechanisms of homeostasis
ECF circulatory system
Nutrients in ECF
Removal of metabolic waste products
Regulation of body functions
ECF transport and mixing
1st ECF moves thru body in blood vessels
2nd fluid moves between capillaries and intercellular spaces between tissue cells
All blood circulates average of once per minute
Up to 6 times/min during exercise
Continual exchange of ECF occurs between plasma of blood and interstitial fluid in intracellular spaces
ECF continually mixed – homogeneity of ECF throughout body
Systems that contribute to nutrients in ECF
O2 into blood from alveoli

GI tract
Carbohydrates, fatty acids, amino acids absorbed into blood

Modifies substances for use by other cells/organs

Moves you to table to eat!
Allows you to move to safety from adverse environments
Removal of metabolic end products
CO2 by lungs
Flow thru kidneys removes urea, uric acid, excess ions and water not needed by body
Regulation of body functions
Nervous system
Sensory receptors detect state of body and environment
Signals thru motor output of nervous system to cause effect
_____ ______ _______ subconsciously controls internal organs
Autonomic nervous system
____ via ECF thru out body to regulate body functions
Regulation of O2 and CO2 in ECF by stimulation of ________ & excitation of respiratory center
Regulation of B/P by stimulation of ________in carotids and aorta
ECF constituents kept within narrow normal range
CO2 35-45 mm Hg
pH 7.3-7.4
Na+ 138-146 mmol/L
K+ 3.5-5.0 mmol/L
Characteristics of control systems
Mostly by negative feedback
When excess of something causes the opposite to occur
Excess CO2 causes increase in ventilation
Hi B/P causes changes that lead to increase in B/P

Positive feedback usually leads to vicious cycle and death (stimulus causes more of same)
Acute blood loss of 2 L – not enough blood for heart to pump effectively, B/P falls, less blood to heart, lower B/P – continues until death
Useful positive feedback systems
Clotting of blood leads to release of enzymes in area of injury which in turn act on unactivated enzymes in adjacent blood to cause more clotting
Uterine contractions get stronger in response to stretch of cervix – more stretch causes even stronger contractions
Stimulation of nerve fibers propagates down length of fiber
Body is a social order of about ______ cells
100 trillion
Organized into different functional structures (organs)
Each functional structure contributes to maintenance of homeostatic conditions in ECF
As long as internal environment maintained, cells live and function properly
Basic living unit of body
Life sustained in each cell if surrounding fluid contains appropriate nutrients
Cell without organelles or nucleus
Cell with organelles and well-defined nucleus
Gel-like matrix within plasma membrane &
Contains organelles
Control center of cell
Contains DNA which determine characteristics of cell
substances that make up cell
Composed of water, electrolytes, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates
principle compounds that make up living matter
Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen
most abundant substance in cell
Makes up 70-85% of total cell mass (except fat cell)
Body composed largely of H2O
Helps transport substances between and within cell
Important in heat regulation
Body conserves H2O to conserve heat
Dissipates excess body heat by releasing H2O via sweating
What happens under general anesthesia?
Necessary for maintenance of life
Enters body through aqueous lining of alveoli of lungs
Transported to body cells via extracellular fluid
How much by Hgb and how much dissolved?
Participates in aerobic respiration within cell
Needed for formation of adenosine triphospate (ATP) which provides energy for cell
Metabolic waste product of cellular metabolism
Moves from cell into interstitial fluid then into plasma
To lungs for removal from body
CO2 levels maintained within narrow range for survival
Ions (electrolytes)
Potassium, magnesium, phosphate, sulfate, bicarbonate, sodium, chloride, and calcium
Potassium and magnesium major intracellular ions
Sodium and chloride principle extracellular ions
ion function
Provide chemicals for intracellular enzyme reactions
Needed for cellular control mechanisms
Maintain body fluid balance
Cell membrane selectively keeps some in while keeping others out
Make up 10-20% of cell mass (second only to H2O)
Structural or globular proteins
Provide “cytoskeletons” of organelles
Form intracellular filaments that provide contractile mechanism of all muscles
Functional or globular
Act as enzymes to accelerate chemical reactions in cell
Examples of Proteins
Protein plus nucleic acids
Found in nucleus and participate in genetic control

Protein plus lipid
Imbedded in cell membrane

Protein plus carbohydrate
Act as receptors for hormones and neurotransmitters when on membrane surface
Generally insoluble in water
Soluble in fat solvents
Cholesterol and phospholipids make up only about 2% of cell mass but BIG in function:
Form cell membrane and intracellular membranes
Stored in cell as triglycerides
Make up to 95% of fat cell
Storehouse of energy for cell that can be used as needed
Average 1% of mass in most cells
3% in muscle cells
6% in liver
Play major role in metabolism - provide much of the nutrient energy for cell processes
Stored within cell as glycogen
Nucleic acids
Large, complex molecules
Responsible for transmission of genetic information and control of cellular metabolism
Two major types:
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
RNA (ribonucleic acid)
Movement of cells
Muscle cells generate forces that produce motion
Muscles attached to bone produce limb movement
Contraction of smooth muscle cells in blood vessels change diameter of vessels
Contraction of walls of bladder, urine empties
chief function of nerve cell
Response to stimulus leads to electrical potential or wave of excitement that passes along surface of cell to reach its parts
Metabolic absorption
all cells take in and use nutrients from their environment
Kidney tubules reabsorb fluids and synthesize proteins
Intestinal cells reabsorb fluids and synthesize protein enzymes
Cells synthesize new substances from substances they absorb and secrete them to be used elsewhere
Adrenal gland, testes, ovaries secrete hormonal steroids
rid themselves of waste products
All absorb O2 which is used to transform nutrients into energy (ATP)
Cellular respiration also known as oxidation
Not all are capable of continuous division (nerve cells)
Cell Communication
Produces maintenance of dynamic steady state
Pancreatic cells secrete and release insulin to tell muscle cells to take up sugar from blood for energy
Fluid contained in plasma membrane
Contains organelles and nucleus
Clear portion of cytoplasm
Solution of water, ions, and organic molecules (glucose)
Largest membrane-bound organelle
Contains large quantities of DNA
Control center of cell
Enclosed by 2 membranes – nuclear envelope
Outer membrane continuous with endoplasmic reticulum membrane
Nucleolus within nucleus contains large amounts of RNA and proteins
Not all cells have nucleus (RBCs)
Some have more than one (Skeletal muscle cells)
Functions of nucleus
Cell division
Control of genetic information
Replication of DNA – nucleus can make exact duplicate of genetic information in DNA for transmission to new cell
Synthesis of RNA which is involved in synthesis of proteins and enzymes that direct cellular activity
RNA-protein complexes (nucleoproteins)
Synthesized in nucleolus & secreted into cytoplasm
May float free in cytoplasm or attach to membrane of endoplasmic reticulum
Function to provide sites for cellular protein synthesis
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Membrane factory”
Network of tubular or saclike channels
Extends throughout cytoplasm and is continuous with outer nuclear membrane
Total surface area (as in liver cells) can be 30-40 times cell membrane area
Filled with fluid different from cytosol

Synthesizes and transports protein and lipid components of most cell’s organelles
Granular endoplasmic reticulum
Rough from ribosomes attached to outer surface
Agranular endoplasmic reticulum
Smooth without ribosomes
Functions of ER
Synthesis lipids, carbohydrates and enzymes
Involved in synthesis of steroid hormones in some endocrine cells
Transports substances formed in some parts of cell to other areas

Assists in drug elimination in liver cells
Detoxifies harmful chemicals
Ribosomes contain enzymes that detoxify substances that damage cells (such as drugs) by:
Conjugation with glucuronic acid
Releases calcium into cytoplasm during contraction of skeletal muscle
Plays role in development of malignant hyperthermia
Golgi apparatus
Closely related to ER
Membranes similar to granular ER
Usually composed of four or more stacked layers of thin, flat vesicles near one side of nucleus
What is Prominent in secretory cells where it’s located on side of cell that extrudes substances
Golgi Apparatus
Golgi Apparatus:
Transported substances are processed in Golgi apparatus to form lysosomes, peroxisomes, secretory vesicles or other cytoplasmic components
Secretory vesicles break off from Golgi apparatus and migrate to intra- and extra-cellular destinations
May fuse with cell membrane and release contents from cell (exocytosis)
Neurotransmitters are released into the NMJ this way
Endocytosis – cell membrane enfolds substance from outside cell, folds inward and separates from membrane forming vesicle that moves to inside of cell
Golgi Apparatus:
Functions (in association with ER)
Packages” secretory products of cells
Transport vesicles (ER vesicles) continually pinch off from ER and fuse with Golgi apparatus
Substances in ER vesicles transported from ER to Golgi apparatus
formed by breaking off from Golgi
Scattered throughout cytoplasm
Provide intracellular digestive system that allows cell to digest within itself damaged structures, food, unwanted matter (bacteria)
Contain more than 40 digestive enzymes-hydrolases (hydrolytic enzymes)
Hydrolytic enzymes
Hydrolytic enzymes split organic compound by combining H+ from H2O with one part of compound and hydroxyl (OH) part of H2O with other part of compound
Protein hydrolyzed to form amino acids
Glycogen hydrolyzed to form glucose
Lipids hydrolyzed to form fatty acids and glycerol
Lysosomes - pathology:
Discuss 2 disease
Tay-Sachs disease
Leads to accumulation of a lipid (GM2 ganglioside)
Absence of enzyme in lysosome
See progressive destruction of nerve cells in brain and spinal cord
Causes mental retardation, blindness, death
80% of time in persons of Jewish ancestry
S/S by 3-6 months of age and death by 2-5 years – no treatment

Undigested uric acid accumulates in lysosome
Lysosome membrane damaged
Leaking of enzymes cause cellular death and tissue injury
Thought to be formed by budding off from smooth ER
Contains oxidases instead of hydrolases
Oxidases combine H+ with O2 to form hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
H2O2 formed by many metabolic reactions
Effective in oxidizing substances that would have toxic effect on cell
Liver peroxisomes detoxify alcohol
“powerhouse” of cell
Number varies depending on amount of energy needed by cell
Without mitochondria, more than 95% of energy supply of cell would be eliminated and cellular death would occur
Composed of two lipid bilayer-protein membranes
Outer membrane is smooth and surrounds organelle
Inner membrane is convoluted forming shelves with oxidative enzymes attached
Matrix within contains large amounts of dissolved enzymes needed for extracting energy from nutrients
Oxidative enzymes within mitochondria essential to process of oxidative phosphorylation of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that generates ____

ATP is transported out of mitochondria diffusing through cell to release energy wherever needed
Mitochondria self-replicate – divide whenever cell needs more ATP
Mitochondria pathology
Cyanide blocks action of oxidative enzymes
Prevents use of O2 by cell
See cyanide toxicity with nitroprusside when IV infusion rates exceed 8-10 mcg/kg/min (or when sulfur donors and methemoglobin are exhausted allowing cyanide radicals to accumulate)
Acidosis early symptom – others: tachycardia, dyspnea, impaired mental status
Expect when patient becomes resistant to Nipride
Treatment of cyanide toxicity
Sodium thiosulfate 150 mg/kg IV over 15 minutes
Converts cyanide to thiocyanate
If severe and patient unstable, give sodium nitrate 5 mg/kg slowly IV
Cell Membrane
Thin membrane enclosing cell
Composed mostly of proteins (55%) and lipids (42%) and carbohydrates (3%)
Basic structure
Lipid bilayer only 2 molecules thick
Large globular protein molecules interspersed in lipid bilayer

Named lipid bilayer in 1935
In 1972, suggested that entire structure comprised a fluid “mosaic” capable of temporarily restructuring to allow entry of drugs and other substances into cell
Current belief is that general and regional anesthetics work this way
HOWEVER, actual mechanism by which anesthetics work is still unclear
Each lipid molecule is _______
One part hydrophobic (uncharged, “water hating”) – repelled by water but mutually attracted to each other so line up in center of membrane where it’s protected from water
One part hydrophillic (charged, “water loving”) – immersed in water
cell membrane Structure makes it cell impermeable to most _____-soluble molecules
water, insoluble in oily inner core
Phospholipid bilayer also contains cholesterol
Makes the bilayer stronger, more flexible and more permeable
cell membrane Serves as barrier to diffusion of water and hydrophilic substances but allows lipid-soluble molecules (O2 and CO2) to _____easily
Cell Membrane Function
Controls what goes in and out of cell
Communicates with other cells
Receptors on the surface
Connections between cells
Desmosomes attach cells together like "glue“
Tight junction – outer cell membrane fuses
Prevents passage of large molecules and H2O
Gap junction – membrane doesn’t fuse
Facilitates cell-to-cell passage of ions
Cell Membrane Proteins
Usually glycoproteins (protein and carbohydrate)
May be integral proteins (protrude all the way through membrane)
May be peripheral proteins that are attached only to one surface of membrane and don’t penetrate
Receptor proteins
Recognition proteins
Transport proteins
Channel proteins
Carrier proteins
Integral proteins
all the way through....
Provide channels for water molecules and water-soluble substances such as ions to diffuse through
Allow preferential diffusion of some substances more than others
May act as carrier proteins for transporting substances through membrane
May act as enzymes
Peripheral proteins
on surface...
Usually on inside of membrane
Often attached to integral protein and function as enzyme or controller of intra-cellular function
Cell membrane carbohydrates
Occur with protein or lipid as glycoprotein or glycolipid
Usually negatively charged
Repel other negative objects
Act as receptors for hormones such as insulin
Functions of membrane proteins and carbohydrates
Maintain shape and structure of cell
Transport of substances across membrane
Proteins are channel proteins or carrier proteins
Responsible for “cell recognition”
Cell surface recognition important in immune responses
Transplanted tissue attacked by host because recognized as foreign tissue by immune system
What Plays major roll in controlling body fluid composition and Separates fluid of body into 2 compartments: Intracellular &
cell membrane
There are Marked differences in compositions of two fluid compartments from
Semipermeable nature of membrane
Transport processes
Determinants of fluid composition in compartments
Rate at which cells use and produce substances
O2 rapidly used by organelles removing it from intracellular fluid
CO2 rapidly produced by cell causing intracellular concentration to be greater than extracellular
Rate at which these substances enter and exit cell
Membrane permeable to some substances & not others
Dynamic structure capable of actively transporting substances through membrane
Passive transport
Occurs naturally through any semipermeable barrier
Does not require energy
Driven by diffusion hydrostatic pressure, osmosis
Occurs by simple diffusion or facilitated diffusion
Simple or passive diffusion
Movement of solute from area of greater concentration to area of lesser concentration along concentration gradient
Kinetic movement of molecules through spaces without binding to carrier protein
Simple or passive diffusion occurs by 2 pathways
Lipid soluble molecules diffuse thru lipid bilayer
Molecules thru watery channels that are all the way thru transport proteins
Facilitated diffusion (passive mediated transport)
Molecule transported without energy but requires carrier protein to move through membrane
Glucose transported by facilitated diffusion
Diffusion rate depends on
How great the concentration gradient
Differences in electrical potential across membrane
Pores in lipid bilayer often linked with Ca++ so other cations diffuse slowly because they’re repelled by + charge
Size of molecule – Graham’s Law of Diffusion
Rate of diffusion of a gas will vary with the square root of its molecular weight
Gas with MW of 4 (sq. root = 2) will diffuse twice as quickly as gas with MW of 16 (sq. root = 4)
Lipid solubility – diffusion coefficient directly related to solubility in lipid of most substances
One of the most important factors that determine rate of diffusion
Drugs that are more lipid soluble have a more rapid onset of action
Onset of action is related to lipid solubility
Temperature – the higher the temperature, the faster particles move about so the faster the rate of diffusion
Distance a substance must diffuse – the shorter the distance, the faster the rate
Another factor influencing passive transport is hydrostatic pressure
...define it.
Defined as the mechanical force of water pushing against cell membranes
In vascular system = B/P
Blood reaching capillary bed has hydrostatic pressure of 25-30 mm Hg
Sufficient to push water across capillary membrane into interstitial space (filtration)
net diffusion of water.....
Movement of water “down” concentration gradient
Movement across semipermeable membrane from region of higher water concentration to lower water concentration
Related to hydrostatic pressure and solute concentration but not particle size or weight
Osmolality – # of milliosmoles per kg (weight) of water (one osmole is 1 gram of undissolved solute)
# of milliosmoles per liter (volume) of water
Normal osmolality
Normal osmolality of body fluids is 280-294 mOsm/kg
Body attempts to equalize osmolality of intra- and extracellular fluids to maintain _____status
Osmotic pressure
Osmosis moves a solvent in one direction only
From a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution
As osmosis proceeds, pressure builds up on the side of the membrane where volume has increased
Ultimately pressure prevents more water from entering and osmosis stop
Osmotic pressure of solution is pressure needed to prevent or stop osmosis
Amount of pressure required to oppose osmotic movement of water
Counter to hydrostatic pressure
Determined by type and thickness of membrane, size of molecules, concentration gradient and solubility of molecules within membrane
Water is moved in glomerulus in kidney and capillaries of microcirculation due to hydrostatic and osmotic forces
Substances may diffuse directly through ____channels in protein
Selective permeability
channels highly selective to specific ions....
Determined by characteristics of channel itself
Diameter, shape, electrical charge along inner surface
Positively charged channel repels positively charged ions
Na+ channels allow only Na+ to pass, Ca++ only Ca++, etc.
Unequal distribution of charges between extra-cellular and intra-cellular effects rate of _____
Difference in charge known as resting membrane potential
Most cells negatively charged on inside in relation to extra-cellular fluid
Concentration and charge difference influence direction and rate of ion diffusion between ICF and ECF compartments – electrochemical gradient
Gating of protein channels
Believed that gates are actual gate-like extensions of protein molecule
Can close over opening of channel or open by conformational change in shape of protein
Voltage gating – conformation of gate directed by electrical potential across cell membrane
Ligand gating – conformational change occurs when ligand (chemical substance) binds with protein
Active transport
when molecules are pulled “uphill” against concentration, electrical or pressure gradient
Requires energy from ATP
Depends on carrier proteins that penetrate through membrane
Na+-K+-ATPase pump (Na+-K+ pump)
In membranes of all cells
Pumps Na+ from ICF to ECF and K+ from ECF to ICF (Na+ out and K+ in)
Each ion moves against its electrochemical gradient
Carrier protein has 3 receptor sites for binding Na+ on inside of cell
Carrier has 2 receptor sites for binding K+ on outside
When K+ bound to outside and Na+ bound to inside, ATPase becomes _____
enzyme that provides enough energy to transport Na+ ions against concentration gradient as great as 20 to 1 and K+ ions against gradient as great as 30 to 1
Energy from ATP causes conformational change in protein and ___ Na+ ions are extruded to outside of cell and ___K+ ions to inside
3, 2
Na+- K+ pump Functions
Functions to control volume of cell
Pumps Na+ out so cell won’t burst from osmosis of water into cell
3 Na+ out for every 2 K+ in – net loss of ions which initiates osmosis of water out of cell
Creates electrical potential across membrane – important in transmission of nerve and muscle signals
Helps maintain electrochemical gradient necessary for resting potential
Cardiac glycosides (digitalis) inhibit this pump causing increase in intracellular Na+ and decrease in K+ (↑ Na+ levels ↓ extrusion of Ca++ → ↑ contraction)
Ca++ATPase pump
present in sarcoplasmic reticulum (ER of muscle cells)
Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) contains Ca++ ions in very high amounts
Ca++ATPase pump responsible for maintaining low intracellular Ca++ concentration
MH results from rapid increase and very high Ca++ level in skeletal muscle throughout body
H+-K+ ATPase pump
In gastric parietal cells
Pumps H+ from ICF of parietal cells into stomach where it acidifies gastric contents
Omeprazole (Prilosec) inhibits this pump
Resting membrane potential
Difference in charge inside and outside cell when cell is in “polarized” or resting state
Normally negative
Inside slightly more negative than outside
Ranges from -10 mV in RBCs to -90 mV in heart and skeletal muscles (-50 to -90 nerve cells)
Difference in voltage across membrane due to differences in ionic composition of ICF and ECF
Action potential
Rapid change in membrane potential that results when cell receives stimuli that exceeds membrane threshold
Threshold potential
Point at which cell will continue to depolarize with no further stimulation
Usually after depolarized by 15-20 mV
Action potential becomes inevitable
Membrane potential becomes less negative (moves toward zero) so cell is more positively charged and polarity is neutralized
Process of making membrane potential more negative (than resting membrane potential)
Inward current
Flow of positive charge into cell
Depolarizes membrane potential
Outward current
Flow of positive charge out of cell
Hyperpolarizes membrane potential
Portion of action potential when membrane potential is positive
Portion of action potential following repolarization when membrane potential more negative that at rest
Refractory period
Period during which another normal action potential cannot be elicited in excitable cell
May be absolute
Time when no matter what the strength of stimulus, action potential cannot be elicited
May be refractory
Time when stronger than normal stimuli can cause action potential
At rest, membrane potential inside cell is ___ to ____ mV (depending on type) more negative than the potential in ECF on outside – cell is “polarized”
-70 to -90
Resting Membrane Potential Established & maintained by ??
Diffusion of K+ out of cell through K+ leak channels – permeability to K+ is high
Diffusion of Na+ in through Na+ leak channels – permeability to Na+ is low
Contribution of the Na+-K+ pump (2 K+ in and 3 Na+ out)
When does action potential begin?
Begins with sudden change from normal resting negative membrane potential to positive potential and ends with rapid return to negative potential
Will not occur until initial rise in membrane potential is great enough to reach threshold
Once threshold reached rapid spread of action potential occurs
Action potential elicited at any one point on excitable membrane usually excites adjacent membrane with spread of potential over entire membrane
Travels in all directions away from stimuli
Once it starts, continues over entire membrane if conditions are right or may not travel at all if conditions are not right – “all or nothing”
Concerning Thresholds: Number of Na+ ions entering _____number of K+ leaving

Some cells exhibit automaticity (cardiac cells)
Threshold is reached without outside stimuli
Leak of Na+ channels causes pacemaker cells to reach threshold with spontaneous action potential
Sudden rise in membrane potential to threshold causes explosive development of action potential and depolarization of membrane
Concerning Depolarization: Membrane becomes very permeable to ____ ions
Large numbers of positively charged ions enter cell
Normal “polarized” state of – 90mV is neutralized as potential rises in positive direction
Known as depolarization
May see overshoot with potential exceeding zero
Within 10,000ths of a second, Na+ channels begin to close and K+ channels open
Diffusion of K+ out re-establishes normal resting potential - repolarized
Voltage-gated Na+ and K+ Channels
Na+ and K+ ions move in and out of the cell via Na+-K+ pump, Na+-K+ leak channels, and voltage gated Na+ and K+ channels
Voltage-gated Na+ channels have activation and inactivation gates
When threshold is reached, conformational change in activation gate of Na+ channel causes it to open and Na+ ions pour in
Increase in action potential that opens activation gate also causes change that closes inactivation gate – but slower process
Net result is rapid influx of Na+ for split second
K+ channel closed during resting state
Action potential causes slow conformational opening of gate and allows increased diffusion of K+ out
Slow compared to Na+ channels
Open at same time Na+ channels are closing
Decrease in Na+ in and increase in K+ out speeds repolarization process
Activation gates in Na+ channels ____rapidly
Influx of Na+ causes membrane potential to become even more positive and depolarization occurs
Locals block these voltage-sensitive Na+ channels and prevent occurrence of nerve action potentials
REpolarization results in _____ __ _____ _______
closure of Na+ channels

Inactivation gates on Na+ channels respond to depolarization by closing but more slowly than opening of activation gates
Depolarization opens K+ channels but ____
Opening at same time Na+ channels are starting to close (inactivation gates)
Refractory Period
Excitable cells incapable of producing normal action potential
Cannot respond to additional stimuli
During late phase, permeability to K+ increases and stronger than normal stimulus can evoke action potential
Electrical synapses
Allow current to flow from one excitable cell to next via low resistance pathways between cells
Called gap junctions
Found in cardiac muscle and some types of smooth muscle
Account for the very fast conduction in these tissues
Cell-to-cell conduction in cardiac ventricular muscle, uterus, and bladder allow these tissues to be activated simultaneously for coordinated contraction
Chemical synapses
Synaptic cleft – gap between pre and post synaptic cell membrane
Information is transmitted across synaptic cleft via neurotransmitter
A substance that is released from presynaptic terminal binds to receptors on postsynaptic terminal
Synaptic and Neuromuscular Transmission
Sequence of events within chemical synapse
Action potential in presynaptic cell causes Ca++ channels to open
Influx of Ca++ into presynaptic terminal causes neurotransmitter, which is stored in synaptic vesicles, to be released by exocytosis
Neurotransmitter diffuses across synaptic cleft and binds to postsynaptic membrane
Produces change in membrane potential on post synaptic cell
Change in membrane potential on postsynaptic cell membrane can be excitatory or inhibitory depending on neurotransmitter released
If excitatory, causes depolarization of postsynaptic cell
If inhibitory, causes hyperpolarization of postsynaptic cell (becomes even more negative so takes greater stimulus to reach threshold
Neuromuscular Junction
Example of chemical synapse
Nerves that innervate muscle fibers are motor neurons
A single motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates is a motor unit
Motor units can range from a few muscle fibers to thousands of muscle fibers
Small motor units involved in fine motor activities
Large motor units involved in gross muscular activities
Sequence of Events at NMJ
Synapse between motor neuron and muscle fiber is neuromuscular junction
Action potential between motor neurons produce action potential in muscle fibers it innervates
Action potential propagated down motor neuron
Local currents depolarize each adjacent region to threshold
Presynaptic terminal is depolarized causing voltage-gated Ca++ channels in presynaptic membrane to open
Ca++ flows into terminal causing storage vesicles of neurotransmitter, acetylcholine (ACh) to fuse with terminal membrane and release ACh from synaptic vesicles by exocytoses
ACh diffuses across synaptic cleft to postsynaptic membrane (motor end plate)
ACh binds to 2 of 5 subunits (2 alpha subunits) of nicotinic cholinergic receptor on motor end plate
When both alpha receptors on motor end plate are occupied by ACh, a conformational change in the ion channel in core of the receptor opens and cations flow through channel – Na+ and Ca++ in and K+ out
Propagation of action potential spreads over surface of skeletal muscle fibers leading to contraction

Enzyme embedded in motor end plate membrane near ACh receptors causes rapid hydrolysis of ACh
Ion channels close, end plate repolarizes
Na+ channels in muscle membrane also close, reuptake of Ca++ occurs into SR and muscle cell relaxes
Enzyme embedded in motor end plate membrane near ACh receptors causes rapid hydrolysis of ACh
Muscle Relaxants and the NMJ
Non-depolarizing muscle relaxants compete with ACh for nicotinic receptors on motor end plate (act as antagonists at receptor)
Do not cause change in receptor
70% of receptors blocked do not cause evidence of block
Neuromuscular transmission fails when 80-90% of receptors occupied
Depolarizing muscle relaxants (succinylcholine) resemble ACh and cause generation of action potential when it binds with alpha subunits on ACh receptor (acts as agonist at receptor)
Causes conformational change as does ACh
Succinylcholine is not metabolized by acetylcholinesterase in NMJ so see longer effects from more prolonged depolarization of motor end plate than with ACh
(Neostigmine)Prevent degradation of ACh in synaptic cleft and prolong and enhance action of ACh at motor end plate (more is available)
Used to reverse neuromuscular blocking drugs
Also used to treat myasthenia gravis
Occurs in about 1 in 20,000 people
Inability of NMJ to transmit signals from nerve fibers to muscle fibers causes paralysis
Myasthenia gravis
Believed to be autoimmune disease in which patients develop antibodies against their own ACh receptors
See decreased # of receptors
Decreased transmission of nerve impulses
Incomplete or no muscle depolarization
Treated with anticholinesterases which allow more ACh to accumulate in synaptic cleft