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34 Cards in this Set

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What is the onset of breast development called?
What is the onset of adrenal androgen steroidogensis?
When does normal puberty begin for girls?
8 to 12 years old
When does normal puberty begin for boys?
9 to 14 years old
Are hormone levels detactable in pre-puberty?
How is GnRH released?
In a pulsatile fashion
What is the first exam findng in boys of puberty?
in girls?
Testicular enlargement
breast bud development
Growth spurt occur at predictable
Tanner stages
Menstrual cylce usually occurs during what tanner stage?
First sign of puberty in boys begins at what tanner stage?
Growth sput in boys correlates with which tanner stage?
What age is considered pubertal delay in boy?
In girls?
Boys - 14
Girls - 13
Does pubertal delay mean pathology?
What should you consider if a girl has not had menarche at 16 or started going through puberty 5 years ago?
Pubertal delay
What is HYPERgonadotropic hypogonadism caused by?
Elevated gonadotropins due to gonadal failure
What is HYPOgondtropic hypogonadism caused by?
Inadequate function of gonads due to failure to secrete FSH or LH (deficent in GnRH)
What are two genetic disorders resulting in HYPERgonadotropic hypogonadism?
What is the primary gonadal failure associated with Turner's?
Early adrenarche
Delayed pubarche
What is the most common genetic cause of infertility and hypogonadsim in males?
Klienfelter syndrome
What is the FSH and LH levels in Klienferlter syndrome?
What is one sydrome caused by HYPOgonadotropic hypogonadims?
Kallman's syndrome
What is Kallman's syndrome?
Hypothalmus does not contain GnRH cells
Kid can't smell (anosmia) what might they have?
Kallman's syndrome
How do you treat Kallman's?
What is the age of precocious puberty in girls?
In boys?
Girls = pubes <7 or menarche <9
Boys = pubes <9
Precocious puberty is devided into 2 categories
Central (gonadotropin dependent)
Peripheral (gonadotropin independent)
What is the cause of central precocious puberty in girls?
In boys?
Girls = idiopathic
Boys = CNS pathology
Who should you get an MRI on with central precocious puberty?
ALL boys
very young girls
everyone with abnormal GnRH stimulation test
What is a positive GnRH stimulation test?
above 5IU/L of LH
rise in LH is usually positive
no rise is negative
What are causes of peripheral precocious puberty in boys?
Adrenal tumors, leydig tumors
B-hcg tumors, nonclassic CAH
What are cause of peripheral precocious puberty in girls?
Adrenal tumors, virilizing ovarian tumors, nonclassic CAH, McCune-Albright syndrome
What does McCune-Albright syndrome look like?
In girls, cafe au lait spots
polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
precocicous puberty
What is premature thelarche?
Very common
Palable breast tissue in first 2 years
No pubes
A 6 year old girl has pubes but no breast development what do they have and how do you treat?
Premature adrenarche
No tx