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30 Cards in this Set

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What were the 4 attempts at Renewal?
Personal, Monastic + Semi-monastic, Exemplars, Movements
What are the 6 causes of Reformations?
-Corruption of the Renaissance Papacy
-Loss of the Bible as the root of theology
-after - effects of the western schism
- Rise of the Nation State
-Threat of Islam
Who is Martin Luther?
-was monk in Germany
-thought the Roman Catholism was wrong in many ways
-thought god was a Merciful God
What was his solution stated in his Religious Quest?
- Strive to do your best and confess everything
-emphasized the everything
What was his Theological project?
-posted 97 theses about the Theology of the Cross
Albert of Mainz
-was the guy who turned the 95 theses into the Pope
Frederick of Saxony
- was the person in support of Martin
- hid Martin in a Castle to Protect him
What are the points of the 95 theses?
- Authority of the Church
- Indulgences does not apply to purgatory
- who has the authority over purgatory
-indulgences give a false sense of security
Where did Martin go for his trial?
Cajetan of Augsburg
What is the Diet of Worms?
- a gathering of all rulers in the Holy Roman Empire
-they try make Martin denounce his writings
-banned from his home
What did Martin do at Augsburg?
-called Junker Jorg
-translated the scripture to German
Who is Melanchthon?
-wrote Loci Communes which was a protestant theology book
Who is Carlstadt?
a iconclast(did not believe in icons)
- wrote a German Liturgy
What was Luthers view on Eucharist?
does not believe in transubstantiation(conversion of the substance) but that they stand alone from each other
What happens at the Diet of Speyer?
-Protestant comes from a group of nobles who were protesting
What is the Diet of Augsburg an the Augsburg Confession?
- present a argument to say protestants are not hertics
What is the spordic Civil War?
- a civil war against protestants and catholics
- protestants are lead by the Schmalkard League
-Catholics by Charles V
What happened at the peace of Augsburg?
Tolerance only to Lutheranism
-Turned Bishops cannot have catholic land
-Religon of there leader
Where was protestantism located?
Northern Germany and Scandinavia
What are the changes of Protestantism?
- Mass is not a sacrifice
-Change Liturgy into German
-Corruption is available to all people
-Preaching and teaching is the sacrificial of mass
What are the Typology of the Radical Reformists?
Anabaptists, Spirituals, and Anti Trinitarians
Who are the magisterial reformers?
Lutheran and the Reformed
- dealt with city officials
What are the key ideas of the Radicals?
-seperation of Church and State
-agree with Catholic ideas, but reject infant baptisms and other stuff
- Christian Discipline
Who are Anabaptists?
-reject infant Baptism
- have the free will to want to do good
-literal, strict view of the Bible
-Do not take oaths
- getted banned and the cause of the fall of the church was Constantine
What are the three types of Anabaptists?
Swiss Brethren
South German Austrian
North German/Dutch
Who is the Swiss Bretheren Group?
- articles describing there beliefs were in Schleithem
Who are the South German/Austrian group?
-were active apocalyptic
-wanted a revelation now
Who wer the North German/Dutch?
- were passive apocalypticism
- Siege of Munster
Who were the Spirituals?
- did not want church buildings, scriptures and other things
What are the legacies of the Anabaptists?
-Gathered church based on adult commitment
-Christian life as one of discipline
-Separation of church and state;advocates of religious toleration
-Theology based on free will