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73 Cards in this Set

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A couple who decide not to have children
Voluntarily childless family
A parent(who may or may not have been married) and one or more children
Single-parent family
A father, a mother, and their children
Nuclear family
The family into which you are born and in which you are raised
Family of origin
The family you establish if you have children of your own
Family of procreation
An individual,possibly a partner,any children you might have, and other relatives who live in the household or nearby
Extended family
A family formed when a widowed or divorced person, with or without children,marries another person who may or may not have been married before and who may or may not have children
Blended, or reconstituted,family
A remarried man and/or woman plus chldren from a former marriage
An original family divided into two families by divorce
Binuclear family
A single family unit based on the marriage of one person to two or more mates
Polygamous family
A man married to more than one woman
Polygynous family
A woman married to more than one husband
Polyandrous family
A family in which the father is head of the household with authority over other family members
Patriarchal family
A family in which the mother is head of the household with authority over other family members
Matriarchal family
Two people of the same sex who are living together, having sex, and being mutually committed
Gay or lesbian family
Two people of the opposite sex living together and sharing sextual expression,and who are committed to their relationship without formal legal marriage
Cohabiting family
The role of the family in meeting the needs of society or the physical needs of family members
Instrumental role
The role of the family in meeting the emotional and social needs of family members
Expressive role
Inheritance that is traced through the male line
Patrilineal descent
A residential pattern in which a newlywed couple resides with or near the man's family
Patrilocal residence
Inheritance that is traced through the female line
Matrilineal descent
A residential pattern in which newlyweds reside with or near the woman's family
Matrilocal residence
Inheritance is passed through both the male and female line
Bilateral descent
A residential pattern in which newlyweds leave their parents' home and reside a new location of their choice rather than with either family
Neolocal residence
A group of people born during the same period of time
Stimulation of the male genitals with the mouth
Stimulation of the female genitals with the mouth
The way people define themselves as part of a group through similarities in ancestry and cultural heritage
The sum total of ways of living, including the values, beliefs,aesthetic standards,linguistic expressions, patterns of thinking,behavioral norms, and style of communication a group of people has developed to ensure its survival in a particular physical and human environment
A tentative explanation of facts and data that have been observed
A theory that emphasizes the function of the family as a social institution in meeting the needs of society
Structural- functional theory
A theory that divides the family life cycle into phases, or stages, over the life span and emphasizes the developmental tasks that need to be accomplished by family members at each stage
Family developmental theory
A theory that describes the family as a unit of interacting personalities communicating through symbols
Symbolic interaction theory
A theory that emphasizes the interdependence of family members and how those members affect one another
Systems theory
The theory that people choose relationships in which they can maximize their benefits and minimize their costs
Exchange theory
A subcategory of exchange theory holding that people seek a fair and balanced exchange in which the partners can mutually give and recieve what is needed
Equity theory
A theory that family conflict is normal and that the task is not to eliminate conflict but to learn to control it so that it becomes constructive
Conflict theory
Theory(or perspective)that focuses on male dominance in families and society and examines how gender differences are related to power differentials between men and women
Feminist theory
The process by which one generation passes knowledge, values,attitudes,roles, and habits on to the next generation
Generational transmission
The influence of the parent on the child and the child on the parent so that each modifies the behavior of the other
Reciprocal parent-child interaction
The process by which children observe,imitate, and model the behavior of others around them
Observational modeling
A theory that suggests that parents act as role models for their children and that children learn to imitate their parents' behavior,attitudes, and perceptions
Social learning theory
Theory suggesting that early interactions with parents lead to the formation of attachments that reflect children's perceptions of their own self-worth and their expectations about intimate relationships
Attachment theory
A person's outward expression of maleness or femaleness in a social setting
Gender role
Personality traits and behavior that characterize one as masculine or feminine
A person's personal, internal sense of maleness or femaleness,which is expressed in personality and behavior
Gener identity
People who feel that their biological sex does not match their gender indentity
Transgendered people
A transgendered person who seeks to live as a member of the opoposite sex with the help of hormones and surgery
Personality and behavioral characteristics of a male according to culturally defined standards of femaleness
The process by which the child adopts and internalizes parental values
Parental identification and modeling
A theory emphasizing that boys develop "maleness" and girls develop "femaleness" through exposure to scores of influences- including parents, peers,television, and schools- that teach them what it means to be a man or a woman in their culture
Social learning theory of gender identity
A theory suggesting that gender roles and identities cannot be learned until children reach a certain stage of intellectual development
Cognitive developmental theory
A theory suggesting that people have very definite ideas about how males and females should look and behave, based on the framework of logic and ideas used to organize information and make sense of it
Gender schema theory
Theories suggesting that most of the differences between male and female gender roles are established because of the status, power, and division of labor in a given society
Social structure/cultural theories
Theories suggesting that genetic heritage is more important than social learning in the development of gender roles
Evolutionary theories
Assumed differences,norms, attitudes, and expectations about men and women
Gender stereotypes
Spanish for "manhood"; masculinity
Agreement between partners' gender-role expectations and their performance
Gender-role congruence
A blending of male and female characteristics and roles; especially, a lack of gender-typing with respect to roles
Never-marrieds and previously marrieds who are not opposed to the idea of marriage but are not currently seeking mates
Voluntary temporary singles
Never-marrieds and previously marrieds who choose to be single
Voluntary stable(permanent) singles
Never-marrieds and previously marrieds who have actively been seeking a mate but have not found one
Involuntary temporary singles
Never-marrieds and previously marrieds who wanted to marry, who have not found a mate, and who have more or less accepted being single
Involuntary stable(permanent)singles
Disease transmitted through sexual contact
Sexually transmitted disease(STD)
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; a sexually transmitted disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) and characterized by irreversible damage to the body's immune system and, eventually, death
A sexually transmitted disease caused by a virus that can produce cold sores or fever blisters on the mouth or face(oral herpes)and similar symptoms in the genital area(genital herpes)
Herpes simplex
A highly contagious sexually transmitted disease that affects the liver. It can cause extreme illness or even death
Hepatitis B
Any of a group of viruses that infect the skin. There are more than 70 types of HPV;30 of these are sexually transmitted and cause genital warts
Human papillomavirus(HPV)
A family of infections caused by a bacterium leading to nongonococcal urethritis and epididymitis in men, and cervical infections and pelvic inflammatory disease(PID) in women
A sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrheae
A sexually transmitted disease caused by the spirochete bacterium Treponema pallidum. It can be fatal if not treated
Parasitic insects occupying hairy regions of the body that suck blood from their human hosts, causing itching. Know informally as "crabs"
Pubic lice
A parasitic infection of mites that burrow into the skin, lay eggs, and cause itching