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25 Cards in this Set

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Pronatalist bias
Having children is taken for granted, whereas not having children seems to need a justification
Structural Antinatalism
* Society insufficiently supportive of parents and children.
* A widening gap in the standard of living between parents and non parents ... Those with children will tend to have lower incomes (as careers are impeded by family responsibilities), in addition to absorbing the expenses of children, and will fall further and further behind their child-free counterparts
* Critics point out that compared to other nations at our economic level, nutrition, social service, financial aid, and eduction programs directly affecting the welfare of children are not adequate
Opportunity cost of parenting
The economic opportunities for wage earning and investments that parents forgo when rearing children. These costs are felt most by mothers. A woman's career advancement may suffer as a consequence of becoming a mother in a society that does not provide adequate day care of a flexible workplace.
Children’s’ effects on marital happiness
Evidence shows that children - especially when they are young - stabilize marriage; that is the parents are less likely to divorce. But a stable marriage is not necessarily a happy one: Children have the paradoxical effect of increasing the stability of marriage while decreasing its quality"
Advantages of being a parent today
* As their economic value declined, childeren's emotional significance to parents increased, partly because declining infant mortality rates made it safe to become attached to children, to invest in them emotionally. Parents' desire was for a "child to love"
* Value of children perspective: Children add considerable liveliness to a household, and they have fresh and novel responses to the joys and vexations of life.
* Social capital perspective:
Parenthood intensifies interaction with, and assistance from, other family members. It facilitates exchanges with neighbors and other community members ... Parenthood can bring parents into an extensive and supportive network
6 Stages of divorce
Emotional Divorce
Legal Divorce
Community Divorce
Psychic Divorce
Economic Divorce
Co-parental Divorce
* 2.5 million children adopted, 2.5% of all children
* 70% of children are adopted by white non-Hispanic families
* More girls than boys are adopted
* Most people that adopt unrelated children have no other children, have impaired fertility, and have used infertility services. They are more likely to be older, highly educated, and to have higher incomes.
* Adoption is declining from its peak in 1970 due to more effective contraception, legalized abortion, and white unmarried mothers, those most likely to relinquish their infants in the past, are now likely to keep their babies
* Adoptions by lesbian co-parents have been attempted in many states. When one partner is the biological parent of a lesbian couple's child, the other would often like to establish a legal relationship to the child through adoption.
Rape myths
* Beliefs about rape that function to blame the victim and exonerate the rapist
* Some include:
--The rape was somehow provoked by the victim (such as she "led him on" or wore provocative clothes)
--Men cannot control their sexual urges, a belief that consequently holds women responsible for preventing rape
--Rapists are mentally ill
Cycle of violence
* Tension Building
* Explosion
* Honeymoon

* Denial in center of cycle of violence
Parenting styles
* Martyr
* Pal (Buddy or Laissez faire)
* Police Officer (Drill Sergeant)
* Teacher (counselor)
* Booster (promoter
* Snoop
* Athletic Coach – Authoritative Parenting
Why are we experiencing a growth in
one child families?
The proportion of one-child families in America appears to be growing due to at least three factors: (1) the high cost of raising a child through college, (2) women's increasing career opportunities and aspirations, and (3) the choice to have just one child becomes easier to make as more couples do so
* A constraining force or influence
* A physical, chemical, or emotional factor that cause bodily or mental tension
* Can be a factor in disease causation
Stress Appraisal
* Primary
* Secondary
Gottman’s 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
* Criticism
* Defensiveness
* Contempt
* Stonewalling

Later added Belligerence
Types of infertility
* Sterility or infecundity - describe the physical inability to have children
* Infertility or involuntary infertility is used to describe the situation of a couple or individual who would like to have a baby but cannot
* Subfecundity or secondary infertility - a woman or a couple may experience infertility as they try to have another child after having had one or more biological children
Family violence
* All forms of abuse have exploitation of a power difference at the center
* The use of physical violence to gain or demonstrate power in a family relationship has occurred throughout history, but only recently has family violence been labeled a social problem
* Early American values – women and children were property of husband or the man
* Rule of Thumb
* No child abuse laws until 1900’s
Power and abuse wheel
* Verbal Abuse
* Destruction of Personal Property
* Threats, Anger, & Intimidation
* Jealousy, Isolation, Possessiveness and Restriction of Freedoms
* Abuse of Privilege
* Sexual Abuse
* Physical Abuse
Psychological & Emotional Abuse
Types of power
* Personal power - power exercised over oneself
* Social power - the ability of people to exercise their wills over the wills of others
* Martial power - power between married partners, as well as power in other intimate-partner relationships
Serial Marriage (serial monogamy)
* 3 or more marriages
-- Repeated divorces
-- Widowhood
-- 3% of Americans who have ever been married
* Some believe makes American children more aggressive
* 90% of U.S. parents spank their children
* Boys, especially under age 2 are spanked most often
* Children over 6 are spanked less often
* African-Americans and younger less-educated parents with more children are more likely to spank
* Males do larger part in the day-to-day care of the family and are becoming more invested emotionally with their children even though it is still less than females
* Fathers become more involved in instruction and discipline as their children become older
* More and more divorced or unwed fathers are distancing themselves from their children
Gender differences in post-divorce
* Women may have trouble raising children after marriage and have more financial problems but are usually more happy then men. They also receive a lot more social support than men do
* Men also feel shut out and lost because women seem to have a monopoly on emotional nurturance and may also have a stronger influence on children
One partner attempts to spoil or undermine some activity the other has planned
Types of remarriage
* Single remarriages - marriages in which only one partner had been previously married, did not differ significantly from first marriages in their likelihood of divorce
* Double remarriages - marriages in which both partners had been married before, were twice as likely to have broken up as those of people in their first marriage
how does Kelli feel about me?
she loves you with all of her heart and is so proud of you and can't wait till finals are over so we can be a million times more happy and less stressed out