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21 Cards in this Set

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Define product.

Anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or a need.

Goods services experiences events people places properties organizations information ideas

What are the 5 product levels?

Core benefit: what is the actual service (phone= communication, hotel = sleep)

Basic Product

Expected Product

Augmented Product: exceeding expectations

Potential Product: all possible improvements in the future

A product is classified based on its...




Differentiate between non durable goods, durable goods, and services.

Non durable are used up quickly (soap, toothpaste). Charge small markup, induce trial, advertise heavily, build preference, keep shelves stocked.

Durable last a while (clothes, appliances). Require personal selling, guarantees, can charge high markup.

Services are intangible (hair, nails)

Consumer goods are classified based on...





Describe convenience goods.

Bought frequently, effortlessly, and immediately.

Can be staples, impulse, or emergency. (Ketchup, candy, or umbrella).

Describe shopping goods.

Based on suitability, price, quality, style.

Example clothes or appliances.

Can be homogenous (product is exact same but price is different) or heterogenous (prices are different but worth it because quality/features differ too)

Describe specialty goods.

Fancy cars

Don't need convenient locations because you will go out of your way to get it.

Describe unsought goods.

Consumers don't know they should or want to get these.

Tombstones, fire alarms.

Require lots of personal selling and support.

Define design.

The totality of features that affect how a product looks, feels, and functions to a consumer.

Offers functional and aesthetic benefits to appeal to our rational and emotional side.

What are the 3 types of line stretching ?

Up market stretch

Down market stretch

Two way stretch

What is line stretching?

When a company stretches its current product line into additional markets.

How and why would you down market stretch?

With parent name

With sub brand name

With new brand name

To attract consumers looking for value pricing (WalMart successful)

To retaliate at an attacker by locking in their lower market

If middle market is stagnating or declining

What is co branding?

2+ well known brands combine into joint product or market together in some fashion

Ex. Tim's and Wendy's sharing same location

Works better if products are unique rather than similar/redundant

What is ingredient branding?

Special form of co branding

Creates brand equity for the components included within the branded product that is not necessarily found in others.

Ex. Goretex water resistant fibres

Definition of the 5th P?


Activity of designing and producing the container of a product

Which factors contribute to the emphasis on packaging?

Self service: product must attract, describe, give confidence, create favorable impression so consumer picks it off the shelf

Consumer affluence: people are willing to pay more for convenience, dependability, prestige, and appearance of better packages

Company/brand image: contributes to instant recognition of brand

Innovation opportunity: new ideas (like resealable spouts) can bring big benefits and profits

What are the 5 objectives of packaging?

Identify the brand

Convey descriptive/persuasive information

Facilitate product transportation and protection

Assist at home storage

Aid product consumption

What are the 4 functions of labels?





Define warranties.

Formal statements of expected product performance by the manufacturer.

Define guarantees.

Reduce perceived risk

Suggest high quality and dependable performance