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30 Cards in this Set

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Target Marketing Strategy
Dividing the total market into different segments based on the basis of customer characteristics, selecting one or more segments, and developing products to meet the needs of those specific segments
Steps in the Target Marketing Process

*Note "synchronizing" is not one of these
the process of dividing a larger market into smaller pieces based on one or more meaningful, shared characteristics
Pro's for Generation Y Characteristics
1.Flexible, adaptable, no expectation of stability
2.Fast moving, highly organized, time conscious
3.Self confident achievers
5.High Level of sociability, team oriented
6.Independent Self sufficient
7.Well educated, intellectual, respect wisdom, value opportunity more than money
8.Open minded, tolerant of diversity, willing to fight for social justice, socially and environmentaly conscious, high morality and civic duty, Frank and honest
9.Entrepreneurial, creative, problem solvers, risk takers
Five Universal Truths
1.Home as a cornerstone
2.Air of feminine superiorty
3.She Chief
4.Elevation of the Ordinary
5.Clutter is the new fat

*"Elevation of the fancy, less functional and Sophisticated" is not one of these
The Three Future Trends of Women

*"Consolidating" is not one of these trends
The four types of women identified in the LeoShe Study
1.House Proud
2.Keeping up with the Jones
3.Treading Water
4.Keep it simple

*"Home/Job Bipolar" is not one of these groups
A man who is heterosexual, sensitive, educated, and an urban dweller who is in touch with his feminine side

*Machismo is not one of these characteristics
Income (Distribution of wealth)
relates directly to buying power
Customizing web advertising so that people who log on in different places will see ad banners for local businesses
use of psychological, sociological, and anthropological factors to construct market segments
VALS (Values and Lifestyles)
psychographic system that divides the entire US population into 8 segments
Behaviroal Segmentation
technique that divides consumers into segments on the basis of how they act toward, feel about, or use a good or service
80/20 Rule
marketing heuristic that 20% of purchasers account for 80% of product's sales
Target Markets
group or groups that a firm selects to turn into customers as a result of segmentation and targeting
Viable target market should satisfy the following requirements
1. Segment members with similarities in products, needs and wants yet
2.Measurable segments
3.Segment size large enough to allow for profits
4.Segments are reachable through marketing communications
5.Marketers can adequately serve the needs of the segment
The Three major trends from the Unmarried: The New American Way
1.Married Couple Households--the married majority is on the way out
2.Estimated Median Age at First Marriage--because people are marrying later
3.Unmarried couples Households of the opposite sex--cohabiting more
The three major trends from "The New Singledom is Changing How AMericans Live
1.High School seniors who said child-rearing outside of marriage is a worthwhile lifestyle--Teens increasingly see marriage as optional
2.Live Births to Unmarried women--out-of-wedlock births are on the rise
3.Percent of men/women who never married--and more adults are forgoing marriage
Undifferentiated Targetting Stratgey
Appealing to a broad spectrum of people
Differentiated Targeting Strategy
Developing one or more products for each of several distinct customer groups and making sure these offerings are kept separate in the marketplace
Mass Customization
An approach that modifies a basic good or service to meet the needs of an individual
Developing a marketing strategy aimed at influencing how a particular market segment perceives a good or service in comparison to the competition
Brand Personality
distinctive image that captures a good's or service's character and benefits
* ad got away with it because there wasn't a P on the Doughboy
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
philosophy that sees marketing as a process of building long-term relationships with customers to keep them satisfied and to keep them coming back
CRM--definition from What is CRM
business strategy to select and manage the most valuable customer relationships--requires constumer-centric business philosophy and culture to support effective marketing, sales, and serive processes--applications can enable effective customer relationship, management provided that an enterprise has the right leadership, strategy and culture.
Four Steps of One-to-One Marketing
Customer Equity
-Financial value of a customer relationship throughout the lifetime of the relationship
-(Rust et al 2005) total of the discounted lifetime value summed over all the firms current and potential customers
Value Equity
Customer's objective assessment of the utility of a brand based on perceptions of what is given up for what is received
Brand Equity
customer's subjective and intangible assessment of the brand, above and beyond its objectiviely perceived value
Relationship Equity
tendency of the customer to stick with teh brand, above and beyond the customer's objective and subjective assessments of the brand