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113 Cards in this Set

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four classifications of marine resources
Non-extractive resources
Marine Energy resources
Physical resources
Biological resources
resource definition
substance utilized by people
this kind of resource cannot be replenished in a human lifetime and is present in fixed amounts
non renewable resource
this classification of resource uses the ocean as a resource
non-extractive resources
Non-extractive Resources
Using the ocean as a resource bot NOT extracting resources FROM the ocean
Non-extractive resource example
Transporting people (cruse) and resources


Waste Disposal
Non-Extractive Resources are renewable or non-renewable?
This type of resource classification takes (extracts) energy FROM the ocean
Marine Energy resources
this type of resource classification comes directly from heat or the motion of ocean water
Marine Energy resource
Is marine energy a non renewable resource?
no, its renewable but a hard way to get energy
Examples of marine energy resources:
waves/ currents
tidal power
also wind and solar power
this classification of resource is tangible and useful substances from the seabed or ocean which results from deposition, precipitation, or accumulation.
Physical resources
are physical resources renewable or non?
Name the major physical resources
which physical resources are non renewable?
Petroleum and Natural Gass
Fresh water is what kind of resource...
-desalination captures clean water through reverse osmosis
Salt basins are what kind of resource?
-seawater evaporation to recover salts for water softeners or building
Sand and Gravel are what kinds of resources?
-mined offshore for construction, glass, cement...
petroleum and natural gas are what kinds or resources?
-crude oil and natural gass
-seabed= source of
35% crude
28% nat gas
marine organisms
most economically valuable resource
petroleum/ nat gass
this resource is surprisingly second in dollar value
marine sand and gravel
Biological resources are...
living animals and plants collected for human use
Biological resource examples
fish, crustaceans, and molluscs
the demand for petroleum & natural gas increases at what rate?
2% a year
how much pet&natgas is used globally?
by the us?
1000 gallons/s used globally
and us uses 1/4 of that!
how much petroleum is guessed to be consumed in 2025?
25% more than today's which is currently 1000 gallons/s
marine sand and gravel is used for...
feed supplements
Salts are used for...
water softeners
agriculture and fertilizers
ice removal
building materials
Salts are extracted by...
seawater evaporation of large salt ponds
what is the most energy efficient mechanism in extracting fresh water?
reverse-osmosis where water is pulled across and membrane leaving behind salts and such
what are the major energy sources and why are they significant?
wind farms
tidal energy
clean and non consumptive sources that get energy directly from hear or motion of ocean water
how many metric tons of fish are commercially caught or grown yearly?
100 million metric tons
(and less than 500 species are caught and processed)
what species represents the majority of fish caught?
what countries take in the most fish?
china at 17.1 mill metric tons
Peru at 7
USA at 4.9
Indonesia at 4.8
Japan at 4.2
diff between aquaculture and mariculture
aquaculture includes seaweed and plants while mariculture deals only with farming of MARINE organisms (aquaculture grows or farms plants or animals)
What are the major fishing methods?
Purse seine
Gill Nets
What is bycatch?
this is non target catch... often when fishing marine organisms are caught incidentally (dolphins,turtles...)
For every 1 lb of target species comes 4lbs or bycatch but 25% is discarded of the catch because bycatch is often so much larger than the intended catch
Is fishing sustainable?
NO! Overfishing has declined the fish population by fishing to the extent that there are not enough fish to repopulate the standing stock
when harvesting of fish stocks takes place so rapidly that the maj of the pop is sexually immature and cant reproduce
type of fishing with a central fishing line with hooks on the surface and bottom
longline fishing
why fishing is not sustainable...
90% fish disappeared in last 50 yr
80% now=exploited or depleted
inc in fishing 50% during 70-80s
Plateau in 90s w/ growing fleets
these kinds of fish are harvested so breeding stock can't replenish the population
what is MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield) ?
max amount of any species that can be harvested
what is IWC?
international whaling commission
to manage whale hunting
scientific whaling
objections to IWC
aboriginal subsistence
what countries continue to hunt whales?
japan and norway at first
then followed... peru, chile, iceland, and north korea
what whales are major targets of whaling?
Fin whales
sperm whales
sei whales
blue whales
humpback whales
reasons for whaling in certain countries...
aboriginal subsistence... history and part of culture
Scientific studies
Objection to IWC
what is the law of the sea?
an international agreement that governs the use of the world ocean
law of the sea
1958 & 1960
truman was all "things in US ocean and cont shelf = US resources only"

1958 & 1960
Law of Sea treaty formulated
(closest country gets the booty)

UN adopts Law of the Sea
(but 17 w/held vote)

some wont sign like Japan, Germany, Great Britain
US signed the law of the sea in...
but not ratified
how far does national sovereignty extend?
12 nautical miles
Exclusive Economic Zone
extends 200nm
outside of EEZ = ?
high seas regulated by UN
largest EEZ goes to..
US! ...exceeds land by 30%
6.2 million square miles
harmful substances or energy that reduce the quality of the water or affect the physical and biological environment
Major types of marine Pollution:
petroleum (oil)
sewage sludge
DDT and PCB's
Non-point-source pollution & trash
what determines how lethal pollution is?
how much
how toxic
how much time its in environment
where does most of the oil pollution come from?
Run off
crude oil vs refined
lager in volume
more frequent

more deadly
longer lasting effects
fate of the spilled oil
-small amounts evap or dissolve
-in days tar balls form from water motion and persist for months
-bacteria consumes over time
Exxon Valdez
Prince Willian Sound, AK
11 mill gallons
930 mi of coastline
largest accidental oil spill?
deepwater horizon
deepwater horizon
blowout of undersea oil well
largest accidental
largest oil spill ever?
Kuwait, Saudi Arabia
Toxic synthetic organic chemical types
pesticide DDT
industrial chemicals PCBs
accumulation of toxic substances in environment within living organisms
acquiring increasing levels of a substance in bodies of higher trophic-lvl organisms
DDTs and PCBs result in
bioaccumulation and biomagnification
Sewage Sludge
sewage that has undergone primary and secondary treatment of human waste, oil, zinc, copper, lead, silver, mercury, pesticides....
Minamata Disease
comes from minamata bay where shellfish contamination poisoned the people there with heavy metals (mercury and lead) resulting in neurological disorders
Excess nutrients as pollution
N, P
sewage sludge
dead zones!
dead zones
too many nutrients (eutrophication)
inc in phytoplankton
live days to weeks
they die and bacteria acts on them
discoloration of water
sun cant go thru
bacteria eat up O2
Thermal pollution
TECO power plant
water diff temps
climate vs weather
long term atmospheric conditions in a region (statistical average)
short term atm cond in specific region
IPCC evidence
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (globl sc group)
-strong correlation btwn tent and GHG in atmosphere
-in past 100 yrs avg temp inc 1-1.7 deg F (also sea ice decline and earlier spring)
-Sea lvl rising
-Human activity greatly inc GHG
order of the oceans
Pacific 50.1%
Atlantic 26
Indian 20.5
Arctic 304
Library of Alexandria
founded in Egypt
Thousands of charts kept here
Original chart copies kept here
Shared knowledge
1st to travel to Mediterranean
Circumnavigated Africa
these people began to have more sails and masts instead of traveling with man power
2nd and coolest librarian at alexandria who found the earths circumference within 8% of true value. He also created the latitude and longitude system
these people invented the compass, central rudder, water-tight compartments, and sails on mult masts
funded voyagers in search for new eastern trade routes
Prince Henry of Portugal
explored trade routes to asia
Columbus... or at least he was supposed to
this navigators ship was first to circumnavigate world
settled colonies in NE N america
John Cabot
commander of Brit Royal Navy who took 3 scientific voyages
he measured ocean characteristics and mapped pacific islands
Captain James Cook
HMS Endeavour
who went on these voyages?
Captain James Cook
father of oceanography
connected science and physical patterns of ocean
Matthew Maury
HMS Challenger
1st expedition dedicated to purely science
4 years - 50 volume report
Proved life in deep ocean
US Exploration Expedition
Naval and scientific expedition
Major role in shaping science in US
HMS Beagle
undertaken by gov so not just research driven
Polar Exploration (Modern)
Ice Patterns not static
crazy man let his boat freeze
Meteor Expedition
Echo sounder for seafloor patterns
1st modern optical and electronic equipment
Trieste expedition
Mariana trench
people got lucky cause glass cracked
deepest ever 35,800 ft
Golmar Challenger
Drilling ship confirmed seafloor spreading and plate tectonics
Oceanographic instits
how old is our galaxy thought to be
13.7 billion years old
stars are...
Massive spheres of incandescent gasses and debris
stars are powered by:
nuclear fusion
terrestrial planets
Mercury Venus Earth Mars
cloud of space dust and gas that formed into our solar system
theory of how the solar system came to be
Nebular hypothesis
small particles clump to form larger masses
formation of our solar system to protoplanets

Solar nebula contracts and rotates and forms a disk

concentration in center forms protostar

accretion of other particles forms protoplanets

protostar becomes sun and wind clears away the dust to reveal the solar system
universe age
13.7 byo
solar system age
5 bill years old
earths age
4.6 byo
stars die when
starts become unstable and heavy atoms are consumed while energy output increases
Swells to red giant
core collapses
formation of earth
sun releases energy as fusion reaction

initial atmosphere boiled away

planet shrinks in size and continues to contract

heat produced from deep core

earth surface became molten

density stratification started once earth was a ball of hot liquid rock

density stratification
elements segregate according to densities
occurs because gravitational separation
moon formation
from collision of planets
earths atmospheres
1 leftover gases from nebula
particles blown out by suns solar wind
2 during density stratification, lowest density had various gasses (emitted by outgassing volcanoes and geysers)
3 with formation of oceans when earth cools come deep sea hydrothermal vents that life comes from and so prokaryotes produce O2 making the last atmosphere
oceans are how old
4 byo