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7 Cards in this Set

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Def of marginal utility

This is a theory of consumer behaviour that analyses individual satisfaction.

This examines the additional satisfaction gained from additional unit of a product consumed at a particular moment of time

Def of utility

This is the satisfaction obtained from the consumption of a product in a particular moment in time

Def of total utility

This is the totally satisfaction obtained from consuming all units of a product a particular moment of time

Def of marginal utility and example

This is the additional satisfaction obtained from consuming additional unity of a particular product weighing a particular moment of time

When individual consumes a given unit of product, for E.g. an individual from the field during a sunny day can consume up to 4 bottles of water. But the additional satisfaction obtained form each subsequent unit consumed diminishes. ( the first will give the highest utility )

When will total utility be at maximum

When MU=0, which means MU is positive, TU increases

Characteristic of the consumer according to the theory

This theory is based on the assumption that consumers are rational, have limited income and they aim at maximizing utility. ( consumers will. It consume when MU <0)

What’s the unit if utility
