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21 Cards in this Set

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The three main types of rocks are ____________, ________________, and _________________ rocks.
Sedimentary, Igneous, and Metamorphic.
The process that makes and recycles rocks is called the _______________ _________________.
Rock Cycle
Rocks that form from magma as it cools and solidifies is called ______________________ rock.
Most rocks begin as _________________ rocks.
Over time, ________________ and ________________ breaks rock down into smaller and smaller pieces at Earth's surface.
Weathering and Erosion
As igneous rock is weathered and eroded and broken down, it becomes ______________________ and gathers in sediment beds.


Small pieces of broken down rock is called:
When sediment (small piecesof broken down rock) is cemented together, _____________________ rock is formed.
Over time, wind and water carry small pieces of broken down igneous rock to piles called _____________________________ ______________.
Sediment Beds
When sediment beds become buried and the sediment hardens and becomes cemented together over time, _________________________ rock is formed.
If sedimentary rock isexposed at Earth's surface and erodes, it can be broken down to become sedimentagain. But, if sedimentary rock gets buried deep beneath Earth's surface,heat and pressure can bake it into ___________________ rock.
This type of rock is produced as a result of extreme heat and pressure beneath Earth's surface: ___________________________ rock.
Metamorphic rock can be weathered and broken down into sedimentary rock. If it gets pushed farther beneath Earth's surface, it can melt and become magma. Once the magma cools, it can then become _____________________ rock.
The rock ________________ starts when new rocks form along big cracks that occur in Earth's crust. Magma pushes up through the cracks and cools into new rocks.
If sedimentary rock isexposed at Earth's surface and erodes, it can be broken down to become sedimentagain. But, if sedimentary rock gets buried deep beneath Earth's surface,heat and pressure can bake it into ___________________ rock.
Large cracks that occur in Earth's surface are called ________________________ plate boundaries.
Divergent (divergent plate boundaries are large cracks in Earth's surface. Magma can push up between these cracks. The magma later cools into new rocks.)
The Rock Cycle: Rocks begin as ________________ rock, and erodes into ____________________ rock. Then, they change into ____________________ rocks. Finally, they melt back to ____________________ and the process starts all over again.




Naturally occurring substances formed by geologic processes are called ________________.
__________________ have crystal structure, hardness, luster, color, streak, fracture, cleavage, and density.
Minerals are sometimes made of only one chemical element, but is usually a mixture of two or more elements called a ___________________.
Compound (A mixture of two or more elements is a compound)
These are naturally occurring solids made up of minerals. (Earth's crust is made of these):
Rocks and Stone