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52 Cards in this Set

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3 reasons for Manifest Destiny
1.Religious Freedom 2. Political Expansion 3. Economic Opportunity

Why is John O' Sullivan famous?

He coined the term “Manifest Destiny” in an article in 1839.

What did John o Sullivan believe about Manifest Destiny?

He promoted expanding into western territories.

(Manifest Destiny) Date
(Manifest Destiny)Who did America purchase it from?
(Manifest Destiny)Who was president at the time of purchase?
Thomas Jefferson
Give details about the Lewis and Clark expedition.
May 14, 1804-2 1/2 years-Sacagawea was the translator and ambassador.-8,000 miles-Corps of discovery expedition-Leader is U.S. Army Captain Meriwether Lewis

What was the purpose of the lewis and Clark expedition?

To explore the land bought during the Louisiana Purchase, make maps, and collect samples of plants and animals.

What did the lewis and clark mission cost?


(Indian Removal Act) What was it?
The removal of “The 5 Civilized Tribes” and moving them to federal lands west of the Mississippi
(Indian Removal Act) Who was President?
Andrew Jackson
Who was Elias Boudinot?
He was a cherokee who thought that the Indian Removal Act was inevitable and supported it.
(Indian Removal Act)What were the results?
The cherokee nation decided to fight against the law and it was decided that the US did not have the right to possess or have political control over the land.
Explain Worcester v. Georgia.
A case where the US supreme court decided that the US didn’t have the right to have control of the land.
Give details about the Trail of Tears.
Indian tribes were forced to move from Georgia to federal lands in present day Oklahoma.-1838-4,000 out of 14,000 Cherokee died due to hunger, disease, and exhaustion.
(Adams-Onis Treaty)Date?
What territory is associated with this treaty?
Florida Acquisition
Who is Marcus Whitman?
He is a missionary who ministered to the Cayuse Indians. He lead the “Great Migration” along the Oregon Trail.
Give details about the Oregon Trail.
mid 1830’s to 1869-400,000 settlers used the trail-1/10 pioneers died on the journey due to disease or accidents.
What is James Polk’s connection?
He ran for president with the slogan “54’ 40’ or fight”
Explain 54’ 40’ or fight!
James Polk said this and it referred to the longitude lines for the Oregon border.
What is joint occupation?
The act of two different countries both occupying and controlling the same territory. In this case Britain and America joint occupied Oregon Territory.
What were the provisions of the Oregon Treaty?
The treaty was signed in 1846. It established the 49’ border. It ended the border dispute.
(Mormon Trail)Where did it start and end?
From Nauvoo, Illinois to Salt Lake City, Utah
What was the Missouri Extermination Act?
It was an act stating that the Mormons would be killed if they did not move. It pushed them away and forced them to move.
Explain the push/pull factors.
The Mormons were pushed by the Missouri Extermination Act, and they were pulled by the fact that they would have religious freedom.
What reason of Manifest Destiny was this about?
This was for religious freedom because that’s what the Mormons were looking for when they were forced to move.
(Santa Fe Trail) Where did it start and end?
From Missouri to Santa Fe
Who is William Becknell?
He was the first man to travel the Santa Fe trail. He started it. He wanted to trade and catch wild animals.
What reason of Manifest Destiny was this about?
economic opportunity
Why were advancements in transportation needed?
It was very difficult to travel. People needed a better, safer way to trade/ transport goods.
Explain the conditions of old roads?
They were rough, and once you got to a river it was very difficult to go on. They were also very expensive to build and maintain.
Give details about the Erie Canal.
The Erie Canal that stretched from the Hudson River to Lake Erie (Albany to Buffalo). Many people had to help make it. It was started in 1817 and took 8 years to finish.
Explain steam power
Water was boiled into steam and turned a turbine, causing the boat to move. It was needed because it was very difficult to travel upstream. They were also put into trains to make them travel faster and more efficiently. They were better because they worked in the winter unlike canals which would freeze and horses that would get tired or sick.
(Mexican-American War)Who was Sam Houston?
He lead the Texans against the Mexican army. He wanted to gain their freedom.
(Mexican-American War)What was the Texas Revolution?
Texans wanted to break away from Mexico’s rule so they rebelled against Mexico.
(Mexican-American War)What does annex mean?
To incorporate into the authority of a country
(Mexican-American War)When was Texas annexed into the United State?
(Mexican-American War)How did the border dispute (Nueces vs. Rio Grande River) lead to the start of the war?
The president thought that Mexico had killed Americans in the US so he wanted to declare war. He thought this because the US and Mexico had different ideas as to where the border was.
(Mexican-American War)When did the war occur?
(Mexican-American War)Who was Zachary Taylor?
He commanded American troops in the Mexican-American War.
(Mexican-American War)Who was Winfield Scott?
He was 2nd in command.
(Mexican-American War)Why did the war occur? What reason of Manifest Destiny?
Political Expansion
(Mexican-American War)What were the provisions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? (3 changes it accomplished)
This treaty ended the war, recognized Rio Grande as the border(ended border disputes), and caused Mexico to give the U.S. the Mexican Cession (525,000 square miles of land for 15 million dollars).
(Gadsden Purchase)Where was the location of the land?
Land that later became part of New Mexico and Arizona
(Gadsden Purchase)Why was it purchased?
we needed land to finish the continental railroad
(California gold rush)What reason for Manifest Destiny did this involve?
Economic Opportunities
(California gold rush)Years?
(California gold rush)Who was James Wilson Marshall?
he found gold on sutter’s mill
(Colorado)Who was Zebulon Pike?
He was an explorer who documented his journey. He found a mountain that, according to him, looked like a small cloud. This mountain was later named Pike’s Peek.
(Colorado)What three territories made up present-day Colorado?
The Louisiana Purchase, Texas Annexation, and Mexican Cession
(Colorado)Explain the difference in the economics of west half vs. east half of the state.
The eastern half had a lot of resources (like gold) that the other side did not.