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50 Cards in this Set

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Adulation (noun)

Excessive or slavish admiration or flattery

Modicum (noun)

Small amount

Paucity (noun)

Not enough

Maxim (noun)

Proverb, pithy statement

Epitome (noun)

A perfect example

Pique (noun)

A sudden feeling of annoyance or anger when someone has offended you

Succor (noun)

Provide comfort or relief

Lexicon (noun)

The words used in a language or by a person or group of people

Formidable (adjective)

Very powerful or strong

Grandiloquence (noun)

Pompous or bombastic style, extravagantly colorful

Abet (verb)

To help, encourage, or support someone in a criminal act

She abetted the thief in his getaway

Mendicant (noun)

Someone (such as a member of a religious group) who lives by asking people for money or food

Rube (noun)

An uneducated person who is usually from the countryside

They treated us as if we were a bunch of rubes

Malefactor (noun)

Ome who commits an offense against the law

The victim was able to give a clear description of the malefactor to the police

Awl (noun)

A pointed tool is used for making surfaces or making small holes in leather, wood

Apogee (noun)

The highest point of something

Shag carpeting reached the apogee of its popularity in the 1970s but now is considered outdated

Opus (noun)

A piece of music written by a major composer

The composer's final opus was performed posthumously to great acclaim

Commodious (adjective)

Having a lot of space

A house with exceptionally commodious closets

Reciprocate (verb)

To do the same thing for someone that they have done for you

I would like to reciprocate your fine hospitality

Cordiality (noun)

Sincere affection and kindness

Everyone appreciated the cordiality and thoughtfulness of the welcoming committee

Traipse (verb)

To walk or go somewhere

I'm too old to go traipsing around Europe

Sidle (verb)

To move close to someone in a quiet or secret way

He sidled up to me and slipped me a note

Sardonic (adjective)

A sardonic smile, expression, or comment shows a lack of respect for what someone else has said or done

The movie is a sardonic look at modern life

Nugatory (adjective)

Not important or effective

The book is entertaining, but its contributions to Shakespearean scholarship are nugatory

Sumptuous (adjective)

Very expensive, rich, or impressive

The cruise claims to offer sumptuous furnishings, exquisitely prepared cuisine, and stellar entertainment

Pique (noun)

A sudden feeling of annoyance or anger when someone has offended you

After a moment of pique, the senator responded calmly to his accusers

Crescendo (noun)

The highest or loudest point of something that increases gradually

The noise rose to a crescendo

Eupohony (noun)

Pleasing sound

Sidereal (adjective)

Relating to stars, or measured by the movement of the stars in the sky

Woebegone (adjective)

Looking or feeling very sad

His face had a woebegone expression

Ethereal (adjective)

Ethereal sounds, qualities etc have a delicate beauty that makes them seem not to be part of the real world

The windows give the church an ethereal glow

Effulgent (adjective)

Shining forth brilliantly; radiant

Haggard (adjective)

Looking very thin and tired especially from great hunger, worry, or pain

She looked tired and haggard

Lax (adjective)

Not paying attention to rules, or not caring enough about quality or safety

The university has been lax about enforcing these rules

Tenuous (adjective)

Not certain, definite, or strong: filmsy, weak or uncertain

The local theater has had a tenuous existence in recent years

Imperil (verb)

To put (something or someone) in a dangerous situation

The toxic fumes imperiled the lives of the trapped miners

Condone (verb)

To approve of behavior that most people think is wrong

The school does not condone bullying of any kind

Palliate (verb)

To make something bad seem less serious

Treatments that can palliate the painful symptoms of the disease

Cognoscenti (noun)

People who are experts in a particular subject

Fledgling (noun)

Someone or something that is getting started in a new activity

The site is in fledgling stages, so info and photos are lacking a bit, but I do think this site needs to branch out into sweetwater

Neophyte (noun)

A person who has just started learning or doing something

Neophytes are assigned an experienced church member to guide them through their first year

Fungible (adjective)

Freely exchangeable or replaceable (especially of goods)

Sordid (adjective)

Immoral, dishonest or unpleasant

I don't want to know all the sordid details

Gauntlet (noun)

An open challenge (as to combat) - used phrases like throw down the gauntlet

In 2009, however, the author Lucy Siegle threw down the gauntlet, presenting Firth with the 'Green Carpet Challenge'

Animadversion (noun)

Adverse criticism, often used with on

Glib (adjective)

Said or done too easily or carelessly: showing little preparation or thought

Politicians need to do more than provide glib answers to difficult questions

Peevish (adjective)

Feeling or showing irritation

I would rather figure things out on my own than ask that peevish librarian for help

Antediluvian (adjective)

Very old or old fashioned

He has antediluvian notions about the role of women in the workplace

Allegory (noun)

A story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for ideas about human life or for a political or historical situation

The allegory is a continued metaphor in which the circumstances are palbably often purely imagery, while the thing signified is altogether real

Neophyte (noun)

A person who has just started learning or doing something