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18 Cards in this Set

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What criteria should be used to evaluate options in the problem solving process?

The benefits, the costs and timeliness of the solutions

What are the four basic elements of occupational health and safety management?

Management leadership/employee involvement, hazard prevention and control, worksite analysis, and training

Why is sustainability reporting important for major corporations?

because the business community, regulators and investors are starting to ask about it

If a company uses a two step budgeting process such that lower management levels first participate in bottom-up budgeting process, and then senior managers follow up with a top-down final budget, what type of planning process is being used?

Participative planning

What is the difference between a Line Manager and a Functional Manager?

A Line Manager develops the processes and mechanisms by which an organization accomplishes its desired outcomes, and a Functional Manager is responsible for single, specific area of an organization such as finance, production and personnel.

Considering the range of accident models available for use in accident causation analysis which model is generally agreed to be the most useful?

No single model would be considered the most useful because it is generally agreed that there is no such thing as "the holy grail" of accident theories.

Which organizations are best known for their sustainability indices?

AIChE and Dow Jones

Who should sign the organizational occupational health and safety policy document?

The Chief Executive Officer or President of the company should sign the health and safety policy document

What is the main role of the management team?

To make best use of the human and material resources to produce goods and services for its clients

Job satisfaction is said to be impacted by a number of factors. These may be classified as "hygiene factors" and "satisfier factors." Which of the following are hygiene factors?

Working conditions, organizational policies and administration

What does the British OHSAS 18000 call continual improvement?

Action for improvement

Aside from safety what other factors are also typically considered in a sustainability index?

Environmental performance and soical responsibility

The Plan-Do-Check-Act process is fundamental to the continuous improvement cycle. What are the key activities to do under "Act"?

Management review and continual improvement

With respect to organizational forms what is a matrix structure?

An approach that uses permanent cross-functional teams to blend the technical strength of functional structures with the integrating potential of divisional structures

Which type of model considers the physical and environmental factors in the workplace?


What is the most useful application of decision models in accident causation analysis?

They are useful when applied to complex control systems like a control scenario with an operator reviewing multiple displays and having to initiate process controls.

Why is accident theory important to occupational health and safety professionals?

It forces you to broaden your view and open your mind to the range of potential causes of accidents.

What is an environmental management system?

Part of the overall management system that includes the structure, planning, procedures and practices and other elements related to the company's environmental policy