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51 Cards in this Set

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General Environment
cultural, economic, legal political, and educational conditions
specific environment
people and group with whom an organazation interacts
value creation
creating value and satisfying the needs of stakeholders
environmental uncertainty
lack of complete information about the environment
Organization culture
system of shared beliefs and values in an organization
value based management
actively develops communicates, and enacts shared values
symbolic leader
uses symbols to establish and maintain desired organizational culture
exist among people with similar values and beliefs based on shared work and responisbilities
multicultural organization
based on pluralism and operates inclusivley
is when minorities adapt to succeed.
managing diversity
building an inclusive work environment so that everyone reaches their potentials
specific results someone wishes to achieve
statement of intended means for accomplishing objectives
hierarchy of objectives
lower level objectives are means to accomplishing higher level ones
strategic plan
identifies long term directions for the organization
operational plan
identifies activities to implement strategic plans
a plan that communicates guidelines for decisions
procedure or rule
describes actions to be taken during a situation
plan that commits resources to projects
zero based budget
allocates resources as if each budget was brand new
one time activities that have clear beginnings and ends
project management
makes sure that activities required to complete a project are accomplished on time correctly
contingency planning
identifies alternate courses when things go wrong
senario planning
identifies alternate plans for future senarios to deal with each problem
uses external comparisons to gain insights for planning
best practices
things that lead to superior performance
participatory planning
includes the persons who will be affected by plans and who will implement them
is a process of joint objective setting between a superior and subordinate
is a comprehensive plan guiding resource allocation
strategic intent
focuses and applies organizational energies of a unifying and compelling goal
strategic management
is the process of formulating and implementing strategies
organizations reason for existance in society
organizational culture
is the predominant value system for the organization as a whole
operating objectives
specific results that organizations try to accomplish
core competency
special strength that gives an organization its competitive advantage
corporate strategy
long term direction
business strategy
how a business will compete in its product/service domain
fuctional strategy
guides activities within one specific area of operations
growth strategy
involves expansion of the organizations current operations
growth thru concentration
growth in the same business area.
aquisition or investment in another area.
vertical integration
aquiring suppliers or distributors.
retrenchment strategy
changes operations to correct weaknesses
reduces the scale and mix of operations
sells off parts of the organization to refocus attention on core business areas
multidomestic strategy
customizes products and advertising to best fit local needs
transnational strategy
global operations with attention to local markets
focused cost leadership
strategy seeks lowest costs of operations within a special market segement
Boston Consulting Group
portfolio planning
approach seeks the best mix of investments among business opportunities
emergent strategy
develops over time as managers learn from and respond to experience