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61 Cards in this Set

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the process of getting things done through and with people, and directing the efforts of individuals toward a common goal
management functions (5)
1. planning
2. organizing
3. staffing
4. leading/directing
5. controlling/evaluating
determining what objectives need to be accomplished and establishing standards against which actual performence can be measured

bridges gap between where we are and where we want to be
development of a structure of people and things necessary to accomplish objectives. as a process it involves: (1) identification of activities, (2) classification of grouping of activities, (3) assignment of duties, (4) delegation of authority and creation of responsibility, (5) coordinating authority and responsibility relationships
manning the organization structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of personnel to fill the roles designated under the structure
the interaction between a person's individualized needs and external influences which determine behavior
1. based on the idea that people expect rewards to be distributed fairly
2. people compare their efforts/rewards to the efforts/rewards they believe exist for people in a similar situation
adam's equity theory
theory says that to be motivated, need to establish goals to work towards
locke's goal setting theory
in locke's goal setting theory, goals should be ____ and ____
specific and challenging
1. states that behavior is based on externally imposed reinforcement
2. to motivate someone to change behavior, you should reward desired behavior and punish undesired behavior
3. opposite from goal setting theory, which says that motivation is based on internal goals
skinner's reinforcement theory
process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal
based on a person's ability to provide material or nonmaterial inducements
reward power
derived from the follower's perception that a leader has the right to lead, make demands, and expect obedience from others
legitimate power
based on an individual's knowledge and expertise
expert power
stems from a person's charm or appeal and a follower's desire to identify or emulate these characteristics
referent power
based on an individuals ability to threaten or punish
coercive power
ability to apply influence
right to command resources
ability to create change within individual or group
1. ability to see/make fine distinctions
2. treatment/consideration based on characteristics rather than merit
1. agreement regarding employment made for an established time period
2. may be terminated by either party for any reason that does not violate public policy and at any time without liability
at will employment
prevents former employee from opening a competing practice in the same or nearby vicinity for a specified time after termination
non-compete clause
submission to unwanted sexual activity is explicitly or implicitly made a term or condition of gaining while maintaining employment (if you go out with me, i'll consider a promotion)
quid pro quo harassment
sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the condtions of employment and create and abusive work environment
hostile environment harassment
steps to the hiring process (8)
1. evaluate current staffing needs
2. define position requirements
3. decide who will be involved in the hiring process
4. develop a sourcing strategy
5. design a screening and evaluation process
6. negotiate an employment offer
7. provide a thorough and welcoming orientation experience to position th new hire for success
8. evaluate the effectiveness of the hiring process after a candidate is on the job
components of employee value proposition (5)
1. affiliation
2. work content
3. career
4. benefits
5. compensation
manifest themselves as both assertive and uncooperative. they pursue a win at all costs mentality when trying to achieve their goal, regardless of the effort on the other party, and will use every tool available to achieve victory
competing mode of conflict

result: lose-lose
individuals employing this more are both unassertive and highly cooperative. they are prone to self sacrifice and will often neglect their own needs in favor of the needs of others. those who accomodate will often work to fulfuill another's directives even if they do not agree with them or would rather not follow that particular course of action
accomodating mode of conflict

result: lose-win
both unassertive and uncooperative. they do not pursue their own goals nor do they pursue the goals of others. they simply do not deal with conflict. they will sidestep issues, put off a task that needs completeing, or simply withdraw from the situation that may result in conflict
avoiding mode of conflict

result: lose-lose
demonstrate moderate assertiveness and cooperativeness and their goal is to find a common ground solution that will satisfy all disagreeing parties. these people tend to give up more ground than those who employ the competing mode because of their interest in preserving relationships with the other party
compromising mode of conflict

result: lose-lose
both assertive and cooperative. these individuals attempt to find solutions that are mutually satisfying for all parties. this can often require more time investigating the true roots of a disagreement, but this approach allows the collaborator an opportunity to understand opposing points of view when tring to reach a consensus
collaborating mode

result: win-win
1. AKA positional or hard-bargining
2. win-lose situation
3. each side adopts an extreme position, knowing that it will not be accepted, and then employs a combination of guile, bluffing, and brinksmanship in order to cede as little as possible before reaching a deal
4. distinctives: (a) conceive a negotiatioin as a process of distrubuting a fixed amount of value (b) often involvees people who have never had a previous interactive relationship, nor are they likely to do so again in the near future
distributive negotiation
1. AKA principled
2. win-win situation
3. distinctives: (a) focuses on the underlying interests of the parties rather than their arbitrary starting positions (b) approaches negotiation as a shared problem rather than a personalized battle (c) insists upon adherence to objective, principled criteria as the basis for agreement
integrative negotiation
what does BATNA stand for
best alternative to negotiated agreement

1. equivalent to the economic concept "opportunity cost"
2. stop negotiating when the value of the BATNA is less than the current agreement
3. your worst outcome is the BATNA (therefore make sure that the BATNA is a 'credible threat'
ways to create/develop a strong team (12)
1. create leadership and leadership structure
2. define a common goal and set clear expectations
3. use "we" instead of "i"
4. man the team well
5. hold periodic team meetings
6. appreciate people (listen, respect, care)
7. insure people are adequately trained
8. teach them to work together as a team
9. foster "buy-in" within members
10. build a culture of constructive dissention
11. expect the best out of each other
12. celebrate successes together
dysfunctions of a team (5)
1. absence of trust--occurs when members are reluctant to be vulnerable and unwilling to admit mistakes, weaknesses, or needs for help
2. fear of conflict--teams that are lackin gon trust are incapable of engaging in unfiltered, passionate debate about key issues
3. lack of commitment--without conflict its difficult for members to commit to decisions, creating an environment of ambiguity. lack of direction/commitment can make employees disgruntled
4. avoidance of accountability--when teams dont commit to clear plan of action, even the most focused and driven hesitate to call their peers on actions/behaviors that may seem counterproductive to the overall good of the team
5. inattention to results--team members naturally tend to put their own needs (ego, career developement, recognition, etc.) ahead of the collective goals of the team when individuals arent held accountable
ongoing process of communication between manager and employee to support accomplishing strategic objectives
performance managment
effective performance management efforts share the following components (S.C.O.R.E)
1. Strategic: performance management is linked to business goals
2. Communication: coaching and feedback techniques used to promote open, honest dialogue
3. Opportunity: key contributors for advancement identified
4. Recognition: reward programs tightly coupled with performance
5. Engagement: performance management perceived as a shared responsibility amongst the team
barriers to performance management (8)
1. failure to communicate expectations
2. lack of training
3. lack of time/information
4. failure to link individual performance to organizational goals
5. fear of negative consequences
6. developing legally defensive evaluation systems
7. inability to choose evaluation systems
8. inaccurate rating during evaluations
which evaluation rating error?

one positive trait that influences all ratings
halo effect
which evaluation rating error?

everything is average (not helping people know where to improve)
central tendency
which evaluation rating error?

being overly harsh (not helping people know where to improve--everyone is bad)
strict rating
which evaluation rating error?

being overly generous (not helping people know where to improve--everyone is good)
lenient rating
which evaluation rating error?

rating influenced by recent actions (good or bad)
latest behavior
which evaluation rating error?

letting past evaluations influence current ones
spillover effect
1. managing time effectively so that the right time is allocated to the right activity
2. allows individuals to assign specific time slots to activities as per their importance
3. refers to making the best use of time as it is always limited
time managment
common causes of time management challenges (3)
1. technical errors (ex: disorganized work space, lack of planning time--controllable)
2. external realities (ex: new life events, working with disorganized or underprepared people--unable to control)
3. psychological obsticles (ex: unclear priorities, fear of down time, dislike of primary tasks--may or may not able to control)
10 common mistakes of time management
1. not setting personal goals (goals give you a destination and vision to work toward; need short and long term goals)
2. not prioritizing (in reality, cant do everything!)
3. failing to manage distractions
4. procrastination
5. taking on too much (unable to say no; misjudge own capabilities)
6. thriving on busy (not sustainable to do everything in a rush)
7. multitasking (causes more mistakes overall; takes longer overall)
8. not taking breaks (efficient not necssarily equal to effective)
9. inefficiently scheduling tasks (understand what time of day works best for you; understand ho you work best)
10. failing to keep a to-do list (key items must be prioritized)
potential causes of procrastination (11)
1. anxiety about the task
2. avoidance of things which are disliked or difficult
3. perfectionism, often associated with unrealistic standards
4. difficulty concentrating
5. concern about failing or not meeting your own standards
6. fear of success an its possible consequences
7. poor time management, often associated with distorted sense of time available
8. an inability to prioritize
9. overload of tasks at a specific time
10. not knowing what is required
11. being bored by the task
clarifying the overall purpose and desired results of an organization, and how those results will be achieved
strategic planning
benefits of strategic planning (5)
1. clearly define the purpose of the organization and to establish realistic goals and objectives consistent with that mission in a defined time frame within the organization's capacity for implementation
2. develop a sense of ownership of the plan
3. ensure the most effective use is made of the organization's resources by focusing the resources on the key priorities
4. provide a base from which progress can be measured and establish a mechanism for informed change when needed
5. listen to everyone's opinions in order to build consensus about where the organization is going
which type of strategic planning?

1. clarify the results they want ot achieve in the future
2. develop a vision of what the organization and it customers or clients will lookk like at some point in the future, and then articulate what they have to do to achieve that vision
3. work from the future to the present
goal-based strategic planning
which type of strategic planning?

1. clarify current issues that the organization must soon address and how it will address them
2. work from the present to the future
3. usually a shorter term planning
4. often is focused primarily (but not exclusively) on internal matters
issue-based strategic planning
steps to strategic planning (7)
1. organize team, including stakeholders
2. identify organization's strategic direction
3. conduct a strategic analysis
4. define major goals
5. develop an action plan
6. develop an evaluation and monitoring system
7. communicate the plan to others
the organization's purpose
the organization's long term goal(s) and aspiration(s)
the organization's central priorities
organizational outcomes that reflect the mission of the organization and provide movement toward realizing the vision
long-term goals
what are "SMARTER" long-term goals as described by McNamera (7)
1. Specific
2. Measurable
3. Acceptable (to those responsible)
4. Realistic
5. Time based (time frame specific)
6. Extending (achieving goals should develop capabilities)
7. Rewarding
an idea, a conceptualization of how the objective could be achieved
an action you take to execute the strategy