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77 Cards in this Set

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The means of using resources wisely and cost effectively


Achieving results to make right decisions and to successfully carry them out

Multiplier effect

Proper management directly impacts improvements in the well-being of a society

Management Process (four functions of management)

Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling


Setting goals and determining how to achieve them


Arranging tasks, people, and other resources to accomplish work


Motivating, directing, and influencing people to work hard to achieve the organization's goals


Monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed


Finding ways to deliver new or better goods or services


the buying and selling of goods or services over computer networks


using internet to facilitate every aspect of running a business

Knowledge management

the implementing of systems and practices to increase the sharing of knowledge and information throughout an organization


economic development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

Four levels of management

Top management, middle managers, first-line managers, non-managerial team leaders

Top managers

Responsible for determining the overall direction of a company, making long term decisions by setting goals

Middle Managers

Implement the policies and plans of the top managers and supervising and coordinating the activities of those below. (plant managers, district managers, regional managers)

First- Line

Direct daily tasks by making short term operating decisions, directing the daily tasks of non-managerial personnel

Team leaders

basically the employees with all of the technical skills

What is commerce?

exchanging of goods and services

What is the point of commmerce?

To improve the standard of living

Functional manager

Responsible for just one organizational activity (Vice president of production, director of finance, administrator for human resources)

General managers

Responsible for several organizational activities (executive vice president)

Managers for three types of organizations

1. For-Profit Organizations: for making money

2. Nonprofit organizations: For offering services

3. Mutual-Benefit Organizations: for aiding members

Principle skills for managers

Technical, conceptual, human skills

Technical Skills

The job-specific knowledge needed to perform well in a specialized field

Conceptual skills

The ability to think analytically, to visualize an organization as a whole and understand how the parts work together

Human Skills

The ability to work well in cooperation with other people to get things done

Three types of managerial roles

Interpersonal, Informal, Decisional

3 Interpersonal Roles:

Figurehead, leader, and Liaison activities

3 Informational Roles:

Monitor, Disseminator, and Spokesperson

4 Decisional Roles

Entrepreneur, Disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator

Figurehead role

INTERPERSONAL performing symbolic tasks that represent your organization.

EX: attending birthday parties, presenting ethical guidelines to subordinates

Leadership Role

INTERPERSONAL Responsible for actions of your subordinates, as their successes and failures reflect on you

Liaison Role

INTERPERSONAL Working with other people outside your work unit and organization to develope alliances

Monitor role

INFORMATIONAL staying constantly alert for useful information

Dissiminator role

INFORMATIONAL constantly being able to disseminate important information to empoyees via emails and meetings

Spokesperson role

INFORMATIONAL to be the diplomat, to put the best face on the activities of your work or organization to people outside it

Entrepreneur Role

DECISIONAL initiate and encourage change and innovation

Disturbance handler role

DECISIONAL fixing unforeseen problems

Resource allocator role

DECISIONAL: setting priorities about the use of resources

Negotiator role

DECISIONAL: working with others inside and outside the organization to accomplish goals

Economic Recession

Slowing down of exchanges of goods and services

Why do Recessions happen?

When corporations fear the future, so they restrict inputs and resources, thus landing in a recession


how well an organization uses resources to generate output

Productivity Ratio:

Outputs / Inputs

What is the point of management?

To increase productivity

Profit Equation

Q x (P-Cv) - Cf where:

Q= quantity

P=sales price

Cv= variable cost

Cf= Fixed costs

Also, Profit = revenues - costs


The utility the buyer believes they will receive. Value is all about perception


What the buyer pays and the seller receives

Mass producing is a result of

Availability of machine power

Scientific Management

How does work get done and who does it?

General Administrative Theory:

organizing management of company

Principles of Scientific Management?

Worker selection

One best Way

Training and Incentives

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth:

Time and motion studies

Henry Gantt

Linked manager's bonus to their employee's performance

Gantt Chart


Put the right workers in the right roles

Henri Fayol

14 principals of management

FDR's "New Deal"

helpd people feel confidant because they now had work. Perception that things will be okay

Great depression led to the?

Human Relations Approach

Industrial Revolution led to the?

Classical approach

World War II led to the?

Quantitative approach

Decline in US manufacturing led to the?

Quality Management Approach

Human Relations Approach

emphasized importance of understanding human behavior

Elton Mayo's Hawthorne Effect:

When you're being watched while working, you work a little better

Douglass McGreggor's Theory X and Theory Y

People end up behaving how you expect they will

The Quantitative Approach

Implemented use of mathematical tools to aid in decision making

Metrics and Data analytics:

Measurements into place to measure data, and correctly interpreting how the data works

# 1 reason for data and information to managers

So managers can make better decisions in the future

3 Principles of Total Quality Management

1. Continuous improvement

2. Employee involvement

3. Defective prevention

S.M.A.R.T. Objectives






Management By Objectives

System where specific performance objectives are jointly determined by supervisors and their subordinates

Social Responsibility

Maximize positive impact and minimize negative impact on society

Four Ethical Framework terms



Moral Rights Approach

Justice Approach


For the greatest good


For your greatest self-interest long term which helps others

Moral Rights Approach

Respecting fundamental rights by everyone

Justice Approach

Respecting impartial standards of fairness