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37 Cards in this Set

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Where do mammary glands develop embryologically?
Initially develop along bilateral epidermal ridges - "MILK LINES". Later develop of single pair of thoracic glands
How many glandular lobes?
What comprises each lobe?
numerous lobules of alveoli
What drains the alveoli of each lobule?
Intralobular ducts drain the alveoli
What drains lobules?
Interlobular ducts
Where do the interlobular ducts drain?
Into a lactiferous duct
What are located behind the nipple?
lactiferous ducts with sinuses
Nodular sebaceous glands within the areola
What are Cooper's suspensory ligaments?
Interlobar CT (between lobes)
Describe mammary glands during childhood
lactiferous ducts, but no secretory cells or other duct system
When does growth of lactiferous ducts occur?
During adolescence
What is transient hyperplasia of male breast tissue?
What diseases have gynecomastia
Klinefelter's, hepatic cirrhosis, aged males
What happens in the 1st half of menstrual cycle?
alveolar cells relatively inactive, lumina of intralobular ducts NOT prominent, minimal physiological nodularity
What happens during 2nd half of menstrual cycle?
alveolar cells more active, secretory material seen in lumnia of both alveoli and intralobular ducts. Caused by increased estrogen and progesterone
What causes changes in 2nd half of menstrual cycle?
Increased estrogen and progesterone
When does breast enlargement and nodularity begin?
As early as 2nd month of pregnancy
What hormones stimulate mammary tissue?
Estrogen, Progesterone, Glucocorticoids, growth hormone, Thyroid,
What does Estrogen do?
Stimulates development of duct system
What does progesterone do?
Stimulates development of secretory alveoli
What happens during first half of pregancy?
Ductal expansion, Development of alveoli, Minimal secretory activity - primarily proliferative activity
What decreases in size when lobules exand?
Interlobular CT
What happens late in pregnancy
Proliferative activity slows, alveolar cells differentiate for secretory activity. Intralobular CT becomes infiltrated with Plasma cells.
What happens during delivery?
Colustrum is secreted during last month and 1-3 days postpartum. Milk secreted 1-3 days postpartum.
What does colostrum contain?
Proteins, fats, vitamins electrolytes, Igs (A), B&T leukocytes, laxative activity.
What does milk contain?
Same as colustrum, but includes LACTOSE
What type of secretion is milk?
Apocrine & Merocrine
What causes milk secretion?
Decrease in estrogen and progesterone, Increase in Prolactin
Describe Estrogen and Prolactin in Galactopoieses
ANTAGONISTIC relationship
Estrogen is a...
Estrogen and prolactin are [ ] in mammogenesis
What is required for maintenance of lactation?
Periodic suckling, prolactin development
What blocks maintenance of lactiation?
dopamine receptor agonists, estrogen
Describe the milk ejection reflex
Reflex arc via spinal nerves T3-5, releases oxytocin, stimulation of myoepithelial cell contraction
What is a neurogenic reflexes that causes lactation?
Hearing the baby crying
What is the Ferguson Reflex?
Dilation of uterus during labor, causes hypothalamus input for lactation
What happens during menopause?
Atrophy of secretory units and ducts. Replacement of lobules with increased CT