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56 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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• Sexual dimorphism, sexually discrete
– Reproduce only through sexual reproduction
• Females produce few, large, sessile, and
energetically expensive eggs
• Males produce many, small, motile, and
energetically cheap sperm
• Difference in gamete size = Anisogamy
Anisogamy results in profound
differences in reproductive
behavior of two sexes
Small number of expensive female
gametes is a limited resource for which
males compete
• Male reproductive success = how many
different females he can inseminate
• Female reproductive success = how many
young she can produce
differences between sexes
Fertilization occurs in the oviduct
– Mother knows she’s the mother
• Paternity not as certainFemales gestate and lactate = limits the
investment males can make in offspring
Bateman Gradient
Most females mate
• Differential mating success in males
– Variance in copulatory success higher in
males than females
Sexual strategies
Males who copulated most sired most
offspring = Bateman Gradient
• Females only need to mate once to
produce maximum number of offspring
Sex Ratio
Sex ratios of populations
of most species 50:50
– Often deviates in adult
segment of population
Operational Sex Ratio: ratio of only
reproductive members of population
• OSR influences mating system as
members of abundant sex compete for
access to members of scarcer one
Trivers-Willard Hypothesis
Maternal condition influences sex ratio
• Mothers in best physical condition
produce healthier offspring that are better
able to compete for resources (including
Males more likely to compete for mates
reproductive success is variable
• Must be better “out of the gate” to succeed
= needs more maternal investment
T-W example
Male Antarctic fur seals are heavier at
birth, grow faster, and weigh more than
sisters (at 60 days)
Reproductive success of sons high if
mothers are in good condition
– Low (or zero) if mothers are in poor shape
T-W cont.
Daughters likely breed regardless of
mother’s condition
• Females in good shape produce sons
– Daughters if in poor shape
Support for T-W
Red Deer: Intense male
competition, successful sons
achieve over twice the
reproductive success as
– Dominant females produce
more sons
– Figure 22.2
Fathers also benefit from Sex Ratio
• Dominant red deer males are more fertile
– Have larger, more elaborate antlers preferred
by females (inheritable)
– More fertile males have faster-swimming
sperm and fewer abnormal sperm than less
fertile males
• Females in good condition inseminated
with sperm from fertile males produce
more sons
Sex ratios in Matriarchal mammals
Daughters remain around mother, sons
• Daughters compete with mothers for food
• Fewer daughters = less local resource
In baboons, socially dominant females
produce more daughters, subordinate
females produce sons
– Daughters benefit from mothers social rank
How are birth sex ratios
Timing of insemination within estrus cycle
– More of one sex conceived earlier than later
(white-tailed deer, Norway rats, and humans)
• Sex ratios at conception male-biased
• Intrauterine mortality rates higher for male
– Probably highest among mothers in poor
Sexual Selection
Success measured by number of offspring
and by quality or probable reproductive
success of those offspring
• Quality of mates important
Sexual Selection is …
Sexual Selection: process that produces
anatomical and behavioral traits that affect
an individual’s ability to acquire mates
(Darwin 1871)
– May produce traits that reduce individual’s
Intersexual vs Intrasexual Selection
Intersexual: members of one sex choose
mates of other sex
• Intrasexual: individuals of one sex
compete among themselves for access to
other sex
• Both types produce and reinforce sexual
Intersexual Selection
One sex advertises their fitness using
secondary sex traits (usually males)
• Other sex chooses among them
• Can lead to exaggerated traits
• If trait is heritable, females select for it,
offspring have it and daughters select for it
• Trait becomes further developed in males
and more highly selected for in females
Runaway selection
Traits produced by runaway selection are
arbitrary and not linked to male’s fitness
• May become so exaggerated that survival
of males is reduced
• Counters election in favor of less
ornamented males should then occur and
selection will return to steady state
Good genes models
Trait favored by females indicates male
• Handicap hypothesis:
– sexual selection can produce traits that are
detrimental to survival
– Costly to produce and linked to superior
quality in males
– Therefore advertisement must be hon
Symmetry Models
Symmetry of paired traits may indicate
• Fluctuating asymmetry: random deviations
from bilateral symmetry
– Ex. Measurements in right and left antler are
Reveals individuals ability to maintain
developmental homeostasis when faced
with environmental variation and stress Greater asymmetry
associated with low food
quality, quantity, habitat
disturbance, pollution,
disease, and genetic
factors (inbreeding,
hybridization, and mutation)
• Symmetrical individuals are
more likely to be dominant
in horned and antlered
Fluctuating Asymmetry
Most pronounced in sexually selected
– Ex. Canines used in male-male competition in
• Asymmetry increased in canines (but not
premolars) of lowland gorillas in 20th
(period of intense habitat degradation)
Intrasexual Selection
Competition within one sex
• May occur before mating (leks)
– One sex competes and winners do most of
the mating
• Sperm Competition: females mate with
several males during single estrus
– Sperm competes and one male’s sperm
fertilizing disproportionate number of eggs
Sperm competition
Selection process that leads to two
opposing types of adaptations
– Reduce chances of second male’s sperm
being used (first-male advantage)
• Mate guarding, copulatory plugs
– Reduce chances of first male’s sperm being
used (second-male advantage)
• Dilution of first male’s sperm by frequent
ejaculation of large amounts of sperm
sperm competetion example
Bighorn sheep: females
mate with multiple males
– Dominant rams guard
estrous females from
forced copulations by
sneaker males
– If subordinate does
succeed, dominant ram
will immediately copulate
with the female,
effectively diluting
sneaker’s sperm
Sperm competition (cont’d)
Amount and quality of sperm typically
related to mating system
• May explain high number of deformed
sperm in mammals (high as 40% in
– Kamikaze sperm stay behind to inhibit
passage of sperm from second male
In primates… amount and
quality of sperm relates to
mating system
Where winners of male-male competition
(gorillas) have free access to females,
testes are smaller and produce lower
quality sperm
• In a free-for-all system (chimpanzees)
males with best sperm will fertilize eggs =
larger testes, higher quality ejaculates
(more and more motile sperm)
primate example
Wooly spider monkeys: aggregations of
males take turns copulating with females
(every 20 minutes)
• All competition is among sperm inside of
female fallopian tubes
• Males have extraordinarily large testes,
little agonistic behavior
Testes and fidelity
General trend in mammals:
– One male for one or more females = smaller
– Multiple males per female = larger testes
• Testes size also influenced by length of
female vagina (longer vaginas need more
– Ex. Vagina of female gorilla = 10 cm long
Vagina of female chimpanzee = 17 cm long (even
longer by genital swelling during estrus
Postcopulation Competition
Bruce Effect: early in pregnancy, odors of
strange males cause spontaneous
– So far only described in lab situations with
mice and voles
• Infanticide: killing other males young
brings females back into estrus
Parental Investment
One parent or both provide some level of
care for offspring
• Parental investment: any behavior pattern
that increases the offspring’s chances of
survival at the cost of the parent’s ability to
rear future offspring
Anisogomy revisited
Eggs require greater investment than
sperm = different reproductive strategies
– Males more subject to sexual selection
• Cost of parental investment rises more
quickly for females than males
– Optimum number of offspring lower for
– More choosy about mates
So, you’re my daddy
Individual sperm is cheap, but much is
produced and the costs of delivery (pre
copulatory displays) are high
• Also, the number of ejaculates per unit of
time is limited
Male investment
Sperm competition leads to competition to
produce increasing amounts of sperm
• Territorial defense can also result in some
level of choosiness by males
• Degree of investment translates to level of
parental care
Northern elephant
Mate on land in dense
– Males establish
dominance hierarchies
– High ranking males
breed (top 5 may do
50% of breeding and
~30% of males don’t
copulate at all)Young born 1 year later… males have no
way of knowing paternity
• Absolutely no male investment in offspring
beyond insemination
– Males often trample young to death in race to
jackals share
equally in care of
Both parents defend
territory and hunt
– When father
disappears, female
and offspring
typically die
Tamarins and Marmosets
Females produce
• Males and young
from previous years
carry one of the
– Females carrying both
newborn suffer 17%
reduction in leaping
Altricial vs precocial young
Lower male investment in species with
precocial young
– Higher in species with altricial young
• Monogomy higher in species with altricial
– Parental care becomes more even with males
helping in defense, mate guarding, providing
food, babysitting, providing shelter, grooming,
What causes males to become
good parent?
Hormonal changes (increased prolactin,
decreased testosterone)
– Delivered through female’s urine
– Also decrease infanticidal aggression
• Receptors in forebrain for vasopressin
triggered by interactions with young
– Also reinforces pair bonding
“released into the brain during sexual activity, initiates and sustains
patterns of activity that support the pair-bond between the sexual
partners; in particular, vasopressin seems to induce the male to
become aggressive towards other males”
Parental Care and Ecological
Extent of care varies from a few days to
several years
• Reproductive effort: energy expended and
risk taken for breeding that reduces repro.
success in future
– Reflect variety of decisions by parents: when
to breed, where to breed, when to abandon,
Environmental factors
Species in stable environments have
larger body size, develop more slowly, live
longer, and bear young at repeated
intervals (iteroparity) rather than all at
once (semelparity)
• K-selected: populations typically at or near
carrying capacity
– Intraspecific competition intense, emphasis on
producing few, high-quality offspring
Environmental conditions (cont’d)
Species in fluctuating environments have
high reproductive rates, rapid
development, and small body size and
provide little parental care
• Populations controlled by physical factors
and mortality is high (r-selected)
Other factors
Food abundance: scarce and limited food
favors high parental care
– Lots of effort in finding and killing prey
– Offspring need time to learn skills
Longer parental care, lower
reproductive output
Large-brained mammals with complex
social lives
– Need time to learn
one male, multiple females
– Greater reproductive variation in males than females
– Sexual selection causes sexual dimorphism
Resource defense polygyny
males defend areas
containing resources critical for reproduction, females
choose based on quality of territory
Female defense polygyny
females group together for protection, not reproductive purposes
Male dominance polygyny:
Male dominance polygyny: when males can’t control
resources or mates, males establish leks and advertise
• Single males perform most copulatory events
Hammer-headed fruit bat
Males “clank” to attract females
• Once chosen, copulate immediately
• Resume calling right after
– 6% of males=79% of mating
Scramble polygyny:
in absence of territories or
dominance, where females are highly dispersed males
become highly mobile during breeding season and
copulate with as many females over as wide an area as
occurs when densities are low
– less than 5% of mammals (most cases in
Primates, Carnivores, and Rodents
– Facultative: low densities
– Obligate: investment of male required for
successful rearing of offspring
one female, multiple males
– female investment in gametes exceeds males
so polyandry is very rare
– African wild dogs occasionally exhibit
Neuroendocrine control of mating
Hormones oxytocin and vasopressin
regulate behavior patterns associated with
– Formation of longterm pair bonds, defense of
nest/mates, levels of parental care
Endocrine control
Number of receptors for these hormones
differs in number between monogamous
and polygynous individuals
• Vasopressin provides aggression for